In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
After Dominion, 2000 years late(r), we/you could see the firepowers of WW I and II, and the combinations of those two WWs did enter the area of Middle Earth/East. From the wills of who's who...., a lot of humans did enter into somekind of legal or illegal entry of WW Entertainments/Infotainments. The Olympians and the 12 colonies of "Battle Star Galatica", ">>son of Star Command", "2012", and so many Count(s) of Dracula I, II, III, IV etc. By starring into the news of planET Earth, the earthlings did allow some kind of extraordinary killings of the others who want to survive inside their own nation(s), who did struggle and who's who're ... continously in debts/terms of ..... Who did 911? ............ Fill in the blanks.
What're the great impacts of 911? Some did say about rich and poor, some did say about the bombs before the ...planes hit the towers/twin tower of World Financial Systems, or you name it/them......
The lists of the great impacts:
1)Ex-Pres. of USA got his rating up and ....survived by the second term, 2) super express cut of .... charities/ organizations involving the especially Palestinians causes/ worldwide impacts/ did suffer the frozen accounts, 3) Talibans(Afghanistan) Tower 1 and Iraq - Tower 2, got the hit and still running the amount of ..... super counting of death/body bags/ bombardments/ by 2010, 2011, 2012 .... firepowers of more than WWW I , II and III - Operation Desert Storm(s). Operation Desert Shields...Middle East/Asia can be considered as WW I of the 21st century, 4) The continous placements of ICBMs around Asia and Europe by the reasons of "IRAN" or indirectly around the parameter of "former Soviet Union(s) and China" around the globe,
5) More advantages of NASA - high tech - corridor of super 'open the sky policies' of western/New-Neo Western Roman empire >> of Capitalist Systems, 6)The coordinations to pinpoint the targets by the 'special program using webs/internets/invisible money/cashless society easily bankrupting a lot of young generations/nations slowly or suddenly, by pushing the button of credits or debits, 7) The control of the world news and stockmarkets by the big playmakers/ global companies, ..keep playing safely without jumping with the great smash or using the emergency 'stop button' if the systems start to hit the ground zero/hero, 8) Total control of WMDs under the global companies/ stockholders/ high stakes of investments involving the fuhrers of 'secret networking or connections on '101 how to play safely in terms of long terms of ..... graphs of 'world' politics, economy, social, nations under control of certain elites / society of 'to be part of the games/plans',
9) by satisfying the lusts, the glorious satanista of human sexual desires, lifestyles of poor clothings, riches by values, less by covers, richer than 'Richie Rich', or poorer than 'the former richest nation of Iraq and "wars of" Afghanistan', 10) be / by / bye-bye.. ways of the same things, using the history of the tall/2.5 km Tower of Babylon, and 72 languages / 188 cities of Enochian times/ Idris as did move from former Sumerian/Babylonian to Mesir/Egyptian land of Al Ahram - piramids of Nile river from the lake of ..... Victoria???? the river from paradise???/ time machine of ....., 11) History of tiamat, qiamat, Armageddon, the cities under threats of 'fire' will repeat itself under the new ledearships of ......20, 21st... or ...century, and no.12)............ we/you can list more and more until "life after life on the planET Earth" reach certain skygates or black holes or "The End of Time". How about 12.12. 2012 after midnight on that Friday?
patent .. ......... ......... .
Selasa, 28 September 2010
Minggu, 26 September 2010
Lobby! No Lobby! The lob of The ....... Why?
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
From Live recordings, we can hear and see the differences. From certain views of 'reality on the ground' 911 , and the other 911 calls. Lobby! Lobbyists! Can you stand the truth? Why? Censorships?
Is it possible if you read the super '6+5' clock, the strike of the century or millenium one?
JFK killing..confused by the world? Again 911...still , the world is confused? Whose plans? "The End" results, the lists as we believe "What .. the impacts on US-Israel realtions?.. "It's very good", by Benjamin Netanyahu comments???? Any more or moore??? Coincidently, by the way of deception... Dajjal..... Palestinian.. the great impacts of super tragedy... Lost of money...charities...funding of rebuilding ..... else.
Please further your own investigations. Unsolved mysterious connections or Satanista links of 'who obey your master'?????
patent .. ...... ......... .
From Live recordings, we can hear and see the differences. From certain views of 'reality on the ground' 911 , and the other 911 calls. Lobby! Lobbyists! Can you stand the truth? Why? Censorships?
Is it possible if you read the super '6+5' clock, the strike of the century or millenium one?
JFK killing..confused by the world? Again 911...still , the world is confused? Whose plans? "The End" results, the lists as we believe "What .. the impacts on US-Israel realtions?.. "It's very good", by Benjamin Netanyahu comments???? Any more or moore??? Coincidently, by the way of deception... Dajjal..... Palestinian.. the great impacts of super tragedy... Lost of money...charities...funding of rebuilding ..... else.
Please further your own investigations. Unsolved mysterious connections or Satanista links of 'who obey your master'?????
patent .. ...... ......... .
Sabtu, 18 September 2010
Satanista, Skipping G_d/God! Ritual of 911 Cults, This Is A Divine Intervention! World War Entertainment? Com' on, .....Not Tired of KiIllings?????
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
By the way of hipo..sis, researches, and websites, we/you can see 911 was an inside job and the outside jobs. From Pres....t Bush, Pan, Aiwass, Giza or Gila(Crazy), city of Zion/Lion, Aleister Crowley, Kabalisme, etc, with certain number of luck, the number is 11. From 12:00 or 0.0 o'clock, to 1+10, 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6, 6+5, 7+4, 8+3, 9+2, 10+1, is by mathematically, 11. The luck is somewhere the end results. The End, Tiamat, Qiamat, Doomday, Armageddon, The Ajjal, The Death, D'Ajjal, Dajjal, Antichrist ....and you name it. The clock's not about 12 midnight, it's about the doomday clock or possible WW III. But WW III's happening and keep continuously in cycle to let "Isra'hell'" overrun the enclavement/enslavement of Palestine, the Hollyland by the drunkard zionist(some of them did drink alcohol inside the abandon masjid around somewhere 'Tel Aviv'.)
Just like Ben Gurion,the first PM of .... who resigned after JFK refused to allow Isra... had the 'doomday boms', and JFK got killed by katsas/syayanim or agents of ..., the sickman of Europe (he's from Poland with declaration) did give the fiery opening speech after he succeeded the 'plan', haganah 1897-1947AD-50 years plot involving the helps of freemasons, Rothschilds etc, "If we are the Arabs, we won't have any agreement (peace) with Israel, we took their lands.... lands.... but that's 2000 years ago...".
911, the special emergency number, ....... kept the world confused. Who did 911? Which of which? Confused, by the way of deception,..... go to war. It's world wide conspiracy, it's called 'Fitnah Al Masih Dajjal'. All of the prophets did pray for the ... Who supported Satanic Verses? From whose opinions of satanisme. Who's Pan? According to Greek or ancient one, the male with two horns on his head. It's not about aliens, but the cover-up in order to accuse aliens did 911. The missiles, the look like of 747, the paint's changed, someone did show in about the Israeli 747's equipped with weapons, 747 can be controlled by remote control(s)/satellites, the insurances for those buildings're already bought. Please read, see. hear ..this blogger written typo... from 2007 in mostly English with the references.
The Antichrists/dajjal want Islam to be bashed continously, from Jews who wanted to kill Isa as/Jesus/Yesus, but he did succeed in term of piloting the 'flying object', Jesus/Isa as was a secret scientist/UFO pattern????? A very brilliant man after 11 years stay in Mesir/Egypt, did his secondary around Shang Ri La/ Tibet/ Yellow cloth, and he will return with 'yellow cloth'. For the last 3 years, he asked the jews of Nazar../Middle Earth... to change their attitudes. He did write Injil/Injail/Bible-original one did mention about Ahmad, Mohammaden, the last prophet. Who hid(e) the truth? The only virgin who got married with the last prophet's Aishah, daughter of the first caliphate/California. She was permitted by the sky agreement, and she mixed with the last one as a teenagers. How tall's she? This blogger heard about a proud father of his 12 years daughter in a bus (Brigdeport, Connecticut, USA, that his daughter's already 6' tall, towering figure/ big teenager/female one. So, it's logic, the last one, as his DNAs(as some human ...), was inside a(Chinese Great Navy Commander of Ming (muslims) Dynasty, (Muhammad) Ma Cheng Ho's almost 8' tall. Can you have the brain/drain/..rain?
The rituals of 911, did give a lot of problems for the number of muslim/populations and non-muslims including jews of NY who didn't know anything about 911 rituals, muslims, christians, and so many people all over the globe who died after especially911 ritualistic events. Was G.W. Bush Junior was shocked and the misinformations did a great misdeeds/mischief? Was he told in advance about 911? The answer is seemingly Yea/YAE/Yes. He's told by the katsas/syayanim, whose loyalties're to "Tel Aviv' than serve USA's /people interest. He nervously waited by reading upside down the book in that school. Some refused to say (lies) where was the exact location of Pres. George...Bush Jr at that moment. Unfortunately, CNN got her defeat by Fox News, the occassionally ... did show a sign of katsas/syayanim - agents of continuous warfare for USA-Former Soviet Union, in order to bring these 2 superpowers down/drown in debts before they (Antichrists/Dajjal(s) 30 of them) offer the help of 'money' to change the 'player/ play maker of the game' in similar comparison to NWO - HHH in wrestling play some jokes about that symbol of Baphomet, the ancient Scottish King,the mysterious, the hidden truth must be unveiled to the public. And, a blue logo plane as .. did say, "It is not an American Airline plane"/. It's a star and a circular symbol around that star. Hemmmmmm! What is that plane? It's a very,very, very, very, very, very, very, very fishy case of an aeroplane hit the tower? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????????????????????????? Why Rup.. Murdo.. Fox News(a lot of katsas/syayanim agents work with this company) modified/editted the scenes/frames in order to save Mossad's traces of lucky number 11, good luck number to save Isra'hell' budgets to kill more and more, or by way of deception, Thou! We shall go to war, again and again! Ops! This handsome old man got married with a Chinese one My goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why????????? Fox News kept fanning war with Iraq (please check it) and .... que sera sera and ...with Iran too.. Who wrote the scripts of the news of whose agenda/propaganda - pro Tel Aviv? It's very clear and 'present danger' for a lot of muslim /populations....... Later, as some researchers did prove about the modified/spoof/tricky one ..... Below, from the uneditted frames LIVE.... from Fox News.... Wow!
He's very eager to announce the 'unwaited one without any of kangaroo court decisions' to attack Afghanistan as prophet Musa as/Moses and Isa as/Jesus did asked by dream to Osama's mother, (suggesting)to ask his son, 'Please tell him to move to Afghanistan'.
And, Osama's mother did call General Bashir, who's targeted in chaotic(agents of ... by the way of deception,..) Sudan to allow her son ... to Afghanistan. Osama, the engineer of Laden... certain highways of Sudan did follow the advice(s). And, Sudan (Kahrtoum g..v..m..nt) got itself in safety zone but still unstable by the outside and inside jobs of chaos/mess especially from the southern part and western part/Darfur. Probably, Sudan could be the first one to be targetted by using Tim Osman/m- the code for Osama. General Bashir did follow the pressure to remove Hassan Turabi' influences from his government but the greedy... refused to back down, and they want more and more.... So the greedy.. suffer the punishments then. We/you can see/hear then.....
Dear readers, TQ... for spreading this divine intervention/ May G_d guide/reward you later in your life. They're just using the 'Joseph Goebels- Nazi' styles of propaganda/misinformations, kept telling lies continously until the people(some) start to believe .....
Did you know..Marvin Bush?
As a temporary chairman of ......Vrillion....or .....or one of ....., this blogger .. We have nothing against you, humans. We want peace!
patent . ......... ......... .
By the way of hipo..sis, researches, and websites, we/you can see 911 was an inside job and the outside jobs. From Pres....t Bush, Pan, Aiwass, Giza or Gila(Crazy), city of Zion/Lion, Aleister Crowley, Kabalisme, etc, with certain number of luck, the number is 11. From 12:00 or 0.0 o'clock, to 1+10, 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6, 6+5, 7+4, 8+3, 9+2, 10+1, is by mathematically, 11. The luck is somewhere the end results. The End, Tiamat, Qiamat, Doomday, Armageddon, The Ajjal, The Death, D'Ajjal, Dajjal, Antichrist ....and you name it. The clock's not about 12 midnight, it's about the doomday clock or possible WW III. But WW III's happening and keep continuously in cycle to let "Isra'hell'" overrun the enclavement/enslavement of Palestine, the Hollyland by the drunkard zionist(some of them did drink alcohol inside the abandon masjid around somewhere 'Tel Aviv'.)
Just like Ben Gurion,the first PM of .... who resigned after JFK refused to allow Isra... had the 'doomday boms', and JFK got killed by katsas/syayanim or agents of ..., the sickman of Europe (he's from Poland with declaration) did give the fiery opening speech after he succeeded the 'plan', haganah 1897-1947AD-50 years plot involving the helps of freemasons, Rothschilds etc, "If we are the Arabs, we won't have any agreement (peace) with Israel, we took their lands.... lands.... but that's 2000 years ago...".
911, the special emergency number, ....... kept the world confused. Who did 911? Which of which? Confused, by the way of deception,..... go to war. It's world wide conspiracy, it's called 'Fitnah Al Masih Dajjal'. All of the prophets did pray for the ... Who supported Satanic Verses? From whose opinions of satanisme. Who's Pan? According to Greek or ancient one, the male with two horns on his head. It's not about aliens, but the cover-up in order to accuse aliens did 911. The missiles, the look like of 747, the paint's changed, someone did show in about the Israeli 747's equipped with weapons, 747 can be controlled by remote control(s)/satellites, the insurances for those buildings're already bought. Please read, see. hear ..this blogger written typo... from 2007 in mostly English with the references.
The Antichrists/dajjal want Islam to be bashed continously, from Jews who wanted to kill Isa as/Jesus/Yesus, but he did succeed in term of piloting the 'flying object', Jesus/Isa as was a secret scientist/UFO pattern????? A very brilliant man after 11 years stay in Mesir/Egypt, did his secondary around Shang Ri La/ Tibet/ Yellow cloth, and he will return with 'yellow cloth'. For the last 3 years, he asked the jews of Nazar../Middle Earth... to change their attitudes. He did write Injil/Injail/Bible-original one did mention about Ahmad, Mohammaden, the last prophet. Who hid(e) the truth? The only virgin who got married with the last prophet's Aishah, daughter of the first caliphate/California. She was permitted by the sky agreement, and she mixed with the last one as a teenagers. How tall's she? This blogger heard about a proud father of his 12 years daughter in a bus (Brigdeport, Connecticut, USA, that his daughter's already 6' tall, towering figure/ big teenager/female one. So, it's logic, the last one, as his DNAs(as some human ...), was inside a(Chinese Great Navy Commander of Ming (muslims) Dynasty, (Muhammad) Ma Cheng Ho's almost 8' tall. Can you have the brain/drain/..rain?
The rituals of 911, did give a lot of problems for the number of muslim/populations and non-muslims including jews of NY who didn't know anything about 911 rituals, muslims, christians, and so many people all over the globe who died after especially911 ritualistic events. Was G.W. Bush Junior was shocked and the misinformations did a great misdeeds/mischief? Was he told in advance about 911? The answer is seemingly Yea/YAE/Yes. He's told by the katsas/syayanim, whose loyalties're to "Tel Aviv' than serve USA's /people interest. He nervously waited by reading upside down the book in that school. Some refused to say (lies) where was the exact location of Pres. George...Bush Jr at that moment. Unfortunately, CNN got her defeat by Fox News, the occassionally ... did show a sign of katsas/syayanim - agents of continuous warfare for USA-Former Soviet Union, in order to bring these 2 superpowers down/drown in debts before they (Antichrists/Dajjal(s) 30 of them) offer the help of 'money' to change the 'player/ play maker of the game' in similar comparison to NWO - HHH in wrestling play some jokes about that symbol of Baphomet, the ancient Scottish King,the mysterious, the hidden truth must be unveiled to the public. And, a blue logo plane as .. did say, "It is not an American Airline plane"/. It's a star and a circular symbol around that star. Hemmmmmm! What is that plane? It's a very,very, very, very, very, very, very, very fishy case of an aeroplane hit the tower? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????????????????????????? Why Rup.. Murdo.. Fox News(a lot of katsas/syayanim agents work with this company) modified/editted the scenes/frames in order to save Mossad's traces of lucky number 11, good luck number to save Isra'hell' budgets to kill more and more, or by way of deception, Thou! We shall go to war, again and again! Ops! This handsome old man got married with a Chinese one My goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why????????? Fox News kept fanning war with Iraq (please check it) and .... que sera sera and ...with Iran too.. Who wrote the scripts of the news of whose agenda/propaganda - pro Tel Aviv? It's very clear and 'present danger' for a lot of muslim /populations....... Later, as some researchers did prove about the modified/spoof/tricky one ..... Below, from the uneditted frames LIVE.... from Fox News.... Wow!
He's very eager to announce the 'unwaited one without any of kangaroo court decisions' to attack Afghanistan as prophet Musa as/Moses and Isa as/Jesus did asked by dream to Osama's mother, (suggesting)to ask his son, 'Please tell him to move to Afghanistan'.
And, Osama's mother did call General Bashir, who's targeted in chaotic(agents of ... by the way of deception,..) Sudan to allow her son ... to Afghanistan. Osama, the engineer of Laden... certain highways of Sudan did follow the advice(s). And, Sudan (Kahrtoum g..v..m..nt) got itself in safety zone but still unstable by the outside and inside jobs of chaos/mess especially from the southern part and western part/Darfur. Probably, Sudan could be the first one to be targetted by using Tim Osman/m- the code for Osama. General Bashir did follow the pressure to remove Hassan Turabi' influences from his government but the greedy... refused to back down, and they want more and more.... So the greedy.. suffer the punishments then. We/you can see/hear then.....
Dear readers, TQ... for spreading this divine intervention/ May G_d guide/reward you later in your life. They're just using the 'Joseph Goebels- Nazi' styles of propaganda/misinformations, kept telling lies continously until the people(some) start to believe .....
Did you know..Marvin Bush?
As a temporary chairman of ......Vrillion....or .....or one of ....., this blogger .. We have nothing against you, humans. We want peace!
patent . ......... ......... .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
The Cylonic Adam, Ceylon, Sri Langka, Jewel of Superwhite / Good smelling stone /The corner stone of Ka'abah
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, Adam and his spacecrafts did suffer a crash on the planEt Earth. After he spent about half day/800 years in high possibly Nibiru or the first skygate/stargate, he did catch Eve for his personal mission in order to continue DNAs of his generations. According to the prophet Muhammad saw, he landed on Ceylon island/Sri Lanka, his snake or symbol of IFO, Identified Flying Object did crash around the area of Isfahan, Iran, and Eve/Hawa did manage to land on the land od the desert or Judah. The destruction of the arrogant one/ the jinn one, did show the great project of nunthaku/space explorations, around the city of Bakkah or Makkatul Mukarramah. The super smelling jewels of 'heaven' by Adam and Eve/Hawa did show a lot of super high technological capabilities of certain great civilizations.
The references below show a lot of Hollywood ......
Words work......
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Once upon a time, Adam and his spacecrafts did suffer a crash on the planEt Earth. After he spent about half day/800 years in high possibly Nibiru or the first skygate/stargate, he did catch Eve for his personal mission in order to continue DNAs of his generations. According to the prophet Muhammad saw, he landed on Ceylon island/Sri Lanka, his snake or symbol of IFO, Identified Flying Object did crash around the area of Isfahan, Iran, and Eve/Hawa did manage to land on the land od the desert or Judah. The destruction of the arrogant one/ the jinn one, did show the great project of nunthaku/space explorations, around the city of Bakkah or Makkatul Mukarramah. The super smelling jewels of 'heaven' by Adam and Eve/Hawa did show a lot of super high technological capabilities of certain great civilizations.
The references below show a lot of Hollywood ......
Words work......
patent . ......... ......... .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Jumat, 17 September 2010
Good Pussy! Cat! The Technician of the Century
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
How are you? What is your name? Vas is das?.... Tired or very tired of human news.....
The cat, this is not the animated one from
Whoever torture animal(s), whether for fun/fighting just like cat vs dog(illegal game, and once upon a time in Malaysia(the legend-people's story), a hill(became lake) in Perak's doomed/flied/jumped to an area/village of Kelantan, while the villagers tried to have funfair by allowing cat and dog fought each other on the top of the villagers' roof,... he/she can enter hell. Really, this is the fact! Peace(Islam) and Love!
of words
patent . ........ ......... .
How are you? What is your name? Vas is das?.... Tired or very tired of human news.....
The cat, this is not the animated one from
Whoever torture animal(s), whether for fun/fighting just like cat vs dog(illegal game, and once upon a time in Malaysia(the legend-people's story), a hill(became lake) in Perak's doomed/flied/jumped to an area/village of Kelantan, while the villagers tried to have funfair by allowing cat and dog fought each other on the top of the villagers' roof,... he/she can enter hell. Really, this is the fact! Peace(Islam) and Love!
of words
patent . ........ ......... .
The Ancient Governments and the corner of 4!
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
After spending half day or (we can use Nibiru times/ Earthling 3600 years = 1 day) 360 days = 3600 years,/ or 1600 years = 1 day, half day = 800 years, Adam.Eve, Iblis, and the so-called snake, they got expelled/crashed from heaven (Annunaki-Nephilim- from the top to the bottom- by G-gravitional force). From the G of the host, the invisible one, or g-host/ghost, we(our spirit) did enter our body after 4 months of ... pregnancy.Life, the miracle one begin circa..... (date:time)-calender-time commander. Frankly, G_d control time(s), and He can do whatever He want to.
His powers're given to human beings to replace jinn in order to rule the world. Zeus/Zous = Ruler of the world, (this blogger has another blog push the translation button for inaccurate one, but please learn Malay language for more information/understanding about) 4 corner(world) of ancient governments and the other one, Badman/Batman/Rawana did interfere with the affair of Seri Rama/Ramayana(man) and Sita Devi/Sitta Devi(l)(woman)'s given license to persuade the male(Adam) since in 'heaven'. Because of 'greedy..', Adam lost his paradise. Iblis landed around possibly Virginia of Baisan/Baison land, Adam as's somewhere around the island of Ceylon/ Sri Langka. He did build the Adam's Bridge from that island to India. He did begin his journey to search Eve/Hawa (did land around Judah area), and they met at Arafah/pilgrimage area, sat on the hill as a chair, big size human beings at that time.
Pan in Greek language/meaning was a jinn with two horns on the head. So, it's seem 'no doubt' that the knowledge of jinn did show a lot of ancient beliefs, rituals, secret powers, mind controllers/conspirators to act accordingly to his 'devil(l)ish plans/agenda/propaganda'. So, it won't surprised if freemasons did claim about the first killing involving the Abel(Qabil(ah)) and Cain(C/Habil), about who's allowed to get married with... Iqlima or another one ... dark skin color. It's all about feeling in love! Love! The miracle of love, (did) someone started mass killing when someone killed his son around balkan 1990's before. And Jibra'il as/Gabriel (can) control(s) the power of wind(s)... seasons.. deserts.. hot / cold temperature.
Aleister Crowley... How about Pres...cott Bush- coincident ex-Pres. of USA, The Bold and The Beautiful, Dynasty of Oil, Fairchilds/Rothchilds actings, what's the real name of Morgan F...childs ,Hollywood Dynasty actress..... Is Patsy...? Norma Jean/ne = Marilyn Monroe..
From below..references..
Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley (pronounced /ˈkroʊli/), (12 October 1875 -- 1 December 1947), was a British occultist, writer, mountaineer, poet, and yogi.[1] He was an influential member in several occult organizations, including the Golden Dawn, the A∴A∴, and Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.),[2] and is best known today for his occult writings, especially The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema. He gained much notoriety during his lifetime, and was dubbed "The Wickedest Man In the World."Crowley was also a chess player, painter, astrologer, hedonist, bisexual,[2] drug experimenter,
His friend and former Golden Dawn associate, Allan Bennett, introduced him to the ideas of Buddhism,[22] while Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, acting leader of the Golden Dawn organization, acted as his early mentor in western magic but would later become his enemy. Several decades after Crowley's participation in the Golden Dawn, Mathers claimed copyright protection over a particular ritual and sued Crowley for infringement after Crowley's public display of the ritual. While the public trial continued, both Mathers and Crowley claimed to call forth armies of demons and angels to fight on behalf of their summoner.[citation needed] Both also developed and carried complex Seal of Solomon amulets and talismans.In October of 1901, after practising Raja Yoga for some time, he said he had reached a state he called dhyana—one of many states of unification in thoughts that are described in Magick (Liber ABA) (See Crowley on egolessness).[24] 1902 saw him writing the essay Berashith (the first word of Genesis), in which he gave meditation (or restraint of the mind to a single object) as the means of attaining his goal. The essay describes ceremonial magick as a means of training the will, and of constantly directing one's thoughts to a given object through ritual. In his 1903 essay, Science and Matter, Crowley urged an empirical approach to Buddhist teachings.The Beatles featured Crowley on the front cover of their eighth album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. He's the second cut-out on the first row.
Ozzy Osbourne released a song titled "Mr. Crowley" on his solo album Blizzard of Ozz. A comparison between Crowley and Osbourne in the context of their media portrayals can be found in the Journal of Religion and Popular Culture.[92]Queen Quotes Crowley is a track on Porcupine Tree's first album, On The Sunday Of Life.
Iron Maiden has recorded tracks that refer to Crowley including "Moonchild" from Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, "Revelations" from Piece of Mind and "Powerslave" from Powerslave.
D.Gray-man A character sharing the same/similar name (depends on translation) of a similar background.
Ernest Hemingway references Crowley in his memoir "A Moveable Feast". In it, Ford Maddox Ford claims to have "cut" a man he thinks was Hilaire Belloc, but which in fact turns out to be "Alestair Crowley, the diabolist"[93] .
Crowley himself, albeit with a slightly different fact that he was the greatest magician in magic history and a renowned scientist, appears as the master of the Academy city, the capital of psychic characters in the light novel series To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Chemical Wedding is a movie from 2008 where an old lecturer at Cambridge becomes Aleister Crowley. Written by Bruce Dickinson and Julian Doyle.
According to the 100 Greatest Britons, a BBC broadcast in 2002, Crowley ranked 73.
In the song Quicksand on his 1971 album Hunky Dory, David Bowie sings : "I'm closer to the Golden Dawn, Immersed in Crowley's uniform of imagery". end of sources....
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After spending half day or (we can use Nibiru times/ Earthling 3600 years = 1 day) 360 days = 3600 years,/ or 1600 years = 1 day, half day = 800 years, Adam.Eve, Iblis, and the so-called snake, they got expelled/crashed from heaven (Annunaki-Nephilim- from the top to the bottom- by G-gravitional force). From the G of the host, the invisible one, or g-host/ghost, we(our spirit) did enter our body after 4 months of ... pregnancy.Life, the miracle one begin circa..... (date:time)-calender-time commander. Frankly, G_d control time(s), and He can do whatever He want to.
His powers're given to human beings to replace jinn in order to rule the world. Zeus/Zous = Ruler of the world, (this blogger has another blog push the translation button for inaccurate one, but please learn Malay language for more information/understanding about) 4 corner(world) of ancient governments and the other one, Badman/Batman/Rawana did interfere with the affair of Seri Rama/Ramayana(man) and Sita Devi/Sitta Devi(l)(woman)'s given license to persuade the male(Adam) since in 'heaven'. Because of 'greedy..', Adam lost his paradise. Iblis landed around possibly Virginia of Baisan/Baison land, Adam as's somewhere around the island of Ceylon/ Sri Langka. He did build the Adam's Bridge from that island to India. He did begin his journey to search Eve/Hawa (did land around Judah area), and they met at Arafah/pilgrimage area, sat on the hill as a chair, big size human beings at that time.
Pan in Greek language/meaning was a jinn with two horns on the head. So, it's seem 'no doubt' that the knowledge of jinn did show a lot of ancient beliefs, rituals, secret powers, mind controllers/conspirators to act accordingly to his 'devil(l)ish plans/agenda/propaganda'. So, it won't surprised if freemasons did claim about the first killing involving the Abel(Qabil(ah)) and Cain(C/Habil), about who's allowed to get married with... Iqlima or another one ... dark skin color. It's all about feeling in love! Love! The miracle of love, (did) someone started mass killing when someone killed his son around balkan 1990's before. And Jibra'il as/Gabriel (can) control(s) the power of wind(s)... seasons.. deserts.. hot / cold temperature.
Aleister Crowley... How about Pres...cott Bush- coincident ex-Pres. of USA, The Bold and The Beautiful, Dynasty of Oil, Fairchilds/Rothchilds actings, what's the real name of Morgan F...childs ,Hollywood Dynasty actress..... Is Patsy...? Norma Jean/ne = Marilyn Monroe..
From below..references..
Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley (pronounced /ˈkroʊli/), (12 October 1875 -- 1 December 1947), was a British occultist, writer, mountaineer, poet, and yogi.[1] He was an influential member in several occult organizations, including the Golden Dawn, the A∴A∴, and Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.),[2] and is best known today for his occult writings, especially The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema. He gained much notoriety during his lifetime, and was dubbed "The Wickedest Man In the World."Crowley was also a chess player, painter, astrologer, hedonist, bisexual,[2] drug experimenter,
His friend and former Golden Dawn associate, Allan Bennett, introduced him to the ideas of Buddhism,[22] while Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, acting leader of the Golden Dawn organization, acted as his early mentor in western magic but would later become his enemy. Several decades after Crowley's participation in the Golden Dawn, Mathers claimed copyright protection over a particular ritual and sued Crowley for infringement after Crowley's public display of the ritual. While the public trial continued, both Mathers and Crowley claimed to call forth armies of demons and angels to fight on behalf of their summoner.[citation needed] Both also developed and carried complex Seal of Solomon amulets and talismans.In October of 1901, after practising Raja Yoga for some time, he said he had reached a state he called dhyana—one of many states of unification in thoughts that are described in Magick (Liber ABA) (See Crowley on egolessness).[24] 1902 saw him writing the essay Berashith (the first word of Genesis), in which he gave meditation (or restraint of the mind to a single object) as the means of attaining his goal. The essay describes ceremonial magick as a means of training the will, and of constantly directing one's thoughts to a given object through ritual. In his 1903 essay, Science and Matter, Crowley urged an empirical approach to Buddhist teachings.The Beatles featured Crowley on the front cover of their eighth album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. He's the second cut-out on the first row.
Ozzy Osbourne released a song titled "Mr. Crowley" on his solo album Blizzard of Ozz. A comparison between Crowley and Osbourne in the context of their media portrayals can be found in the Journal of Religion and Popular Culture.[92]Queen Quotes Crowley is a track on Porcupine Tree's first album, On The Sunday Of Life.
Iron Maiden has recorded tracks that refer to Crowley including "Moonchild" from Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, "Revelations" from Piece of Mind and "Powerslave" from Powerslave.
D.Gray-man A character sharing the same/similar name (depends on translation) of a similar background.
Ernest Hemingway references Crowley in his memoir "A Moveable Feast". In it, Ford Maddox Ford claims to have "cut" a man he thinks was Hilaire Belloc, but which in fact turns out to be "Alestair Crowley, the diabolist"[93] .
Crowley himself, albeit with a slightly different fact that he was the greatest magician in magic history and a renowned scientist, appears as the master of the Academy city, the capital of psychic characters in the light novel series To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Chemical Wedding is a movie from 2008 where an old lecturer at Cambridge becomes Aleister Crowley. Written by Bruce Dickinson and Julian Doyle.
According to the 100 Greatest Britons, a BBC broadcast in 2002, Crowley ranked 73.
In the song Quicksand on his 1971 album Hunky Dory, David Bowie sings : "I'm closer to the Golden Dawn, Immersed in Crowley's uniform of imagery". end of sources....
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Kamis, 09 September 2010
The False Flag, Super Lavon Affairs, Greed, (Black Gold)Oil Men, Jewels of Afghanistan
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, circa 11 months before the great news(profitable one) of 911, the cabal one, the third party one, the conservative of the West did know something very fishy about 911. The loose change/ chains of DNAs kept exposing the worldwide greed/ greatness of ...... The greedy one, did cause Adam lost his 'paradises'. He did cry a lot for a lot of years until his prayers's accepted, the sunrise (Lucifer/sign)-morning/mourning one began to give him hope. Nope! Until he met Hawa/Hot one, Eve/ning, his sunset queen at Arafah.
For the ancient map of Sheba and Dedan, and Javan of Anatolian Peninsular/ Asia Minor, and after fortnight, and/or 40, in Gregorian year and Lunar Hijrah year, we/you can see the maps of Twilight Zone, Makkah and Madinah, without the third one, the Cabal one, Masjidil Aqsa and city of Al Quds/ Jurasalem/ Lion /Zion, the forbidden city after the mass exodus/expulsion for great/greta punishments especially those Yahoodi/Jews. According to old agreement/testimentia/ Thorah, they must/ have to be loyaled to the other nation(s) without any political ambition.
If they disobey, the cartoon below from web, did show something about the false flags. the secret plotter would potray who's who the agressors/the invaders as weak as, as .... as, the messiah one, the western leaderships by USA, who's who to rescue, "Escape From New York" after repetitive phrases/prayers/ the fulfilling one from Hollywood films about 'Terrorists Attacks". Any "Escape From Los Angeles", whether from anti-.......... to ........ disasters're shown around by TV/webs/satellite PCs. The PCs/ Political Correctness/es of ........ you name it.

We/You can see/hear a lot of my references (hopefully more - the truth) about 911 only or circa 10,000 years ago or 40,000 years ago or 50,000 years ago or 2,000,000 years ago with the signs of sinusoidal wave in the cave from certain area. Zodiac of Leo timing / Years after the Life After People did give a lot of signs about the snake of Isfahan (The Nephilim one), Baison/Baisan Land of where's where, and Ceylon/Cylons(Star Wars) of Ceylonians.
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Once upon a time, circa 11 months before the great news(profitable one) of 911, the cabal one, the third party one, the conservative of the West did know something very fishy about 911. The loose change/ chains of DNAs kept exposing the worldwide greed/ greatness of ...... The greedy one, did cause Adam lost his 'paradises'. He did cry a lot for a lot of years until his prayers's accepted, the sunrise (Lucifer/sign)-morning/mourning one began to give him hope. Nope! Until he met Hawa/Hot one, Eve/ning, his sunset queen at Arafah.
For the ancient map of Sheba and Dedan, and Javan of Anatolian Peninsular/ Asia Minor, and after fortnight, and/or 40, in Gregorian year and Lunar Hijrah year, we/you can see the maps of Twilight Zone, Makkah and Madinah, without the third one, the Cabal one, Masjidil Aqsa and city of Al Quds/ Jurasalem/ Lion /Zion, the forbidden city after the mass exodus/expulsion for great/greta punishments especially those Yahoodi/Jews. According to old agreement/testimentia/ Thorah, they must/ have to be loyaled to the other nation(s) without any political ambition.
If they disobey, the cartoon below from web, did show something about the false flags. the secret plotter would potray who's who the agressors/the invaders as weak as, as .... as, the messiah one, the western leaderships by USA, who's who to rescue, "Escape From New York" after repetitive phrases/prayers/ the fulfilling one from Hollywood films about 'Terrorists Attacks". Any "Escape From Los Angeles", whether from anti-.......... to ........ disasters're shown around by TV/webs/satellite PCs. The PCs/ Political Correctness/es of ........ you name it.

We/You can see/hear a lot of my references (hopefully more - the truth) about 911 only or circa 10,000 years ago or 40,000 years ago or 50,000 years ago or 2,000,000 years ago with the signs of sinusoidal wave in the cave from certain area. Zodiac of Leo timing / Years after the Life After People did give a lot of signs about the snake of Isfahan (The Nephilim one), Baison/Baisan Land of where's where, and Ceylon/Cylons(Star Wars) of Ceylonians.
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The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Selasa, 07 September 2010
Fallen Love, Lucifer, Cut of From ...., Nephilim, The Strike /Cross Bow of Syayathin...
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
One of the king, did (plan and ask) a lot of build the great super palace of Cindarela/ Cindralella/ CintaRaellah/ ChitraRahilah/ CintaRachel/ Chindra-Laylah/ Cindai Laila. After the completion of the great super jewelries/ accessories of the Pa-La-ce/ PAL-ACE/AGE, he died suddenly without the official opening one. Where's that Palace? The pyramids were near the beaches around the current beaches. How about the Artic one and the Antartica one? The red sun of Nibiru, from Antartical view. We/you need further investigations. Can the videos help our findings?
THe DNA-bloodlines of .... who's who, the architect of that palace, the big size human from Adam, the black mud of where's where (better search the words of Al Qur'an about the (black)mud one)areas around the beaches of Lemurian civilizations. Can we see the clues? The mother of all indexes is actually 'no doubt' Al Qur'an. Please check the video of Lucifer! From the winged man(men) to the art of 'world accessories' woman(women). Fairy tales!
Please compare with the Yakutia one! Who's Lucifer? What kind(s) of Order(s)?
Say you talk no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, touch no evil for angelic one...
Please check it! We/you can find the great one, which unveil(s) the super secret of the underworlds/ darkness inside darkness including idolaters, alcoholisme, gambling and horoscope .. ananynomous,the /great/greta/greater anarchy(ies)...of hellish actions...
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One of the king, did (plan and ask) a lot of build the great super palace of Cindarela/ Cindralella/ CintaRaellah/ ChitraRahilah/ CintaRachel/ Chindra-Laylah/ Cindai Laila. After the completion of the great super jewelries/ accessories of the Pa-La-ce/ PAL-ACE/AGE, he died suddenly without the official opening one. Where's that Palace? The pyramids were near the beaches around the current beaches. How about the Artic one and the Antartica one? The red sun of Nibiru, from Antartical view. We/you need further investigations. Can the videos help our findings?
THe DNA-bloodlines of .... who's who, the architect of that palace, the big size human from Adam, the black mud of where's where (better search the words of Al Qur'an about the (black)mud one)areas around the beaches of Lemurian civilizations. Can we see the clues? The mother of all indexes is actually 'no doubt' Al Qur'an. Please check the video of Lucifer! From the winged man(men) to the art of 'world accessories' woman(women). Fairy tales!
Please compare with the Yakutia one! Who's Lucifer? What kind(s) of Order(s)?
Say you talk no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, touch no evil for angelic one...
Please check it! We/you can find the great one, which unveil(s) the super secret of the underworlds/ darkness inside darkness including idolaters, alcoholisme, gambling and horoscope .. ananynomous,the /great/greta/greater anarchy(ies)...of hellish actions...
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The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Kamis, 02 September 2010
The 9, Andromeda, Don't Be Sad.....
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The animal kingdom of heavens, the blue planET Earth, the Nibiru one @12.00 0r 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second, midnight of Gregorian year, 12/12/2012AD Mayanic one, 1/2 day of Nibiru is equal to 800 years time of planET Earth, and the old banana style of wavy circular orbit around the galatica sun is set to be aligned by 25,800 years of planET Earth.
The prediction by using the internet surveys did show some predictable events but when is the right time, for que sera sera. For exampli glantia, the wave of earthquakes frequency around the planET Earth, tsunami especially 26/12 date of 700 years cycle around Hindi ocean by US researchers and counting one, the impacts of the orbital motion of milky ways (birma sakti)including its zodiacs years and preparing one, and others ex-cetera/. The extra ordinary motion of the planET Earth such as the L shape of gearing magma/the moving mountain, did give some adjustment for the season and its ending.
Tired of human news, please spend some of ...time here for animal news. Aha!
Footing the food of a lifetime........
For a play or funfair of wildlife....... or hungry one, angry one....
Did Qabil/Cain see the quarrel of two birds, after a bird die fighting, another one did the grave digging for its enemy (same species)? Did the human species respect his arch-enemy dead body? Did they dig the proper graves? How about the young one, who did match into Causcus region while the women did lining up/ oppose the operation of mass killings and destructions circa the Fall of Glasnot and Pest....ka? Why the veterans of WWII from that Caucus region especially Chechnya feel shocked by the way of war using WMDs without regards of life and death of humans, animals, tree, cities etc? Some of them claimed the Berlin siege're planned better than the brutal continouos wars around the button/batton of 'war'.
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The animal kingdom of heavens, the blue planET Earth, the Nibiru one @12.00 0r 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second, midnight of Gregorian year, 12/12/2012AD Mayanic one, 1/2 day of Nibiru is equal to 800 years time of planET Earth, and the old banana style of wavy circular orbit around the galatica sun is set to be aligned by 25,800 years of planET Earth.
The prediction by using the internet surveys did show some predictable events but when is the right time, for que sera sera. For exampli glantia, the wave of earthquakes frequency around the planET Earth, tsunami especially 26/12 date of 700 years cycle around Hindi ocean by US researchers and counting one, the impacts of the orbital motion of milky ways (birma sakti)including its zodiacs years and preparing one, and others ex-cetera/. The extra ordinary motion of the planET Earth such as the L shape of gearing magma/the moving mountain, did give some adjustment for the season and its ending.
Tired of human news, please spend some of ...time here for animal news. Aha!
Footing the food of a lifetime........
For a play or funfair of wildlife....... or hungry one, angry one....
Did Qabil/Cain see the quarrel of two birds, after a bird die fighting, another one did the grave digging for its enemy (same species)? Did the human species respect his arch-enemy dead body? Did they dig the proper graves? How about the young one, who did match into Causcus region while the women did lining up/ oppose the operation of mass killings and destructions circa the Fall of Glasnot and Pest....ka? Why the veterans of WWII from that Caucus region especially Chechnya feel shocked by the way of war using WMDs without regards of life and death of humans, animals, tree, cities etc? Some of them claimed the Berlin siege're planned better than the brutal continouos wars around the button/batton of 'war'.
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