Oct. 18, the date to be remembered by this blogger. In 1993, the accident caused the delaying plan in order to return to "Malaysia With Love" without "Love Boat". This accident by the unexpected second driver, (first gear's on)caused the sudden emergency call of 911, "I fell down and I can't get up". From the symbol of Mobil Oil Corp., the red unicorn (horse), the another red of 'dragon', and another 'dragon' in term of Chinese Lunar, Calendar of 2012 (cycle of 13 animal-year. The address of the accident: Merritt Parkway (no way for trailers),Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. Yea/yae or Nae, it's the coincidence to prolong the special stay inside the New England.
From New England, to Washington DC to St. Louis, Missouri, to Midwest, Atlanta, Georgia, to Florida,Miami, Daytona, Key West, Route 1, Highway 95, Route 66 and others, the travel's there within reach of 'budgets' and friends.

From Iberian Peninsular 'syndrome of dom/e', from the decree to ban Middle eastern musics and languages(especially Arabic one) after more than 700 years of what's called, "Whoever want to see heaven, please come here!", by the last caliphate/california of Umayyad links. The 'April Fool' order of "Balkan Bloodbath, (1990's), Queen Isabella, did become muslim before she died as certain source recorded. She did consent about the 'so-called Forty Geese' (western Portugese) of muslims / Rad/red U/Indians around 'Amerigon' and 'Latin one'. If so, Philipines?
The Luzan/luzon affairs of Luzon island (phillipinos), the downfall of 'Bani Othman' wills, the dictations of 'money, eeni, more, money, more', Shaul-R...s Of Royal Dutch- grips of stakeholders. Why 'no oil' for Iranian airlines for certain deals around European airports? Who did invade who? The 'disputed semit..t people' did kill and kept the enslavement/enclavement of the undisputed one.
patent .. . . .
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