
Selasa, 23 November 2010

Avataram-Jinn-Blue Jean- Billie- Krishna-World of Ultra ..... Colo(u)r...

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

The minds of who's who, did come the ideas of ..... Who's behind the scripts and plots? Profits? Impressive? 5W 1H? Is it interesting about the 'Pandora Box'? Blurring..... history of 'another world of jinn'! Can you get it? How about the angels? How powerful are they? The civilizations? Clones? Attackers! The Kingdom of 'Solomon' /mines? The 300 ministers of jinn? The books of Enoch? Pyramids? The code of 'Star formations'! Please try or not to be tried by the unknowns... The magnificent 30? 40?

patent .. .... . . .

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