In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
From the far away star, 7 sisters, or just from the one, the chosen one to reach this planet. How about who's who Izra'el? What kinds of civilization's he representing since the creation of Adam, Eve and the next generations and after generations? The messages of 'LOVE' or 'Evol' or 'Evolver', involving the current DNA links.From the sky, the heavens ... and the planET Earth. Please take notes from this message... the month of July, and the Plaeides, play this kind of... What's the games of ......
Be careful! This ancient message of a few thousand years since Enoch, Nabi Idris as moved from ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq) to Egypt, and then, he became the prophet who pioneered in astrology, written messages, sewings, etc. He's the chosen one.He, one of the prophet who's mentioned in 'the books'. He died after he asked 'the angel of death' to make him test/taste 'death', and he's shown in 'Muhammad saw / Ahmed', the visitor, during the journeys to heavens. He stayed at the third skygate, from certain 'jump' of the 'buraq' and archangel, Gabriel,kept as a companion of the special tour guides, to show "Our' signs.
patent ... . ....... .
Jumat, 30 Juli 2010
Rabu, 28 Juli 2010
The Symbols, The Signs, The Alphabets, and ....
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The time is locked at certain o'clock. But how can the time as a creation of The Creator, be used to determining the set of choices or frames per seconds, per pico s, nano, micro, centi, milli.. etc. The new technology of what's called nuclear time, shows some kind of faster time. Someone can travel all aound the world by just less than a day.
The unit of deklinometer (Egythian - Mesir - M Sir - Siir), the firmanature(s), fir - man - nature, of ..... near Thor, Tour, for tourism. Whe the prophet Moses saw the light, he asked his wives to stay at certain ......, and Moses received the revelation, to be the messenger and Moses asked for Aaron, prophet Harun as, to be his assistant, his cousin.
The civilizations need to change ... to worship The Creator of All Universe, and not to certain kinds of Al Latta, Al Uzza, and all of the idolaters, for whom they followed since. He's the another one, the masonic one, and he's proven to be in MEcca, he's expelled to the east, the eastern part of Sinai, Thursina, pointed toward the direction of 'Kaabah' with the Merkabah (please check the symbol etc) for the turning points of the 'Bani Isma'el'. The masonic one, allowed all of the worships, the people of MEcca, surprisingly, Persian and Roman, the two big pendulum, the equilibrium of the east and the west, the superpowers of those 'dark ages', jahiliah one, the stupidiotist one, refused to conquer MEcca because of 'the way of life', who could be started any war(s) just because of 'a camel incident' for 7 generations.
The signs, the great uses of shape(s), just like the placement of later 'Bakkah', and when the messenger, prophet Muhammad saw, Mohammadeen in Hebrew (Ibrani), the tongues for 'no bone' capabilities. But man has another one. How about woman? Whoa! Woo! Weeaauu! From the man's side, from the left side. The anatomy of a body, from the heart , inside out, and the stomach, storing the air, water, food etc. How about fasting? Circa a long time ago, the fasting of 40 days, or for today.. a month of the 9th month of lunar calendar. But the chinese' calendar which is lunar one, with the thirteen cycle, and it's the unlucky day or number for the especially western world, Friday 13.
The checker flag always, the mosaic of the shining one,... can be the power of influence among certain men and women. The games of the dam, the dam, the damn, the damage of the damagers, seem to show the creativities of the kids, the aliens, etc. The masonic one used to make human felt pure, and he's women to encircle 'Kaabah' for 7 cycles in nude at night, and for the men also, he's asked men to 'tawaf' 7 times during the bright daylight. The masonic one, who cheated the humans for his laughing matters, he's representing the fallen angels,the agenda of the agents.
The 'fatamorgana' of sa'i 7 cycles, between safar amd marwa, the thrown stones of the seven throws, and but we can eat camel, but we can't eat pig's parts / pork or anything amphibian 'frog' species or any kind of forbidden in the 'book'. But there's no more 7 times compulsory bathing after legal sexual contacts, but just one time only, The zero alcohol policy or drug to secure the mental status of human, the balance of the symetric - focus- walking, talking, etc. The school of .. and the dean of ... show some guidances to fit the 'human brain' and the physical appearance as the best 'creation of The Creators'.
patent .. ......... ....... .
The time is locked at certain o'clock. But how can the time as a creation of The Creator, be used to determining the set of choices or frames per seconds, per pico s, nano, micro, centi, milli.. etc. The new technology of what's called nuclear time, shows some kind of faster time. Someone can travel all aound the world by just less than a day.
The unit of deklinometer (Egythian - Mesir - M Sir - Siir), the firmanature(s), fir - man - nature, of ..... near Thor, Tour, for tourism. Whe the prophet Moses saw the light, he asked his wives to stay at certain ......, and Moses received the revelation, to be the messenger and Moses asked for Aaron, prophet Harun as, to be his assistant, his cousin.
The civilizations need to change ... to worship The Creator of All Universe, and not to certain kinds of Al Latta, Al Uzza, and all of the idolaters, for whom they followed since. He's the another one, the masonic one, and he's proven to be in MEcca, he's expelled to the east, the eastern part of Sinai, Thursina, pointed toward the direction of 'Kaabah' with the Merkabah (please check the symbol etc) for the turning points of the 'Bani Isma'el'. The masonic one, allowed all of the worships, the people of MEcca, surprisingly, Persian and Roman, the two big pendulum, the equilibrium of the east and the west, the superpowers of those 'dark ages', jahiliah one, the stupidiotist one, refused to conquer MEcca because of 'the way of life', who could be started any war(s) just because of 'a camel incident' for 7 generations.
The signs, the great uses of shape(s), just like the placement of later 'Bakkah', and when the messenger, prophet Muhammad saw, Mohammadeen in Hebrew (Ibrani), the tongues for 'no bone' capabilities. But man has another one. How about woman? Whoa! Woo! Weeaauu! From the man's side, from the left side. The anatomy of a body, from the heart , inside out, and the stomach, storing the air, water, food etc. How about fasting? Circa a long time ago, the fasting of 40 days, or for today.. a month of the 9th month of lunar calendar. But the chinese' calendar which is lunar one, with the thirteen cycle, and it's the unlucky day or number for the especially western world, Friday 13.
The checker flag always, the mosaic of the shining one,... can be the power of influence among certain men and women. The games of the dam, the dam, the damn, the damage of the damagers, seem to show the creativities of the kids, the aliens, etc. The masonic one used to make human felt pure, and he's women to encircle 'Kaabah' for 7 cycles in nude at night, and for the men also, he's asked men to 'tawaf' 7 times during the bright daylight. The masonic one, who cheated the humans for his laughing matters, he's representing the fallen angels,the agenda of the agents.
The 'fatamorgana' of sa'i 7 cycles, between safar amd marwa, the thrown stones of the seven throws, and but we can eat camel, but we can't eat pig's parts / pork or anything amphibian 'frog' species or any kind of forbidden in the 'book'. But there's no more 7 times compulsory bathing after legal sexual contacts, but just one time only, The zero alcohol policy or drug to secure the mental status of human, the balance of the symetric - focus- walking, talking, etc. The school of .. and the dean of ... show some guidances to fit the 'human brain' and the physical appearance as the best 'creation of The Creators'.
patent .. ......... ....... .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010
Astrology - Leo, Tiamat, .... Qiamat ?????????????
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
According to '' sources, there's some sort of links among Nibiru, Leo (star formation), Mayan_5126 years cycle - Sumerian - Clock... and planET Earth. When asteroids and meteors hit earth, Leo cycle ended about 13,363 years ago and the next cycle end in 2012 which means the calendar ends.
Be careful with the texts below from (Copy and paste and no change - I kept its originality - thanks to Mr ........ for his research)
According to Sitchin's interpretation of Sumerian cosmology, there is a undiscovered planet which follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years. This planet is called Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology). According to Sitchin, Nibiru collided catastrophically with Tiamat, another hypothetical planet located by Sitchin between Mars and Jupiter. This collision supposedly formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets. Tiamat, as outlined in the Enûma Elish, is a goddess. According to Sitchin, however, Tiamat may have been what we now know as Earth. When struck by one of planet Nibiru's moons, Tiamat split in two. On a second pass Nibiru itself struck the broken fragments and one half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt. The second half, struck again by one of Nibiru's moons, was pushed into a new orbit and became today's planet Earth.
Sitchin's theory "posits that, from an equal start, the Nefilim evolved on Nibiru 45 million years ahead of comparable development on earth with its decidedly more favorable environment. Such an outcome is unlikely, to say the least, since Nibiru would spend over 99% of its time beyond Pluto. Sitchin's explanation that heat from radioactive decay and a thick atmosphere keep Nibiru warm is absurd and does not address the problem of darkness in deep space. Also unexplained is how the Nefilim, who evolved long after Nibiru arrived, knew what happened when Nibiru first entered the solar system."[5]
According to Sitchin, Nibiru was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in the Bible. He claims they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. These "gods" were the rank and file workers of the colonial expedition to earth from planet Nibiru. Sitchin believes the Anunnaki genetically engineered Homo sapiens as slave creatures to work their gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus. Sitchin claims ancient inscriptions report that human civilization in Sumer of Mesopotamia was set up under the guidance of these "gods", and human kingship was inaugurated to provide intermediaries between mankind and the Anunnaki. Sitchin believes that fallout from nuclear weapons used during a war between factions of the extraterrestrials is the "evil wind" that destroyed Ur around 2000 BC (Sitchin claims the exact year is 2024 BC), described in the Lament for Ur.[6] Sitchin claims that his research coincides with many biblical texts, and that biblical texts come originally from Sumerian writings.
That's the points.......
I repeat here again and again, be careful, and May Allah save us from disasters and Allah, The Al Mighty can save us from the 'hellfire' and He will be The One Who rules Jugdement Day.
patent .. ......... ....... .
According to '' sources, there's some sort of links among Nibiru, Leo (star formation), Mayan_5126 years cycle - Sumerian - Clock... and planET Earth. When asteroids and meteors hit earth, Leo cycle ended about 13,363 years ago and the next cycle end in 2012 which means the calendar ends.
Be careful with the texts below from (Copy and paste and no change - I kept its originality - thanks to Mr ........ for his research)
According to Sitchin's interpretation of Sumerian cosmology, there is a undiscovered planet which follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years. This planet is called Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology). According to Sitchin, Nibiru collided catastrophically with Tiamat, another hypothetical planet located by Sitchin between Mars and Jupiter. This collision supposedly formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets. Tiamat, as outlined in the Enûma Elish, is a goddess. According to Sitchin, however, Tiamat may have been what we now know as Earth. When struck by one of planet Nibiru's moons, Tiamat split in two. On a second pass Nibiru itself struck the broken fragments and one half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt. The second half, struck again by one of Nibiru's moons, was pushed into a new orbit and became today's planet Earth.
Sitchin's theory "posits that, from an equal start, the Nefilim evolved on Nibiru 45 million years ahead of comparable development on earth with its decidedly more favorable environment. Such an outcome is unlikely, to say the least, since Nibiru would spend over 99% of its time beyond Pluto. Sitchin's explanation that heat from radioactive decay and a thick atmosphere keep Nibiru warm is absurd and does not address the problem of darkness in deep space. Also unexplained is how the Nefilim, who evolved long after Nibiru arrived, knew what happened when Nibiru first entered the solar system."[5]
According to Sitchin, Nibiru was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in the Bible. He claims they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. These "gods" were the rank and file workers of the colonial expedition to earth from planet Nibiru. Sitchin believes the Anunnaki genetically engineered Homo sapiens as slave creatures to work their gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus. Sitchin claims ancient inscriptions report that human civilization in Sumer of Mesopotamia was set up under the guidance of these "gods", and human kingship was inaugurated to provide intermediaries between mankind and the Anunnaki. Sitchin believes that fallout from nuclear weapons used during a war between factions of the extraterrestrials is the "evil wind" that destroyed Ur around 2000 BC (Sitchin claims the exact year is 2024 BC), described in the Lament for Ur.[6] Sitchin claims that his research coincides with many biblical texts, and that biblical texts come originally from Sumerian writings.
That's the points.......
I repeat here again and again, be careful, and May Allah save us from disasters and Allah, The Al Mighty can save us from the 'hellfire' and He will be The One Who rules Jugdement Day.
patent .. ......... ....... .
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010
Welcome to Connecticut,US of America
In The Name Of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
From Penang to KLIA, then from KLIA (Break at 5 star hotel in Seremban because the door failed to close - 747 Malaysian Airline System) to Narita Airport, Japan, Bradley International Airport, Los Angeles, and we did have a break at a hotel there (@August 1989). Afterwards, from LA to Midwest transit (747-American Airline), and reaching Boston,Mass. and Bradley Airport, Connecticut (upon a long river which is located about in the middle of CT land).
Joining with the brothers, we set the life in not only around New England but also North America especially USA and Canada (a tour there in August 1991). The student guide with the choice of researching by choosing the safest location to study and 'tourism' too. "Not Born In USA', we can study using student visa legally without 'illegal entry'. So, it's to be or not to be, it's up to you (me) to decide the right course of the journey. Highway 95 - North to South (odd number for N-S journey and vis-a-vis) is used for some journey, student associations, Malaysian and others, muslims etc. The Fall season's just began, but we'd get the first taste of white 'flourish' snow at New York, in the morning from a masjid after a morning prayer. And what (whos's feeling since)a good feeling of feeling, the feel of cold white snow raining down the front hall or porch but no ice cream (sorry).
After a semester, we joined the brothers including the housemates (religious one) to a journey to Midwest, staying in a budget hotel, and visiting 'The Arc' and the river, but later 'Flood of the century',a few year later after The First Gulf War - Operation Desert Storm, caused some reddish color sign was everywhere when it's visited a few years later.
Some memories near the White House, Federal Reserve Building when demonstrating against 'genocide in former Turkish Balkan Region - The Break-up of Yugoslavia' (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro). The very brutal, rape of ....., the world's watching as the witness from the radar screen and screens (screaming-streaming).The sadness, madness, happiness and 'whatever' are performed for the line of border(s) with the line of fire(s). May Allah (The Only One) blessed who passed away with the great numbers of death. And the tapes 're tapings, the rape of rapings, the plunder of the plunderers, in the form of 'human made destruction', and it's the art of war.
Starting from the beginning back, the raw deal with the raw material're set since for 'The New World Disorder - Post Glasnot and P...ka' and 'The New World Order' by Western Hemisphere especially by UN/USA. It's a post cold war, was won by the 'so-called .....'. The Berlin Wall ..... The Wall... Firewall.... etc.The new emerge.....
But????? Who's coming back? The New Superpowers such as Russian Federations, China, India,.... Persia (Iran), 'Isra'hell', France, , Japan, Brazil etc.And how about 'Middle Earth'? Integrated Nations .... And the new era begin.......
No hard feeling please! Thank you..
Pictures below:- means a lot of .... Once upon a time in USA. Connecticut ID, Brigdeport, Park Avenue,CT, White House,Washington District of Columbia_DC - May-1993 >> - Demonstration for Bosnia Herzegovina - Balkan, Trumbull Shopping Park junction_area, Federal Reserve Building, Mr Saffut Catovic ,BH Special Ambassador to UN on Oct 2nd. 1993 gave speech @ Islamic Council Of New England ,a small cute Arab American girl's holding the placard/banner, Mr Muhammad Ali (former boxer), US lawmakers/senator gave speech on Oct 2,1993,closed to afternoon/evening. A lot of muslim performed prayers over there @ afternoon. Announcement for taking care of rubbish - please throw in the garbage bag/tong.

patent .. ...... ....... .
From Penang to KLIA, then from KLIA (Break at 5 star hotel in Seremban because the door failed to close - 747 Malaysian Airline System) to Narita Airport, Japan, Bradley International Airport, Los Angeles, and we did have a break at a hotel there (@August 1989). Afterwards, from LA to Midwest transit (747-American Airline), and reaching Boston,Mass. and Bradley Airport, Connecticut (upon a long river which is located about in the middle of CT land).
Joining with the brothers, we set the life in not only around New England but also North America especially USA and Canada (a tour there in August 1991). The student guide with the choice of researching by choosing the safest location to study and 'tourism' too. "Not Born In USA', we can study using student visa legally without 'illegal entry'. So, it's to be or not to be, it's up to you (me) to decide the right course of the journey. Highway 95 - North to South (odd number for N-S journey and vis-a-vis) is used for some journey, student associations, Malaysian and others, muslims etc. The Fall season's just began, but we'd get the first taste of white 'flourish' snow at New York, in the morning from a masjid after a morning prayer. And what (whos's feeling since)a good feeling of feeling, the feel of cold white snow raining down the front hall or porch but no ice cream (sorry).
After a semester, we joined the brothers including the housemates (religious one) to a journey to Midwest, staying in a budget hotel, and visiting 'The Arc' and the river, but later 'Flood of the century',a few year later after The First Gulf War - Operation Desert Storm, caused some reddish color sign was everywhere when it's visited a few years later.
Some memories near the White House, Federal Reserve Building when demonstrating against 'genocide in former Turkish Balkan Region - The Break-up of Yugoslavia' (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro). The very brutal, rape of ....., the world's watching as the witness from the radar screen and screens (screaming-streaming).The sadness, madness, happiness and 'whatever' are performed for the line of border(s) with the line of fire(s). May Allah (The Only One) blessed who passed away with the great numbers of death. And the tapes 're tapings, the rape of rapings, the plunder of the plunderers, in the form of 'human made destruction', and it's the art of war.
Starting from the beginning back, the raw deal with the raw material're set since for 'The New World Disorder - Post Glasnot and P...ka' and 'The New World Order' by Western Hemisphere especially by UN/USA. It's a post cold war, was won by the 'so-called .....'. The Berlin Wall ..... The Wall... Firewall.... etc.The new emerge.....
But????? Who's coming back? The New Superpowers such as Russian Federations, China, India,.... Persia (Iran), 'Isra'hell', France, , Japan, Brazil etc.And how about 'Middle Earth'? Integrated Nations .... And the new era begin.......
No hard feeling please! Thank you..
Pictures below:- means a lot of .... Once upon a time in USA. Connecticut ID, Brigdeport, Park Avenue,CT, White House,Washington District of Columbia_DC - May-1993 >> - Demonstration for Bosnia Herzegovina - Balkan, Trumbull Shopping Park junction_area, Federal Reserve Building, Mr Saffut Catovic ,BH Special Ambassador to UN on Oct 2nd. 1993 gave speech @ Islamic Council Of New England ,a small cute Arab American girl's holding the placard/banner, Mr Muhammad Ali (former boxer), US lawmakers/senator gave speech on Oct 2,1993,closed to afternoon/evening. A lot of muslim performed prayers over there @ afternoon. Announcement for taking care of rubbish - please throw in the garbage bag/tong.

patent .. ...... ....... .
Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010
The Co...cident...dent,dean of..., accident,deen, Fader
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
A nation with 50 star and a star, seal of The Eagle, the clever or the .., the elephant logo(flag-party) and the smaller one, and how about the third party, or the conservative opinion. We can look at this special event.
Please check it out! Can you see the 'tierra...tierre,,,,, ? How? That's the facts of news. Check it out!
Thanks for you interest.....
patent .. .... ....... .
A nation with 50 star and a star, seal of The Eagle, the clever or the .., the elephant logo(flag-party) and the smaller one, and how about the third party, or the conservative opinion. We can look at this special event.
Please check it out! Can you see the 'tierra...tierre,,,,, ? How? That's the facts of news. Check it out!
Thanks for you interest.....
patent .. .... ....... .
Kamis, 22 Juli 2010
The Gate of Hope...... 2012...Invisibility
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
There's a planet, a cloning of planET Earth, here, 'Do they want to show up?' Why? How? The third one must be enlightened. The third one..... from the area of Middle ..
Speed, light, camera, actions can be used for good or goodness of civilized one. But the limit(s) of .... The need of guardians of civilization from inside and outside too. The arc... of the radar. The clue(s)... of ????? In the morning, Babilonian (Babylon) and the pyramid of guardians, the star(s) of the superstars, and the walk of the .....walker(s).
from Hollywood... and "Ibrani" source....
It's just a movie, moving frame(s) by frame(s). We can see the 'difference(s)' amongst the 'difference(s). Read the consequence(s)_........... before the end of .
patent .. ... ....... .
There's a planet, a cloning of planET Earth, here, 'Do they want to show up?' Why? How? The third one must be enlightened. The third one..... from the area of Middle ..
Speed, light, camera, actions can be used for good or goodness of civilized one. But the limit(s) of .... The need of guardians of civilization from inside and outside too. The arc... of the radar. The clue(s)... of ????? In the morning, Babilonian (Babylon) and the pyramid of guardians, the star(s) of the superstars, and the walk of the .....walker(s).
from Hollywood... and "Ibrani" source....
It's just a movie, moving frame(s) by frame(s). We can see the 'difference(s)' amongst the 'difference(s). Read the consequence(s)_........... before the end of .
patent .. ... ....... .
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010
Heaven or Hell, The Mystery of Music
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The Creator, created the angels, an arcangel, with name of "Israfil.. IsraFeel.... IsraFill...." or any similar one. Fill in the blank, Free (in French...Franc), get the feeling and Mason, my son, my sun,My Mars,My Marth, My Mac.... etc. Coincidently, Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, 7 rhythms, 7 signs, 7 steps or ... other meaning. Roman, C....s, the deaf who heard the twinkles of stars or night vision, who created the 7,,,, after trebble clef, tr... cliff, .... or similar one. The strings of guitar and how it is played without string, with new technology such as digital machine,computer, internet, etc.Bring it 'Ong' - the luck. From micro to nano..chips, eat the chips, chip of birds, from the branches of the tree(s), directories of songs in the spider system(internet) - "Al Ankabut".The bell of satan, Why? Satan answered to prophet John, satan wants to mix music with his bell for sinful / festival/ activities.
But how about the arcangel from certain way or milky way? The music, the r..thm, the song from multiple languages or ..... And here below, the exampli glantia (e.g), the .... of LED Zeppelin.
You can choose who's who behind the creative, the The One and Only One Creator, Who control the arcangels and the fallen angels, and it is now scientifically proven. But we need further investigation. Please help to send the messages for better life here in planET Earth and outside world or hereafter. "Allah's Great"..Thanks...
patent .. . ....... .
The Creator, created the angels, an arcangel, with name of "Israfil.. IsraFeel.... IsraFill...." or any similar one. Fill in the blank, Free (in French...Franc), get the feeling and Mason, my son, my sun,My Mars,My Marth, My Mac.... etc. Coincidently, Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, 7 rhythms, 7 signs, 7 steps or ... other meaning. Roman, C....s, the deaf who heard the twinkles of stars or night vision, who created the 7,,,, after trebble clef, tr... cliff, .... or similar one. The strings of guitar and how it is played without string, with new technology such as digital machine,computer, internet, etc.Bring it 'Ong' - the luck. From micro to nano..chips, eat the chips, chip of birds, from the branches of the tree(s), directories of songs in the spider system(internet) - "Al Ankabut".The bell of satan, Why? Satan answered to prophet John, satan wants to mix music with his bell for sinful / festival/ activities.
But how about the arcangel from certain way or milky way? The music, the r..thm, the song from multiple languages or ..... And here below, the exampli glantia (e.g), the .... of LED Zeppelin.
You can choose who's who behind the creative, the The One and Only One Creator, Who control the arcangels and the fallen angels, and it is now scientifically proven. But we need further investigation. Please help to send the messages for better life here in planET Earth and outside world or hereafter. "Allah's Great"..Thanks...
patent .. . ....... .
Senin, 19 Juli 2010
Blue Jeans, White Shirts, Shining Super Green Rainbow, Star-Cycle-Eye
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
In the middle of the night, a figure of a lady wearing blue jeans (she was a jinn-avatar) and a fair beautiful Caucasian face with a pair of very beautiful eyes. She's shown the great of the colors, shining-mosaic-illuminating, to be watched and for sure, the men must be careful of their actions.
We can see the differences between humans and jinns with the appearance of many signals. Why who're who became idolaters? For the sake of the world-lovers and 'afraid to die'-wahan. The video(s) by certain men has shown the great 'Arrival', who're behind the scenes of Harut and Marut or Krishna and Arjuna etc.
May 'Allah' help you later to understand why He choosed the guardian 'angels' or mysterious one.
patent .. ....... .
In the middle of the night, a figure of a lady wearing blue jeans (she was a jinn-avatar) and a fair beautiful Caucasian face with a pair of very beautiful eyes. She's shown the great of the colors, shining-mosaic-illuminating, to be watched and for sure, the men must be careful of their actions.
We can see the differences between humans and jinns with the appearance of many signals. Why who're who became idolaters? For the sake of the world-lovers and 'afraid to die'-wahan. The video(s) by certain men has shown the great 'Arrival', who're behind the scenes of Harut and Marut or Krishna and Arjuna etc.
May 'Allah' help you later to understand why He choosed the guardian 'angels' or mysterious one.
patent .. ....... .
Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010
Armageddon, Jugdement Day
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
According to special researches, words in AlFurqan, 115x world, 115x hereafter, angel and satan (88x), life and death (145x), interest(benefit) and loss(50x), hardship and patience (114x) and, man and woman (24x). Others including people and messenger(50x), iblis and prayer for protection from iblis(11x), disaster and thanks to Allah (75x), generous contribution and satisfaction (73x) and, alms and 'berkat'(32x). Muslim(moslem groups) and jihad (41x), astrayed people and death (17x), gold and generous life/phosperity (8x), miracle and 'fitnah' (60x), mind and light (49x), tongue and curse(25x), desire and fear (8x), public speaking and spreading messenges (18x). Others again, including prayer (5x), month (12x), year (365x), sea/ocean(32x) and land(13x). By using a formula, % for sea and lands respectively, 71.111% and 28.889% (from Nasrullah Rahim)
According to Scientific American magazine (December 1993), after good words (prayers), some areas -neuron-bio-electricity -unlimited connection- are activated. Washington University research - PET scan for unconcious-brain-rates activities. 14 millions (bioelectric-signals) from brains connecting to 16 millions around the body. (What are 'our signals?) Why western scientists became muslimin in mass? The's no mistakes in Al Qur'an.
And how about the Jugdement Day? Armageddon? The videos(3)below by some special researchers has shown 'the miracles of ........', or the magics of sex, the miracles of life/history around the planet/ plan ET/ universes since......
Thanks for your time, If God willing....
patent no. . ........ .
According to special researches, words in AlFurqan, 115x world, 115x hereafter, angel and satan (88x), life and death (145x), interest(benefit) and loss(50x), hardship and patience (114x) and, man and woman (24x). Others including people and messenger(50x), iblis and prayer for protection from iblis(11x), disaster and thanks to Allah (75x), generous contribution and satisfaction (73x) and, alms and 'berkat'(32x). Muslim(moslem groups) and jihad (41x), astrayed people and death (17x), gold and generous life/phosperity (8x), miracle and 'fitnah' (60x), mind and light (49x), tongue and curse(25x), desire and fear (8x), public speaking and spreading messenges (18x). Others again, including prayer (5x), month (12x), year (365x), sea/ocean(32x) and land(13x). By using a formula, % for sea and lands respectively, 71.111% and 28.889% (from Nasrullah Rahim)
According to Scientific American magazine (December 1993), after good words (prayers), some areas -neuron-bio-electricity -unlimited connection- are activated. Washington University research - PET scan for unconcious-brain-rates activities. 14 millions (bioelectric-signals) from brains connecting to 16 millions around the body. (What are 'our signals?) Why western scientists became muslimin in mass? The's no mistakes in Al Qur'an.
And how about the Jugdement Day? Armageddon? The videos(3)below by some special researchers has shown 'the miracles of ........', or the magics of sex, the miracles of life/history around the planet/ plan ET/ universes since......
Thanks for your time, If God willing....
patent no. . ........ .
Rabu, 14 Juli 2010
For Research and Educational Purpose..Be Careful!
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
In term of space, time, energy, matter .... spirit ... be extremely careful with these videos... But you can analyze a presentation here...
"Double click" for more, better youtube video...
Related to superman,......etc.... Better see Japanese cartoons "Captain Future".
Hello! Dear ....childs.... We can get one of the best game ever.
Thanks for your time.
. ..... ....... .
In term of space, time, energy, matter .... spirit ... be extremely careful with these videos... But you can analyze a presentation here...
"Double click" for more, better youtube video...
Related to superman,......etc.... Better see Japanese cartoons "Captain Future".
Hello! Dear ....childs.... We can get one of the best game ever.
Thanks for your time.
. ..... ....... .
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