In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
A lot of research by youtubers/uploaders, circa the era of high tech of 'internet', wrote about Freemasons, Illuminati, Rothschilds, Rockefellars, 300 years, Jinns, Solomon Temple, Hiram Abiff' architacture, secret society, control of human minds etc. Can you see the links who want to dictate the history, from angels and the fallen angels?
Malaysian Best Seller, the book of jewish symbols, history of ancient Egyptian, dynasty, bloodlines or DNAs etc. Who's the winner of history? Fallen angels. The loser side actually the winner because they can succeed in term of 'heaven population'. The winner of history, the 'majority reports''re the real loser because they'll enter hell. Coincidences?
The minority'll somehow overcome the challenges around the universe.
patent ......... .... . .
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