In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Sometimes, the human made disaster can be renamed World War Entertainment, just like the history of Crusaders Of Europe who invaded and claimed Palestine as their homeland for about 88 years or a few generations. By the new millenium, we can see the history repeats itself, but with supports of the Arabs or certain Arab leaders who didn't aware of Zionist' plan.
Later, Middle Easterners changed their position and 'welcome or treating the guests differently'. The almost neverending bloodsheds or conflicts cause a lot of problems for the local people there. Paganisme and hedonisme keep the humans below the 'animal standard'. Can the world change for a new one?
By force or diplomacy, any great annihilations can cause great 'God' Helps anyway for the true and clear path of position in history of mankind.
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