
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

A View To A Switch, For Your Eyes Only! Operation ......

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

By 9 11 2010, a lot of rumors about 911 circa 911. By the way of ......, by swiching side(s) of the supporters, we/you can see the cooperations of military hardwares/ exchange of technology between the former SU (and Russia To Date) and 'Isra'hell'' at all cost of residing the unused of diplomacy. UKiss USA and NY Yankees goodbye, the projects're looking forward to switching side of great coop. for the benefits of 'no doubt', to secure the lifeline of 'Isra'hell'' future, to get inside out the world of "state within state", Russian Federation with vast resources of energy and new military power(s).( A lot of Russian Jews inside Palestine teri.../terror)set of havocing ....
The hoax/viruses can be created (using special hackers/programs) by automatically call '911', giving the extra details of so-called 'Al Qaeda threats', in order to constantly creating the 'Fear Factor(s)' of the unseen 'militants' which /whose agenda're considered very super fully 'arm and dangerous'. The films, voices,or the middle finger symbol can be added later in order (in order(s))to maintain the coop. to flush out 911 threats but actually, 'to let enclave/slavement' be under control.
The hackers can control a lot of games, including the 'halo' game of launching ICBMs around the globe. Anywhere, anytime if they want to combine their skills of .... spymasters. The spymasters did a lot of services especially katsas/sayanim in term high profile surveillences, killings, transfers of super technology, smuggling rings, no tax policies, ..... at the cost of certain nations (at stake of 'stalkings'). These brilliant goals're achieved by what of JFK speech of the so-called 'secret society'. Someone did put another bullet in the middle of JFK's chest to ensure his death, and his brother 1968 the unforgettable one to ensure the will of 'Kennedy''s gone by the win(d) of other candidate(s). Useful, ok, not the one, they intervene by sniping the head(s) of certain leader(s).

Kahila/Qahila/AIPAC can be useful/useless if and only if they can donate/sacrifice their assses/assets, by the way of deception, Thou......

patent ... . .

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