
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Gog Magog Koka Vikoka

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

From the horrors of WWII, here it comes another Operation Desert Storm and the storms of red sand before Operation Desert Shields. If the ... need three world wars to solidify the enslavement of J..selam, they're needed three WW to somehow expel them posssibly by non-combantants, non-bloodbath types of agenda. J..bulon did succeed in term of 'satanic agenda' from the beginning. 2 007 and later, we can see the aftermath of certain crisis or impacts of the rise and the fall of any empire.
The coincidences of repeating whatever 3500-3600 years cycle of planET X is totally or semi...illussions of destroying some dreams to face the realities on the ground. 25,000 years plus another one to the equilibrium of old banana styles of orbital sun, adjustment of the disks for ....... What's for the hard disks then? To read and please read! Read your own history and set the records straight against the walls of ...... To be there or not. Human clusters choose their own will and they'll set their own destiny if God willing. Be!

patent ..... . ..

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