In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
By the way of .... street or no more right jobs, the angers of .... be seen around the street(s) of protest(s). Any differences? Assurance of what "Prince of thief"... "I come as a ....f" from ancient one(book). Negative tunes of approaching... invasionista. The words of 'hostory'/history from 'que sera sera'.
How about the punishment of crusading the ....? The symbol of ancient torture (Egypt.. Pharoah), did replace the symbol 'dom' of pyramid. Power of, 51 degree of possible immortal one, to stay on course, Days and Nights At a lot museums.
Charging the course of 'lostory'/lost history/ before and after or Back To The Future. Wealth, future wife/ves, end of life, ... can be spoiled by 'hasad'. The good one or the bad one. Bad dreams! It's coming in your mind! Ignore it or not... still there to be believed ...
patent . .. . .
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
The Mouth of persian Gulf and Med...Sea
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Somewhere, after more than 2000 years circa the destruction of Ba...Muqaddis, Uzair/Oz..r who did survive and did sleep for a century did request of 'Can the city be rebuild?' No more Thorah/Taurat for a century after it;s burned and destroyed by the Mouth of Persian Gulf/Assyrian. Citizens/Localists built that forbidden city back. The forbidden one to enter after great expulsion to Babylon.
The Babylonian texts of 70 rabbis or famously by the name of 'Talmud' was written circa 'no Thorah times'. After Uzair got up and thanked Allah, he did rewrite his memory the real 'Thorah' back, but 'Talmudic followers'(included satanic verses of .... century) did follow the wrong one. Inside talmudic texts included the few texts of racist, high above all races of mankinds, the chosen one's actually who did follow 'Thorah'. No more political forces! Be loyal to every nation of sanct..y! May not be the force with you! Disobey? Did we see the bloodbath of no more status of Holyland around Bait...Muq...s? Can't come back except with the will of who's who ...Israel, be muslimun..... muslims for his children???? Why disobey his will? Any help of the arrival of messiah 'Bush', talmudic student, Yale U... Skull & Bones?
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Somewhere, after more than 2000 years circa the destruction of Ba...Muqaddis, Uzair/Oz..r who did survive and did sleep for a century did request of 'Can the city be rebuild?' No more Thorah/Taurat for a century after it;s burned and destroyed by the Mouth of Persian Gulf/Assyrian. Citizens/Localists built that forbidden city back. The forbidden one to enter after great expulsion to Babylon.
The Babylonian texts of 70 rabbis or famously by the name of 'Talmud' was written circa 'no Thorah times'. After Uzair got up and thanked Allah, he did rewrite his memory the real 'Thorah' back, but 'Talmudic followers'(included satanic verses of .... century) did follow the wrong one. Inside talmudic texts included the few texts of racist, high above all races of mankinds, the chosen one's actually who did follow 'Thorah'. No more political forces! Be loyal to every nation of sanct..y! May not be the force with you! Disobey? Did we see the bloodbath of no more status of Holyland around Bait...Muq...s? Can't come back except with the will of who's who ...Israel, be muslimun..... muslims for his children???? Why disobey his will? Any help of the arrival of messiah 'Bush', talmudic student, Yale U... Skull & Bones?
patent .. ........ . . .
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
USA, The land of Baisan
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
After 740AD, Khazarian King accepted Judaized one as the official religion. Khazar nation's located between Black Sea and Kaspian Sea.(Mongol- Asiatic Turks from certain sources), It's compr... of more than 90% or Ashkenazi. The other Mongol Turk did drive them, destroy the Khazarian empire eventhough, Holy Toledo did have kind of contact among the International Jews.
Meanwhile, after 900AD, Muslims solidified their position around Emerica/America especially Andalusian Amir Umayyad, Cordova by the name of Khaskhasy Ibn Said Ibnu Aswad (MilleniaMuslim). The tribes, the muslims emerged from Iroquois and Alqonquin. After April Fool decree, 1492AD, especially 1539AD, Carlos V banned muslims, Escape from Esp... to America. In the first voyage, the brothers of muslim, Martin Alonzo Pizon (Pinta ship) and Vicente Yanez Pizon (Nina ship),DNAs from Maghribi or Morocco, Sultan from Dynasty of Marinid. On monday, Oct. 21st 1492, Columbus did write about masjid and its high Minarets from Cuba(SE Cuba-Gibara area)from the beautiful low hill land.
Dr Barry Fell(Oxford U) did research about religious schools, Valley of Fire, Allan Springs,Keyhole, canyon...Colorado, Hickison Summit Pass of Nevada, Mimbress Valley of Mexico, and Tipper Canoe-Indiana. El Morro Bay, Alamitos, Alhambra Los Angeles, Aladdin, Alla, Albany, Alameda, Almansor, Almar, Amber, Azure and 'La Habra'. 'Jamaica' and Cuba (Kuba), from Arabic 'Quba'. 'Havana' from 'La Habana'. At least, 565 (Islam Arab)names of place from North America. USA with 484 and Canada 81 places.
Arabic names from tribes of Apache, Anasazi, Arawak, Cherokee, Arikana, Chavin Cree, Makkah, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Mohigan, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu and Zuni. Islam Arab as the power of influence. Tribal chief of Indian cherokee, Se-quo-yah created alphabets of Cherokee Syllabari/y by 1821AD, did wear thurban/serban (not with pride of eagle one-from Hollywood 'brainwash').
Only after Rothschild, Red Shield, from Franfurt, Prussia 1790s, before the rising ultra German nation, Birchmark and Adolf Jacob/Yacob Hitler especially, some source did say about Hitler, lost one from maid+Rothschild family. The policy of .. migration from Prussia did give the ... berg/bay.. the chances of gathering power of influence and money. According to FBI records, from 1980 to 2005AD, only 6% what is called 'terror..' from extremists from muslims. 7% from exremist Jews, latin 42%..5% communist... others. Certain source did mention only 0.4% violences from muslims/Arab or who's who seek.. revenge of destruction. 84.8% groups from non muslims one. Why did G washington choose the calm area of ... to be spotted as White House?
From TQ
patent .. ...... . . .
After 740AD, Khazarian King accepted Judaized one as the official religion. Khazar nation's located between Black Sea and Kaspian Sea.(Mongol- Asiatic Turks from certain sources), It's compr... of more than 90% or Ashkenazi. The other Mongol Turk did drive them, destroy the Khazarian empire eventhough, Holy Toledo did have kind of contact among the International Jews.
Meanwhile, after 900AD, Muslims solidified their position around Emerica/America especially Andalusian Amir Umayyad, Cordova by the name of Khaskhasy Ibn Said Ibnu Aswad (MilleniaMuslim). The tribes, the muslims emerged from Iroquois and Alqonquin. After April Fool decree, 1492AD, especially 1539AD, Carlos V banned muslims, Escape from Esp... to America. In the first voyage, the brothers of muslim, Martin Alonzo Pizon (Pinta ship) and Vicente Yanez Pizon (Nina ship),DNAs from Maghribi or Morocco, Sultan from Dynasty of Marinid. On monday, Oct. 21st 1492, Columbus did write about masjid and its high Minarets from Cuba(SE Cuba-Gibara area)from the beautiful low hill land.
Dr Barry Fell(Oxford U) did research about religious schools, Valley of Fire, Allan Springs,Keyhole, canyon...Colorado, Hickison Summit Pass of Nevada, Mimbress Valley of Mexico, and Tipper Canoe-Indiana. El Morro Bay, Alamitos, Alhambra Los Angeles, Aladdin, Alla, Albany, Alameda, Almansor, Almar, Amber, Azure and 'La Habra'. 'Jamaica' and Cuba (Kuba), from Arabic 'Quba'. 'Havana' from 'La Habana'. At least, 565 (Islam Arab)names of place from North America. USA with 484 and Canada 81 places.
Arabic names from tribes of Apache, Anasazi, Arawak, Cherokee, Arikana, Chavin Cree, Makkah, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Mohigan, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu and Zuni. Islam Arab as the power of influence. Tribal chief of Indian cherokee, Se-quo-yah created alphabets of Cherokee Syllabari/y by 1821AD, did wear thurban/serban (not with pride of eagle one-from Hollywood 'brainwash').
Only after Rothschild, Red Shield, from Franfurt, Prussia 1790s, before the rising ultra German nation, Birchmark and Adolf Jacob/Yacob Hitler especially, some source did say about Hitler, lost one from maid+Rothschild family. The policy of .. migration from Prussia did give the ... berg/bay.. the chances of gathering power of influence and money. According to FBI records, from 1980 to 2005AD, only 6% what is called 'terror..' from extremists from muslims. 7% from exremist Jews, latin 42%..5% communist... others. Certain source did mention only 0.4% violences from muslims/Arab or who's who seek.. revenge of destruction. 84.8% groups from non muslims one. Why did G washington choose the calm area of ... to be spotted as White House?
From TQ
patent .. ...... . . .
Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011
Pirates Of Skull and Bones (Flag), From Persian Gulf
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The infamous pirates around North Africa during the downfalls and tortures of Iberian Peninsular, 40 years after Constan... 1492...1605...1666....AD. The mysterious appearance of Fortygeese around the land of Baisan/Baison/America. How about the famous the pirates of Eastern European from the Black Sea/ Sea of Constan..? Isra'hell'? Iraq did get the unhonored one, a lot of torture and rape camps after 911, trained by IDF or sexual....desires. The pirates of Persian Gulf after exploiting too much of black gold. Any 17cent USD a barrel?
The famous Al Hambra just look as around the Madinah one. How about the final hour of 11 o'clock? Dom or Doom? How about crop circle clock(s)? Space stations? Predictions? Boring Jinns? Or The Bering or bearing ...? Any more of exposing the hidden books? Reading, watching and listening.... TQ
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The infamous pirates around North Africa during the downfalls and tortures of Iberian Peninsular, 40 years after Constan... 1492...1605...1666....AD. The mysterious appearance of Fortygeese around the land of Baisan/Baison/America. How about the famous the pirates of Eastern European from the Black Sea/ Sea of Constan..? Isra'hell'? Iraq did get the unhonored one, a lot of torture and rape camps after 911, trained by IDF or sexual....desires. The pirates of Persian Gulf after exploiting too much of black gold. Any 17cent USD a barrel?
The famous Al Hambra just look as around the Madinah one. How about the final hour of 11 o'clock? Dom or Doom? How about crop circle clock(s)? Space stations? Predictions? Boring Jinns? Or The Bering or bearing ...? Any more of exposing the hidden books? Reading, watching and listening.... TQ
patent .. ... . . .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
Helping Hands! Help! Help! Help!
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The late former of Ronald R not Mac/Mc one, he did engage some kinds of offending against the regime of It helped somehow, to the cause for the failure of the 'mujahiddin' indirectly. The hand/ signal of Ben Ali did show some kind of connection of 'Iron Fists', Inspector Gadget anyway. See who pampers the cat/ laughing one. Intentionally, internationally, coincidently, or without any doubt or reasonable one, from Napoleon, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, haganah, Lenin, Kemal At Tarturk, Lenin, Stalin-Gulag, mafiasco connections, or anyone/anything else... They did cheat and lie to ensure the nationalistic or ultra one. It showed anti-Islam ... actions. From symbols, cloth, ways of life, rulings, or tyranny of 'super' Iron fists,.. very fishy.
By hook or crook, by force or diplomacy -(MACY anyone..)to promote the hedonisme of enjoying of ultra violet area of cakra, the reverse of tantra one. The 'Festival ghosts' of cli'c'king, 911. Why 911? The code of #, for emergency one, ... Air Force One did land on the soil of SEA. The 44th Pres. of USA, Mr Barack Obama, the lightning in hebrew or the 'barakah' one in Arabic.
'Israfil'! Feeling one! Ta-a-te Ta! How do you feel? The miracle of creative one, the lyrics .....
patent . ........ . . .
The late former of Ronald R not Mac/Mc one, he did engage some kinds of offending against the regime of It helped somehow, to the cause for the failure of the 'mujahiddin' indirectly. The hand/ signal of Ben Ali did show some kind of connection of 'Iron Fists', Inspector Gadget anyway. See who pampers the cat/ laughing one. Intentionally, internationally, coincidently, or without any doubt or reasonable one, from Napoleon, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, haganah, Lenin, Kemal At Tarturk, Lenin, Stalin-Gulag, mafiasco connections, or anyone/anything else... They did cheat and lie to ensure the nationalistic or ultra one. It showed anti-Islam ... actions. From symbols, cloth, ways of life, rulings, or tyranny of 'super' Iron fists,.. very fishy.
By hook or crook, by force or diplomacy -(MACY anyone..)to promote the hedonisme of enjoying of ultra violet area of cakra, the reverse of tantra one. The 'Festival ghosts' of cli'c'king, 911. Why 911? The code of #, for emergency one, ... Air Force One did land on the soil of SEA. The 44th Pres. of USA, Mr Barack Obama, the lightning in hebrew or the 'barakah' one in Arabic.
'Israfil'! Feeling one! Ta-a-te Ta! How do you feel? The miracle of creative one, the lyrics .....
patent . ........ . . .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Minggu, 09 Januari 2011
Happy! Happy New Year Baby!
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Building the momentum! It can overrun the any outcomes of any ...... The floods of the century or the millenium from Tropicana, Amazon or Australia to deserts around the worlds. Any Noah's Ark?
The greeting from Dec 25th to Jan 7th, the Gregorian to Julian. Julian As.. of Julia's Government of Australia,PM? Leaks? Wikileaks? Better refer to*** Any country in the world must have passed the Isra'hell' door before any diplomacy of White House Antics. Manners or values?
New Year of Rabbit Year! Rabbits? Muslims? They're set at the fastest rate especially among Western women. Stabilities? No alcohol, drug, freesex, or negative one......., for positive family values, honors or else.

patent . . ..
Building the momentum! It can overrun the any outcomes of any ...... The floods of the century or the millenium from Tropicana, Amazon or Australia to deserts around the worlds. Any Noah's Ark?
The greeting from Dec 25th to Jan 7th, the Gregorian to Julian. Julian As.. of Julia's Government of Australia,PM? Leaks? Wikileaks? Better refer to*** Any country in the world must have passed the Isra'hell' door before any diplomacy of White House Antics. Manners or values?
New Year of Rabbit Year! Rabbits? Muslims? They're set at the fastest rate especially among Western women. Stabilities? No alcohol, drug, freesex, or negative one......., for positive family values, honors or else.
patent . . ..
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
Gog Magog Koka Vikoka
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
From the horrors of WWII, here it comes another Operation Desert Storm and the storms of red sand before Operation Desert Shields. If the ... need three world wars to solidify the enslavement of J..selam, they're needed three WW to somehow expel them posssibly by non-combantants, non-bloodbath types of agenda. J..bulon did succeed in term of 'satanic agenda' from the beginning. 2 007 and later, we can see the aftermath of certain crisis or impacts of the rise and the fall of any empire.
The coincidences of repeating whatever 3500-3600 years cycle of planET X is totally or semi...illussions of destroying some dreams to face the realities on the ground. 25,000 years plus another one to the equilibrium of old banana styles of orbital sun, adjustment of the disks for ....... What's for the hard disks then? To read and please read! Read your own history and set the records straight against the walls of ...... To be there or not. Human clusters choose their own will and they'll set their own destiny if God willing. Be!
patent ..... . ..
From the horrors of WWII, here it comes another Operation Desert Storm and the storms of red sand before Operation Desert Shields. If the ... need three world wars to solidify the enslavement of J..selam, they're needed three WW to somehow expel them posssibly by non-combantants, non-bloodbath types of agenda. J..bulon did succeed in term of 'satanic agenda' from the beginning. 2 007 and later, we can see the aftermath of certain crisis or impacts of the rise and the fall of any empire.
The coincidences of repeating whatever 3500-3600 years cycle of planET X is totally or semi...illussions of destroying some dreams to face the realities on the ground. 25,000 years plus another one to the equilibrium of old banana styles of orbital sun, adjustment of the disks for ....... What's for the hard disks then? To read and please read! Read your own history and set the records straight against the walls of ...... To be there or not. Human clusters choose their own will and they'll set their own destiny if God willing. Be!
patent ..... . ..
Sampsonic Option
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
It seems no remorse, no apologization, nothing except for the enslavement/ enclavement, to keep going and going. No retreat, no surrender, no of any yes. Zionist lovers such as Richard Goldstone did put the former acting PM of ..., as a war criminal to be tried in the 'International court'. This daughter of the Irgun leader seemed getting a lot of desperado supports from the unwilling to step down Mahmud Abbas eventhough PLO Fatah's gone by the votes. West Bank's not to be handed over to HAMAS. License To Kill.
Where's Vanunu? Iran seems setto be putting on trial before the super power and others, freely overrun the enclavement(Palestine)Middle East/war red/green zone with the impacts of Nagasaki and Hiroshima as the aftermath/ results. Before and After Christmas of 2008AD.Please count the numbers using regular # of 1,2,3 ....and 5,000,000 and more deaths around the gates of former 19th province of IRAQ (Kuwait) and Palestine, Persian Gulf and Medditerranean one respectively.
As it appeared before in this blog with TQ. World of Loves and Cries!
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It seems no remorse, no apologization, nothing except for the enslavement/ enclavement, to keep going and going. No retreat, no surrender, no of any yes. Zionist lovers such as Richard Goldstone did put the former acting PM of ..., as a war criminal to be tried in the 'International court'. This daughter of the Irgun leader seemed getting a lot of desperado supports from the unwilling to step down Mahmud Abbas eventhough PLO Fatah's gone by the votes. West Bank's not to be handed over to HAMAS. License To Kill.
Where's Vanunu? Iran seems setto be putting on trial before the super power and others, freely overrun the enclavement(Palestine)Middle East/war red/green zone with the impacts of Nagasaki and Hiroshima as the aftermath/ results. Before and After Christmas of 2008AD.Please count the numbers using regular # of 1,2,3 ....and 5,000,000 and more deaths around the gates of former 19th province of IRAQ (Kuwait) and Palestine, Persian Gulf and Medditerranean one respectively.
As it appeared before in this blog with TQ. World of Loves and Cries!
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