
Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Satanista, Skipping G_d/God! Ritual of 911 Cults, This Is A Divine Intervention! World War Entertainment? Com' on, .....Not Tired of KiIllings?????

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

By the way of hipo..sis, researches, and websites, we/you can see 911 was an inside job and the outside jobs. From Pres....t Bush, Pan, Aiwass, Giza or Gila(Crazy), city of Zion/Lion, Aleister Crowley, Kabalisme, etc, with certain number of luck, the number is 11. From 12:00 or 0.0 o'clock, to 1+10, 2+9, 3+8, 4+7, 5+6, 6+5, 7+4, 8+3, 9+2, 10+1, is by mathematically, 11. The luck is somewhere the end results. The End, Tiamat, Qiamat, Doomday, Armageddon, The Ajjal, The Death, D'Ajjal, Dajjal, Antichrist ....and you name it. The clock's not about 12 midnight, it's about the doomday clock or possible WW III. But WW III's happening and keep continuously in cycle to let "Isra'hell'" overrun the enclavement/enslavement of Palestine, the Hollyland by the drunkard zionist(some of them did drink alcohol inside the abandon masjid around somewhere 'Tel Aviv'.)
Just like Ben Gurion,the first PM of .... who resigned after JFK refused to allow Isra... had the 'doomday boms', and JFK got killed by katsas/syayanim or agents of ..., the sickman of Europe (he's from Poland with declaration) did give the fiery opening speech after he succeeded the 'plan', haganah 1897-1947AD-50 years plot involving the helps of freemasons, Rothschilds etc, "If we are the Arabs, we won't have any agreement (peace) with Israel, we took their lands.... lands.... but that's 2000 years ago...".
911, the special emergency number, ....... kept the world confused. Who did 911? Which of which? Confused, by the way of deception,..... go to war. It's world wide conspiracy, it's called 'Fitnah Al Masih Dajjal'. All of the prophets did pray for the ... Who supported Satanic Verses? From whose opinions of satanisme. Who's Pan? According to Greek or ancient one, the male with two horns on his head. It's not about aliens, but the cover-up in order to accuse aliens did 911. The missiles, the look like of 747, the paint's changed, someone did show in about the Israeli 747's equipped with weapons, 747 can be controlled by remote control(s)/satellites, the insurances for those buildings're already bought. Please read, see. hear ..this blogger written typo... from 2007 in mostly English with the references.
The Antichrists/dajjal want Islam to be bashed continously, from Jews who wanted to kill Isa as/Jesus/Yesus, but he did succeed in term of piloting the 'flying object', Jesus/Isa as was a secret scientist/UFO pattern????? A very brilliant man after 11 years stay in Mesir/Egypt, did his secondary around Shang Ri La/ Tibet/ Yellow cloth, and he will return with 'yellow cloth'. For the last 3 years, he asked the jews of Nazar../Middle Earth... to change their attitudes. He did write Injil/Injail/Bible-original one did mention about Ahmad, Mohammaden, the last prophet. Who hid(e) the truth? The only virgin who got married with the last prophet's Aishah, daughter of the first caliphate/California. She was permitted by the sky agreement, and she mixed with the last one as a teenagers. How tall's she? This blogger heard about a proud father of his 12 years daughter in a bus (Brigdeport, Connecticut, USA, that his daughter's already 6' tall, towering figure/ big teenager/female one. So, it's logic, the last one, as his DNAs(as some human ...), was inside a(Chinese Great Navy Commander of Ming (muslims) Dynasty, (Muhammad) Ma Cheng Ho's almost 8' tall. Can you have the brain/drain/..rain?
The rituals of 911, did give a lot of problems for the number of muslim/populations and non-muslims including jews of NY who didn't know anything about 911 rituals, muslims, christians, and so many people all over the globe who died after especially911 ritualistic events. Was G.W. Bush Junior was shocked and the misinformations did a great misdeeds/mischief? Was he told in advance about 911? The answer is seemingly Yea/YAE/Yes. He's told by the katsas/syayanim, whose loyalties're to "Tel Aviv' than serve USA's /people interest. He nervously waited by reading upside down the book in that school. Some refused to say (lies) where was the exact location of Pres. George...Bush Jr at that moment. Unfortunately, CNN got her defeat by Fox News, the occassionally ... did show a sign of katsas/syayanim - agents of continuous warfare for USA-Former Soviet Union, in order to bring these 2 superpowers down/drown in debts before they (Antichrists/Dajjal(s) 30 of them) offer the help of 'money' to change the 'player/ play maker of the game' in similar comparison to NWO - HHH in wrestling play some jokes about that symbol of Baphomet, the ancient Scottish King,the mysterious, the hidden truth must be unveiled to the public. And, a blue logo plane as .. did say, "It is not an American Airline plane"/. It's a star and a circular symbol around that star. Hemmmmmm! What is that plane? It's a very,very, very, very, very, very, very, very fishy case of an aeroplane hit the tower? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????????????????????????? Why Rup.. Murdo.. Fox News(a lot of katsas/syayanim agents work with this company) modified/editted the scenes/frames in order to save Mossad's traces of lucky number 11, good luck number to save Isra'hell' budgets to kill more and more, or by way of deception, Thou! We shall go to war, again and again! Ops! This handsome old man got married with a Chinese one My goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why????????? Fox News kept fanning war with Iraq (please check it) and .... que sera sera and ...with Iran too.. Who wrote the scripts of the news of whose agenda/propaganda - pro Tel Aviv? It's very clear and 'present danger' for a lot of muslim /populations....... Later, as some researchers did prove about the modified/spoof/tricky one ..... Below, from the uneditted frames LIVE.... from Fox News.... Wow!

He's very eager to announce the 'unwaited one without any of kangaroo court decisions' to attack Afghanistan as prophet Musa as/Moses and Isa as/Jesus did asked by dream to Osama's mother, (suggesting)to ask his son, 'Please tell him to move to Afghanistan'.
And, Osama's mother did call General Bashir, who's targeted in chaotic(agents of ... by the way of deception,..) Sudan to allow her son ... to Afghanistan. Osama, the engineer of Laden... certain highways of Sudan did follow the advice(s). And, Sudan (Kahrtoum g..v..m..nt) got itself in safety zone but still unstable by the outside and inside jobs of chaos/mess especially from the southern part and western part/Darfur. Probably, Sudan could be the first one to be targetted by using Tim Osman/m- the code for Osama. General Bashir did follow the pressure to remove Hassan Turabi' influences from his government but the greedy... refused to back down, and they want more and more.... So the greedy.. suffer the punishments then. We/you can see/hear then.....
Dear readers, TQ... for spreading this divine intervention/ May G_d guide/reward you later in your life. They're just using the 'Joseph Goebels- Nazi' styles of propaganda/misinformations, kept telling lies continously until the people(some) start to believe .....

Did you know..Marvin Bush?
As a temporary chairman of ......Vrillion....or .....or one of ....., this blogger .. We have nothing against you, humans. We want peace!
patent . ......... ......... .

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