In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
According to special researches, words in AlFurqan, 115x world, 115x hereafter, angel and satan (88x), life and death (145x), interest(benefit) and loss(50x), hardship and patience (114x) and, man and woman (24x). Others including people and messenger(50x), iblis and prayer for protection from iblis(11x), disaster and thanks to Allah (75x), generous contribution and satisfaction (73x) and, alms and 'berkat'(32x). Muslim(moslem groups) and jihad (41x), astrayed people and death (17x), gold and generous life/phosperity (8x), miracle and 'fitnah' (60x), mind and light (49x), tongue and curse(25x), desire and fear (8x), public speaking and spreading messenges (18x). Others again, including prayer (5x), month (12x), year (365x), sea/ocean(32x) and land(13x). By using a formula, % for sea and lands respectively, 71.111% and 28.889% (from Nasrullah Rahim)
According to Scientific American magazine (December 1993), after good words (prayers), some areas -neuron-bio-electricity -unlimited connection- are activated. Washington University research - PET scan for unconcious-brain-rates activities. 14 millions (bioelectric-signals) from brains connecting to 16 millions around the body. (What are 'our signals?) Why western scientists became muslimin in mass? The's no mistakes in Al Qur'an.
And how about the Jugdement Day? Armageddon? The videos(3)below by some special researchers has shown 'the miracles of ........', or the magics of sex, the miracles of life/history around the planet/ plan ET/ universes since......
Thanks for your time, If God willing....
patent no. . ........ .
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