
Jumat, 22 November 2013

From Former American Navy, Italian News, Etc

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

The mystery's almost totally solved...

WTC- The Twin Tower of not 'The Babylon Tower' is history for good.

Jet E 103 did become the special drone, while the the strategically placing bombs and insurances/assuranes're 'set' to be in the working order.

Boeing planes can be modified to be set as the special drone, by one or two touch buttons.

NORAD's grounded, and the delaying tactics by katsas/sayanim helped to secure the cover-up.

A few hours before, more than 4,000 jews're already told about 'the plan'. That's why 'God's so generous' about the numbers of ....... casualties.

8 km debris from PENTAGON... NORAD acted 'in valor' to destroy the so-called passenger' planes.

The President's already displaying the sign of 'seizing the moment' since 'the news's ready to make the announcement. ....Who's reading?    Reading the book ...up side down.

The WTC's down, and without 'any kangaroo court' decision, the number 1 is enemy is ....opsssss Mr O_ama.

Later, Tower 1, Afghanistan's gone with the carpet bombings, dead bodies, mutilations and destructions.

Another Tower, Iraq's also gone, with the dust of depleted uranium, mysterious diseases of phosporus bombs and clustering one. Mr.. . z, who holded the keys of the WTC did become a muslim.

General Petreus's resigned since his 'scandal' news, 'petting with the writer'.

From the 'former' richest nations to the poorest, Iraq and Afghan, Gazi Khan, these nations must be 'in form' to be back as the rich.

From the financier of 'International Bankers', the capitalists with the 'interest system' can cause a lot of wars and destructions. From the western....

Who can 'Escape from NY" or 'LA'?

patent .. ... .. . ...

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