In The Name Of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The new display of former SU missiles, Iskander for early 21st century AD. Isk or Iss/Ishu was a twin of Yaakob/Jacob, son of Ishaq/Isaac, son of Ibrahim/braham. Iskandar's the Arabic Jurhum word for Alexander. From Macedonia to India and Egypt. History of Alexander, the great. DNA of Ishu/issue. Gaza and Kandahar, did show his traces/DNA. Rig Veda manuscripts of India too. Brahmana/Brahmin,,, Ibrahim/Abraham. Ish got married with two sisters, daughters of Isma'el/Ismail/Samuel, son of Ibrahim/Abraham. The Persian's DNAs from Ish + Basmat+another one.Remember, Teheran after Mongol(werewolfs) attacks,destroyed Baghdad.
Al exander, deleting Al, leaving exander for Iskandar/Iskander. ex = isk. No extra Al for Arabic one.
Alexandria/Iskandariah, city of Egypt/Mesir. Kandahar, area around Afghanistan. Nasi kandar, famously rice treat, delicious one, India, Malaysia etc.
Times and historical 'greatest moment'. Cold War or Hot one. Display of technology. Engineering of .... weapons, customer satisfactions.....
patent .. .. . .. . ...
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