
Sabtu, 26 Januari 2008

Learn from the expertises

By the name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The scholars, the engineers, the professionals, the 'brain' of the cities, villages etc, the respected one. Learn from them, learn the keywords, lthe shortcuts, the questions and the answers, from anything, anywhere, anyone, any humanoid, any 'net' and the ants, 'antum', quantums, quarters, etc. The 'know how', or 'Do it Yourself-DIY' of the certain lesson(s), the chapter(s), the great one, the real one, the pass one and the 'push of the button' one.
Hopefully, you are 'the chosen one', the another meaning of 'Isra'el' and how's how of 'Isma'el' s DNA links. How about Katura or Mastura or Javanese links or the generations of Ibrahim as(Abraham) from his slave 'Katura'. They were asked to sail to the eastern world. The western links of certain DNA links just the among the people of Rome versus Darcia or Khazaria or the current 'Slavic' dominant or the domino theory of History and Geography.
Be civilised! The borders from tears, bloodsheds, cryings, the happiness and the sadness, the madness, and the heartland of Europe, Bosnia Herzegovina and the heartland of Middle East, Phalestine, and the heartland of the 'world'. The mysterious heartlands, the trees, the family trees, the generations and after the generations, the humans and the jinns, the seens and the unseens, the sins and .....
Better be prepared! Just you and yourself, or "you and I", or "I" and "Dear" or the 'idealogy' + the idea(s). I and "Dear+Dia", the mystery of ourselves, who are we? Where are we? Who are you? Where am I? Please remember, who gave you your name(s) or nickname(s). Hopefully, the spirit of 'The Merciful" will be the right one for you. But whoever obey the 'leaders', the leaders will die, and whoever obey "The Creator", "The Creator" will live and 'He' won't die.
Patent blog .. ........ . ........

Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

The map of the planet Terra for the next two decades and the future,InsyaAllah

By the name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

If God willing, the future of 'muslim' or moslem' world will be the interesting world of 'wonderful' Islam. The practice and the 'books', the implementation of great civilization of the 'world', power sharing, the walis(gabenors) of cities and nations. 'United We Rise, Divided We Reorganize'. The souls of 'united' or 'integrated' by the individual efforts and, the groups and, the regions under new focus, energy, source, motivations, leaderships, smart relations, and so on.
Be prepare! To be or not to be united in 'brainstorming session' for a new names of new united regions, continents, cultures, languages, backgrounds, history, geography etc. For exampli glantia (e.g), the new replacement for 'Oh! I See' or 'Organization of Islamic Conferences or countries' have to be opened to the former 'muslim majority nations' such as Andalus, Hungary, the Balkans, Philipine, India, etc but the current nations of 'minority population for muslim's souls' have to include the walis or the representatives of 'those nations'.
For a new map, a new name must be patented such as 'Integrated Nations' or 'based on 'i' nations or the alphabets of 'Alif' and 'Nun' in Arabic or Jawi letters. The headquarter can be in certain cities of 'citizen's choices', but no choice of war or 'bloodshed event'. This plan can be implemented sometimes in the 'future' if All of the 'i' nations' citizens reach the agreement and that agreement is called or based on 'Madinah' or 'Yathrib' agreement of the seventh century.
'The must to do lists' such as building the great 'Baitul Hik'mah' for spreading knowlegde system and 'Baitul Mal' for wealth distribution system must be set up since the fall of the last one, the sultans of Bani Othman. Muslims lost in time for the their greatness in knowlegde, technologies, musics for 'the pleasure of Allah', health , wealth , military, economy and so on for the great 'system'.
'If God willing,.... can be fulfilled or .....
Patent no. . ........ . ........ 9/1/1429H

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2008

Job(Ayyub as) Check DNA-link-genetic-line

Dear readers!

Please check this written chronology of DNA. Job got many children but they died, and his wife ran away from him because of the great test of disease to Job. Later, she came back home and she was supposed to be whipped for a 100 times but Job was asked to whip her with a broom with that of 100.......

Job was a son of Amus, son of Tarikh, son of Rum, son of Ish, son of Isaac . Is that OK? Job was a prophet for Rome(Rum) and he died in Italy after 93 years of 'earth' life. He kept asking his people to obey 'The One and Only God'.

A city of Rome and a city of Holm in Syria. Holm, Holmes, Holmut, Home, and you can go home to visit some palaces and some places. But we can't claim someone's lands as our lands. Please understand the principle of 'ownership' and the 'honor' of family to protect the 'virgin' of 'civilised people'.

Patent no . ... . ........

Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

The Mystery of Nostradamus

By The Name of ..... The Beneficent, The Merciful

Michael De Notredame was born in 1503AD in Saint-Remy, France. His parent, the former Jewish family ran away from the collapse of 'Andalus' , the 'heaven' of the planet earth 1493AD. Queen Isabella accepted the surrender of the last 'sultan' who offered the world, 'Who want to see heaven, please come here', but the Ferdinand-Isabella (the amr) came with their armies to conquer that 'heaven'. The Golden 'Al Hambra', Cordova, etc and the famous 'Gibraltar' become the wonder(s) of the "Heritage World". Some muslims ran away to 'Ottoman Empire' , some jewish ran away to the 'North Africa', some of the 'Andalus' peolple became the mystery of the 'Mulengeons' around America, some citizens assimilated in that of "Iberian Peninsular' history/society. Some muslims got cheated in the month of April (April Fool). The repeating event just like '1990's' Balkan region.

In 1511AD, the 'world' witnessed the fall of Malacca(Mallaccia), Asian' Venice. But Nostradamus wrote a history with the dates. He was considered one of 'the people of Book', some people admired him as a great one. A book of secret recipes written by him, claimed by him that the book was dictated by the archangle,'Gabriel' (Jibra'il as). Was he a muslim? Why he wrote a lot of books or research papers after his family, his beautiful wife and children died? Mystery! He explained a lot by researching in courses of 'Books', 'References', Physic, History,Chemistry,Philosophy, Medicines, Poetry etc. He died in 1566AD (about 63 years old).

We can use 5H and 1H formula....
Patent .... . ........