
Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

The map of the planet Terra for the next two decades and the future,InsyaAllah

By the name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

If God willing, the future of 'muslim' or moslem' world will be the interesting world of 'wonderful' Islam. The practice and the 'books', the implementation of great civilization of the 'world', power sharing, the walis(gabenors) of cities and nations. 'United We Rise, Divided We Reorganize'. The souls of 'united' or 'integrated' by the individual efforts and, the groups and, the regions under new focus, energy, source, motivations, leaderships, smart relations, and so on.
Be prepare! To be or not to be united in 'brainstorming session' for a new names of new united regions, continents, cultures, languages, backgrounds, history, geography etc. For exampli glantia (e.g), the new replacement for 'Oh! I See' or 'Organization of Islamic Conferences or countries' have to be opened to the former 'muslim majority nations' such as Andalus, Hungary, the Balkans, Philipine, India, etc but the current nations of 'minority population for muslim's souls' have to include the walis or the representatives of 'those nations'.
For a new map, a new name must be patented such as 'Integrated Nations' or 'based on 'i' nations or the alphabets of 'Alif' and 'Nun' in Arabic or Jawi letters. The headquarter can be in certain cities of 'citizen's choices', but no choice of war or 'bloodshed event'. This plan can be implemented sometimes in the 'future' if All of the 'i' nations' citizens reach the agreement and that agreement is called or based on 'Madinah' or 'Yathrib' agreement of the seventh century.
'The must to do lists' such as building the great 'Baitul Hik'mah' for spreading knowlegde system and 'Baitul Mal' for wealth distribution system must be set up since the fall of the last one, the sultans of Bani Othman. Muslims lost in time for the their greatness in knowlegde, technologies, musics for 'the pleasure of Allah', health , wealth , military, economy and so on for the great 'system'.
'If God willing,.... can be fulfilled or .....
Patent no. . ........ . ........ 9/1/1429H

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