
Selasa, 29 November 2016

Tree Top Walk

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Have something new. New adventure of Tree Top walk from Sedim, Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia.

Bridge of certain height

Catch the scenery

Have views of the far away, jungle (panorama)

patent ...  ..

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Another Home

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Lovely cat with colorful stripe

Buddy Bears (Tourisme from Penang Island) Georgetown

Once upon a time with family and the public, "Penang with  tourist attractions". 

patent .. .......

Senin, 05 September 2016

Settle Down (MARA Junior Science College)

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

When chance is changing, Person In Charge is charging the right moment

Likely like, out of love

The sacrifice for success.

Cast away from the family

From the starting, August 1st

For the first daughter, for the bright future

Get it better, well done for the decision

The right one at the right place

Solving the problems of her own

Set the time

The destiny is set

patent ...... .........

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2016

Attraction (Tourism Magnet)

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Welcome to Penang with another 'inspiring the future', Penang's Ist Science Discovery Centre at the Geodesic Dome, KOMTAR, Georgetown.

Explore, Discover Experience

It's part of the knowledge.

From sand to microprocessor

Take charge

Charging from the sun

Made in Malaysia, First Solar (US company)

Hopefully, I can have extra time here to be part of the volunteer/ team. Warm welcome, here we go, with part of Discovery, for kids and family. Tourists, visitors are welcome.

Once upon a time, it's fun to spend 'crucial' extra time or leisure time here.

Please enjoy your visit

Best Regards from Penang, Malaysia.

Month of celebration.

patent . ... 

Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Upon A Long River (Multiple titles = tags)

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

From source of 'web'

Mr President, Abraham Lincoln did say about the so called '..banks at the back' too. He requested Tsar Russian helps. However, he could deliver the same 'tagline' about the potential 'banks' who did kill/bang him later. The links of the banks from German. And, a lot of Mr Presidents got killed before the 'Federal Reserve'  existed and the famous piramid bill's printed.

Potential of bullet trains in Malaysia

The apllication of science and others

Crescent of 

The flag and the symbolic .....

Potential use of particles, space 'electromagnetic tunnel' etc

Mysterious signals from sky

What can you deliver ....?

The Fair of Festivals, fasting and the celebration of the glorious one. From Penang to Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. 'Shoppings and funs'

Two males and a female one kept certain discussion, perhaps about potential honeymoon/ breeding process. Female one's hiding below the bicycle.

patent .. . ......

Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

The Working One, From Malaysia With Demo

In The Name of ....  The Beneficent The Merciful

Once ....
It can be part of your life.

High Speed Projectile (sucker and pen only, hand of who's who)

Before The Launcing Process

Another View To A Demo


Holy ......

patent ..                   . ......

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

The Fallen From The Heaven

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Once upon a time, the earthlings got some kind of visitors, from the sky. The sentences're delivered. Just like Siberia 1917AD, the seven steps of the ladder, the rainbow, the dragon, the ghosts and the invisible one. Only one's needed to change the level of achievements.

What kind of 'achievement'? You decide.

From the magic of the materials, and the magic of words, here we go for the extra miles.

The Periodic Table and the tablets.

What kind of the 'tablets'?

The tablets of 'the ancient civilizations' did show a lot of the 'signs' from the sky.

From Mars, and others.

300, the famous number, and the famous page one, and the title.

The gates, and how about the research gates........

PlanET X, and Nine.

The 'behind the scene' of the productions or history...

The making of 'the event'

The Q

A to ... from the total of 26

The alphabets of

The coincident(s)

History and the course(s)

Who'll be challenged?

And who dare ...

The challenger(s)

patent .. ..        . .....

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

The Greatest Hits of 'Sentences'

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

She's not a beauty queen

But, she is the one, .... in history of victory

The struggle's set to be tackled 'in valor'

But nevermind, the .....  achievement's not mine yet

Mind your own business

My own one, .......  more than the only one

Making the difference(s), see the difference(s)

But, ... of course you ... still can't understand what I mean


Rally, really .... the one, and

It's not the other one


On the run

Running the game(s) in style(s)

Mark 'the degree of difficulties'

Make it .. working, make it .. running, make it ..done

The world(s) want something special

From the specialty ...... specialists

Based on ...... interest(s)

Have something better for tomorrow

The Leader ........on the step(s) of the ladder

Be a presenter, with the nickname

The 'shadow' prince of

'Apollo' ...

V for ........................................................

patent .. ....

Sabtu, 23 April 2016

World Class 'Gamification' Innovation Projects

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Technology Expo 2016 .... by exposing the secret of certain projects//

Here we go the video of  'you can DIY', by  ... own backyard science, the miracle of ......

What's inside the rolling paper?

Simple concept of '/special switching/'....

The idea of  a few second... and part of the ideas.

patent .. ....

Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

A lot of un//////

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful


A lot of .........

You can believe it ....

Nevermind ......

Mind...set of February ...

Mind yours .........

2 x 2 = 4


Who'll survive then, ...?

Be careful ...

Be alert, ...

Be or ........

' Who will understand the code(s)

Pillar of Belief,

Believe ...of what you believe ....



Adam & eve


Who's who ....... be on the top?

See no evil, touch no evil, hear no .....,

veil.... viral..... victory ....... v.. ......3V......

Dragon >>>>>.

Dr .... ag .......on

From ......


patent .. ... ...

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Whose Tagline(s).....News?

In The Name Of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

.....part of the number(s)......... force(s) or diplomacy....

....change the course of history. .....

After 7x2 centuries, we can see the differences.

600AD.....^^^ .... 666AD ......

Palestine's under who's who ......

Nile river, the ritual's gone by the letter

From caliphate ..... Umar/Omar Al Khattab ....

Be ready or 'just in time'......

Only and only .........

But where're the team(s), or 9s0 ^^^

Beware,death within ...certain time(s)

What're the answer(s)?

The graves or the 'without' one

Carefully, whose responsibility ...?

patent . ......  ...

Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Licen.. To Display

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Once upon a time, 'upon a long river''s still inside the 'memory'. The cheap one and the tricks of the chicks.

And The ........ Star War(s) Flexible Sword

Welcome the 'saving energy' projects and 'as always you decide' your 'destiny'. And the 'Final Destination', 'in the relation' of Tuthakhamen (who's who disturbed his grave).

patent . ......

Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

Club Of Rome, From China With Ball Plus LASER Attack

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Qom, Qome, and historically,

Hareetz News, Albert Einstein's a shia muslim from Imam ...Iran. Albert's Abdullah, if he wanted to change his name.

Wa.. Albert Einstein a from Germany

Mathematics of .... E = mcxc, but the boraq speed is E= m (1000cx1000c), for minimum speed.

Welcome home, Holms of Syria, the former  city of ancient Roman Empire.

Hello, from the picture or the manual of ....Club of Rome and the unified fields theory...

Power of Grips, please see it in a distant/.......

Mysterious ..the fallen one

Checked by Chinese ......

According to certain sources, it's an accident with the rocket....

Another view of the ...obs

Still image from ...   ufomania2015

Close... encounter, and please look at the middle engine.. they came from the same factory or technology...

Mysterious Obs ..always in silent mode

Obs's moving....towards ....

Visible shape of ......, as always, you decide the secrets of the same technology from somewhere....

Light of hope from the sky

Triangular shape of  a 'spaceship'

Unidentified above ....

Beam of attacking ....

Total explosion, small type of explosion

Fire of whatever you decide ...

Checking the coordination of the stars

Skygate of ........

Mysterious appearances.....

Especially, for the specialty of re'matching' the Obs/Skyball, can be in shape of flying sourcer too by adding extra ZXuhal ring of melody.......

patent ...... .... ... .......

Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

Tricolor RGB ......

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

I'm opening a specialty... business...busy, please safe your money and time for your benefits. We can meet in a specialty store or else. As always you decide... It's your decision.

Welcome to the games/ toy kits. Age limit : none but precaution for under 3 years old. Please avoid swallowing the small object(s). Safety First!

patent .. ...... ..