In The Name of ..... The beneficent The Merciful
Can we see/hear the links, from which sources, the sorcerers of codes and symbols? And humans love it very much. The humans weaknesses of seeking the invisible secret can cause them the great misdeeds, and it's just a game of humans who conspire(s) to conquer as stated in written history since the era of Terranian/ Terra/ planET Earth/ earthlings , Qabil (Cain) and Habil (Abel), Harut and Marut, the root of DNAs of positive impacts and the negative one too. Some of the written sources did take the map of old Prussia, but after Islam of 7th,8th,and 9th century AD, from 900-1000AD transition century, the millenium of AD, Gregorian, Western and Julian, Eastern background of the Roman Empire, the links of Crusaders of Western Europe, gave the bloodbath wars for Palestine before the creator of modern tankers, Sultan Salahuddin Al Ayyubi(famous quote by him"Whoever control Palestine, ...control the world", took charge of Plaestinian/Palestine/ Pleades connection of the '7 sisters'.
Please see the anger of Tom Cruise, Hollywood actor.
Who control Hollywood? Some of the sentences from actors/actresses, pretending or what, or sincerely or really.....
Please refer to, the frist paragraph.....below
The Illuminati, some say, is the ultimate secret society. It is more powerful and secretive than even the Freemasons. Formed on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria by Professor Adam Weishaupt, the Order of the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society. Weishaupt was a German Freemason and his group of Illuminati would meet secretly inside the Masonic lodges in Germany. The Illuminati ended up going deep underground when it was deemed illegal to be a member of the group because they were allegedly plotting to overthrow the Pope and the ruling Kings of Europe. andread it....
Before the emergence of the 13th Olympian, Lenin, with Emmanueil Kan/ philosophy of Kant, famously defeated by words- Roman Jews philo... named Dari, and later, the 20th century success of the former or some 'confused' of written texts with pictures,please see atheist/jewish links inside web, Orthodox Jews/Yahoodi ..links of Karl Marx, Trosky,....Engel,... World Congress,Theodore H..l.. Haganah,Lenin with the chaoic mess of WWI,1914-1918AD, German, Ottomans, Japanese Kingdom and Russian Ramanov empires got to be choked,along with some stravations, killing zones and WWII, Hitler, Stalin, Rothschilds, Rock...r, world controller of oil and banking congro.../system, syaten, syaitan, later, Irgun, Stern - gang links, did succeed behind the scenes of 'in the making of Isra'hell'. Surely, the most who died in great nuhmbers were the muslims of former Soviet armies, the intentional make poor 'family' desperado to work as a nation builder of the spherical influences .... name it.
'Don't let the wealth be controlled by a few of you', the sentences of Al Qur'an did give the clues of the great mischief/misdeeds around the planET Earth. The same tactics're used to conquering Iraq, from northern part to the southern part one, by making the richest nation on the earth dropped chinningly to the ground of gravesyards, poorness, starvations, sanctions, bloodbath of continuous warfares or anything else you can name her last resort /desperate effort to survive. Iran, the 4th (2010AD)round of UN (One World Government) sanctions, has gotten the rob of a lifetime by Shah Iran,along with the brutal Savaks regime since 1953AD-under the toppling of democratic elected government -BP,British quantum of oil web/richness-CI_ links-coop..., but the flower throwers did change the power of her will to a new Republic Islamic (western style one-American one with Syariah laws), surpassed the Royal Kingdom Of Saud DNAs/family members including Kuwaitis one.
Saddam Hussein did give back Shat Al Arab to Iran, Iraqis jets to Iran, as tokens of cooperation of oil selling and food/drinks during the hardcore years of economic sanctions, isolations, the dropping values of Iraqi dinar from 1 Iraqi dinar = 3.3USD to the struggling 1 cent/ 1 penny of USD to hundreds of Iraqi Dinar etc. But, the pilot of USA bombers did ask for forgiveness to Iraqis if he did misfire the WMDs to civilian targets. But, who's who Isra'hell' armies did refuse to apologize or pay any cents besides the astronomical numbers of comparison for graph of destructions, mass murders, genocides, apartheid styles - decades of discrimination or else you/we can name it.
Can we/you read some of .... the sources
the first paragraph....
Today, as you are reading this, most of the Bible's many prophecies have already been fulfilled. these foretold all of the various dispersions and early regatherings of Israel back into their promised land, the 333 details of the Messiah's first appearance as the Lamb of God, the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, the more than 1,900-year scattering of the Jews to all parts of the world, and finally their regathering in the 19th and 20th century climaxed by the nation's resurrection as modern Israel in 1948--these are all uncontestable facts of the historical record. ..... so on ,'death will find you soon', the scripture left by the Isra'hell' armies @ Gaza -Operation Cast Lead - Mr. Ilov - reddish skin of high rank, did enter as one of war criminals by the zionist lovers, Mr Richard Goldstone under UN international guidelines/laws.
The untouchable nation of any misdeeds, Isra'hell' did show a lot of 'anger', no mercy policies which including the conspiracy/sniping of JFK head/death, someone did blow his middle bron...tis area to ensure his death later, the secret just like the killing of Archduke as one of the WWI sparkles of fire. And for sure 911, the total loose change which N Yorkers will remember 911 until the end of ...... Life after people.
From wikipedia:
Gog and Magog appear in Qur'an sura Al-Kahf (The Cave chapter), 18:83–98, as Yajuj and Majuj (Ya'jūj and Ma'jūj or يَأْجُوج وَ مَأْجُوج, in Arabic).
“ But there is a ban on a town which We have destroyed: that they (the people of the town) shall not return. Until the Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they spread out from every direction.(Qur'an 21:96–97) „
According to Islamic tradition, Gog and Magog are "Sons of Adam" (Sahih al-Bukhari), i.e. human beings, who would be released when a people return to a town which was destroyed and from which they were banned. Some scholars have argued this town is Jerusalem.[5] They would possess great power and, when released, would cause corruption in society (Al-Kahf) to such an extent that 999 out of 1000 would be led to the hellfire (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Some Muslim scholars[who?] contend the Gog in Ezekiel verse 38:2 should be read Yajuj (there is a maqaph (מקף) or hyphen immediately before Gog in the Hebrew version, which in some printings looks like the Hebrew letter "yod" or "Y".[6] According to some interpreters of these Quranic verses, Dhul-Qarnayn (the one with two horns[7] or Two Ages (one who impacts on two ages)) travelled the world in three directions, until he found a tribe threatened by Gog and Magog, who were of an "evil and destructive nature" and "caused great corruption on earth."[8] The people offered tribute in exchange for protection. Dhul-Qarnayn agreed to help them, but refused the tribute; he constructed a great wall that the hostile nations were unable to penetrate. They will be trapped there until doomsday, and their escape will be a sign of the end. The Qur'anic account of Dhul-Qarnayn follows very closely the "Gates of Alexander" story from the Alexander romance, a thoroughly embellished compilation of Alexander the Great's wars and adventures (see Alexander the Great in the Qur'an). Since the construction of a great iron gate to hold back a hostile northern people was attributed to Alexander many centuries before the time of the islamic prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an, most historians[citation needed] consider Dhul-Qarnayn a reference to Alexander. However, some Muslim scholars reject this attribution[citation needed], associating Dhul-Qarnayn with some other early ruler, usually Cyrus the Great, but also Darius the Great.[9] Gog and Magog are also mentioned in some of the hadith, or sayings of Muhammad, specifically the Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, revered by Sunni Muslims.
Fourteenth century Muslim sojourner Ibn Battuta traveled to China on order of the Sultan of Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughluq, and encountered a large community of Muslim merchants in the city of Zaitun. He comments in his travel log that "Between it [the city] and the rampart of Yajuj and Majuj is sixty days' travel."[10] The translator of the travel log notes that Ibn Battuta confused the Great Wall of China with that supposedly built by Dhul-Qarnayn.[11]
Imran N. Hosein, a scholar who claims 'dynamic interpretation of the signs of the last day'[12], identified Gog as the American-Euro-Israeli alliance, while Magog is identified as Russia [13]...ok let us set the investigation here/below:
So on, sons of Adam and Eve, DNAs Middle East..the first colonies of beings after the break up/ black out of/ the spaceship (snake symbols/sumerian/mesopotamia Nunthaku space travel) of Adam did land around Isfahan (iran) in mud of Bam or else..... Adam did land around the fantasy island of ... Ceylon, Sri Lanka, Seri Langkah land, Langkawi links of big size ancient people, Lemuria or ancient Leo time of great change of the 10,000th Adam as. Hawa (Eve) did land around Sheba/Juddah/Jodoh-then and they met at Arafah (pilgrimage / field of ...)the stone chair's big enough for their sizes, today's hill. It's circa 800 years/half day by studying the DNA link of Adam landing, from (high probability)- Nibiru one, the first skygate/stargate around this solar disk before orbitting the galatica one which sometimes, 25,800 years of leap of time to set a new time of old banana style of sinusoidal wave of circular orbital motion around a big galatic sun.The moon also did the banana style as proven by the researchers/ astronomers. Iblis, the leader of syaitan/satan/ lucifer/nephilim did land around Baisan/Bysun/Buyson/Baison land (Virginia-probably 'God won't help you this time'- the voice of 'bophomet-goat- O Mc Donald style, O have a farm, sing a song',of America today.
TQ for reading....please read words by words, and set your time to see/hear videos by videos, see pictures by pictures before your own investigation.
patent ... . ........ .
Senin, 30 Agustus 2010
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010
The Arrival of The Doomday News, Pyramid, Civilizations, The Making of The Colonies......
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
One upon a time, prophet Isa as/ Yeshus/ Jesus /Christ ... along with his mother, the only woman's name in Al Qur'an, Maryam / Mary did spend some 11 years of life on the land of pyramids, idols. idolaters, Nile River - Egypt / Mesir. The cat's sacred and whoever anihilated cat(s), could be punished by 'death penalty'. One of the favorites's crufixation/ Crusader symbol of ....... death by torture. It's believed at some other point of journey did Isa as / Jesus appeared at Nazareth, after the completion of Injil/ Injail/ Bible(so many version of ....lost in translation, revenge against the Romans as Shaul Immanuiel or Saint Paul created a new version of 'Crusaders of Christianity' or else - (the words of Mohammaden/ Mohammedan/ Muhammad saw's hidden or intentionally hide to avoid the arising race of Bani Isma'el. Just for research here below, no hard feeling please!
The energy crisis's quite alarming, and the users're advised to save more and recycle more. The misindentified flying objects're obsessed around the world of 'the closing clone/not clowns or puppets of ???????? chapter of the doomday
Happiness's just a temporary feeling or else. We/you can see the different when the secret societies unleashed his 'spree' - 'spear of ...' spare sometime words're encouraged to rapture the real truth behind 911, 711 and Xesxes of Persians.

Gaza of ....., muslimat/female muslim from local British of Anglo-Saxon, be careful to help in order to reduce the suffering of the ........ one.

For the sake of love .....
From Canada, Dubai and ...... the same circle of light from .......
The phenomen.....lovely rainbow around Borneo Island.....
patent ... ........ .
One upon a time, prophet Isa as/ Yeshus/ Jesus /Christ ... along with his mother, the only woman's name in Al Qur'an, Maryam / Mary did spend some 11 years of life on the land of pyramids, idols. idolaters, Nile River - Egypt / Mesir. The cat's sacred and whoever anihilated cat(s), could be punished by 'death penalty'. One of the favorites's crufixation/ Crusader symbol of ....... death by torture. It's believed at some other point of journey did Isa as / Jesus appeared at Nazareth, after the completion of Injil/ Injail/ Bible(so many version of ....lost in translation, revenge against the Romans as Shaul Immanuiel or Saint Paul created a new version of 'Crusaders of Christianity' or else - (the words of Mohammaden/ Mohammedan/ Muhammad saw's hidden or intentionally hide to avoid the arising race of Bani Isma'el. Just for research here below, no hard feeling please!
The energy crisis's quite alarming, and the users're advised to save more and recycle more. The misindentified flying objects're obsessed around the world of 'the closing clone/not clowns or puppets of ???????? chapter of the doomday
Happiness's just a temporary feeling or else. We/you can see the different when the secret societies unleashed his 'spree' - 'spear of ...' spare sometime words're encouraged to rapture the real truth behind 911, 711 and Xesxes of Persians.

Gaza of ....., muslimat/female muslim from local British of Anglo-Saxon, be careful to help in order to reduce the suffering of the ........ one.

For the sake of love .....
From Canada, Dubai and ...... the same circle of light from .......
The phenomen.....lovely rainbow around Borneo Island.....
patent ... ........ .
The Fallen One! Why? Who's Responsible In The Making Of The Fallen One? ? ?
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, we/you could read the news about the world of modelling. Males and females of different species including the animals, were/are exploited for the promotion/ ads / luring of the potential customers to act accordingly since. The curses of the city, especially the 'Peace and Love', New York City of New England, the 911 city, sincity of the some ...., city of opportunities, of ..wealth,... of the defender of Wall Street, etc.

The model (dying young@20 years old) from Kazakhstan, Miss .... Korshunova's fallen to her death from the tall building of NY a few years ago. Why? Pressure, sexual one, or the curse of the beautiful 'Honey of Lucifer/Nephilim' or else. City of the gates of All New Nations. United Nation at ...... B..v.rd./..St. City of block by block. How about the 42nd Street? Disney?

The arising gold one, the Californian Gold Rush and the Hollywood moments of glory, rich and famous, the Fallen one too, including drug, alcohol,... any....nomous, the phenomenom of 'venom' of the American dream will be true one. NY's NY. Manhattan Project? Doomday one? More Money?
patent ... ........ .
Once upon a time, we/you could read the news about the world of modelling. Males and females of different species including the animals, were/are exploited for the promotion/ ads / luring of the potential customers to act accordingly since. The curses of the city, especially the 'Peace and Love', New York City of New England, the 911 city, sincity of the some ...., city of opportunities, of ..wealth,... of the defender of Wall Street, etc.

The model (dying young@20 years old) from Kazakhstan, Miss .... Korshunova's fallen to her death from the tall building of NY a few years ago. Why? Pressure, sexual one, or the curse of the beautiful 'Honey of Lucifer/Nephilim' or else. City of the gates of All New Nations. United Nation at ...... B..v.rd./..St. City of block by block. How about the 42nd Street? Disney?

The arising gold one, the Californian Gold Rush and the Hollywood moments of glory, rich and famous, the Fallen one too, including drug, alcohol,... any....nomous, the phenomenom of 'venom' of the American dream will be true one. NY's NY. Manhattan Project? Doomday one? More Money?
patent ... ........ .
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
The Faces of The 7 & Similarities
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Sometimes, once upon a time, the few faces met together around USA White House, the young and restless of George Walker Bush Senior (ex-CIA and ex-Pres. of USA) and Ben Gurion (later became the 1st PM of Isra'hell'), these two faces had the same handsome, similar look like if we/you investigate their pictures during their teenage years. It's shown the great DNAs of Edomites( ancient Jordan/Syria ), Eshu (son of Ishaq as/ Isaac), Phoenix (ancient Lebanon) and others. By adjusting or looking back to some references around this blog.
The invader, Isra'hell', the guests refused to return to Europe or anywhere they're supposed to obey the nation without political agendas (Thorah sentences) but Talmudic one did the other way around since, because they could get some lands/ areas for free, just like the speech of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (zionist, yiddish, Kemal and his mantle secret plans) did hide his grave.
The responds of ....... some world populations...... the participants of .......
USA, Kahila, UN, AIPAC, NY,NY, NY! The jokers were, are set there to act accordingly to the plan, creating the One World Government, UN, recognize the invader , zionist Isra'hell', the license of the killing machine, Count Dracula. Please count the dripping blood of the special invader from especially Europe,Australia, Latin, Middle East, former USSR spherical influences etc.
patent .. ....... ......... .
Sometimes, once upon a time, the few faces met together around USA White House, the young and restless of George Walker Bush Senior (ex-CIA and ex-Pres. of USA) and Ben Gurion (later became the 1st PM of Isra'hell'), these two faces had the same handsome, similar look like if we/you investigate their pictures during their teenage years. It's shown the great DNAs of Edomites( ancient Jordan/Syria ), Eshu (son of Ishaq as/ Isaac), Phoenix (ancient Lebanon) and others. By adjusting or looking back to some references around this blog.
The invader, Isra'hell', the guests refused to return to Europe or anywhere they're supposed to obey the nation without political agendas (Thorah sentences) but Talmudic one did the other way around since, because they could get some lands/ areas for free, just like the speech of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (zionist, yiddish, Kemal and his mantle secret plans) did hide his grave.
The responds of ....... some world populations...... the participants of .......
USA, Kahila, UN, AIPAC, NY,NY, NY! The jokers were, are set there to act accordingly to the plan, creating the One World Government, UN, recognize the invader , zionist Isra'hell', the license of the killing machine, Count Dracula. Please count the dripping blood of the special invader from especially Europe,Australia, Latin, Middle East, former USSR spherical influences etc.
patent .. ....... ......... .
Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010
The Golden One, The Flash of the Garden, The Golden Ratio, Human Body,Makkah, The Center of Time (machine).The Links.
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
No.77,night of Nuzul Qur'an, Malaysia.
The miracles of researches, and by the 'power capabilities of the brain', we/you can have benefit of Beyond 2000(see the coincident designs of Petronas Twin Tower, Malaysia and the theme/first frames of the documentary and beyond reasonable doubt(s).
How about the great city of the Twilight Zone, Makkatul Mukarramah and Madinatul Munawarrah, from the leg shape of Al Jazeera? The time zone, and we/you can see the supposed the correct, the pure meridian of all the time on planET Earth. The water of Zam-zam, the great source of the pure, clean water with the great shape of the molecules/ the inside picture of pure, calm, clean, and others for human mind and body.
The journey to the first skygate (Adam as),the second one (Isa as/Jesus/Yesus of Nazareth and Yahya as/ Jon/ John), so on, (Idris as/Enoch), (Harun as/ Aaron /Aron), (Musa as/ Mosa/ Moses), (Yusof as/ Joseph/ Yusop) and Ibrahim as/ Abraham @ Baitul Mak'mur.
And Ramadhan, azan, Andromeda...... The miracles.....The language of heavens, remember Andalusia and Iberian Peninsular, once upon a time for more than 700 years old of glorious time.
The human development from the form of .....
The research of the 'expertists' ...
Word by word, sign by sign, sentence by sentence, you/we can do ......???????
patent .. ...... ........ .
No.77,night of Nuzul Qur'an, Malaysia.
The miracles of researches, and by the 'power capabilities of the brain', we/you can have benefit of Beyond 2000(see the coincident designs of Petronas Twin Tower, Malaysia and the theme/first frames of the documentary and beyond reasonable doubt(s).
How about the great city of the Twilight Zone, Makkatul Mukarramah and Madinatul Munawarrah, from the leg shape of Al Jazeera? The time zone, and we/you can see the supposed the correct, the pure meridian of all the time on planET Earth. The water of Zam-zam, the great source of the pure, clean water with the great shape of the molecules/ the inside picture of pure, calm, clean, and others for human mind and body.
The journey to the first skygate (Adam as),the second one (Isa as/Jesus/Yesus of Nazareth and Yahya as/ Jon/ John), so on, (Idris as/Enoch), (Harun as/ Aaron /Aron), (Musa as/ Mosa/ Moses), (Yusof as/ Joseph/ Yusop) and Ibrahim as/ Abraham @ Baitul Mak'mur.
And Ramadhan, azan, Andromeda...... The miracles.....The language of heavens, remember Andalusia and Iberian Peninsular, once upon a time for more than 700 years old of glorious time.
The human development from the form of .....
The research of the 'expertists' ...
Word by word, sign by sign, sentence by sentence, you/we can do ......???????
patent .. ...... ........ .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010
999, 666, (((, ^^^, 911, (!!, Uses of Qwerty Keyboards
In The Name of ..... The beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, Jibra'il as/Gabraile/ Gabriel/ Namuz/ 'Go braile' codes, did spend some times on the planET Earth. He sent the messages of The Creator of All the universes, multiple one, or more than one, space of 300 biliion x 300 billion of fruits of starsor more than so-called 1% humans, 9 % jinns and 90% angels.
Can we/you make the comparisons? The claims that Al Qur'an is the mainframes of all the books, as did Namuz claimed that all of the sentences are covered/ included in Al Qur'an. So, it's better to learn the history of this blog, who's the writer, and hopefully, we/you can meet all together, all ,,,,,,, Allah knows everything, nobody can fool him at all. All of the 'Allah' words did show the signs,so The Miracle of Al Qur'an.
The 666, (999 - the unlucky one, # for chinese one) Osirus, the eye, the privacy reports, the sign below the google one, the eye of what????????
Friday 13th, the unlucky one for whom it may concern. The so-called Bolsheviks (revolution)-Trosky - Karl Marx - Lenin did have the great time to destroy the masjids, thousands of masjids etc around the the so-called sphere of USSR. But the symbol of the throne, Ramanov, even though he did engage the WWI with Ottomans, but he/his administrations did involve in the official opening of 'masjids', before the speech of Lenin did have the great impacts, using the mass media, The international bankers, and CI_s knew everthing but probably, because of the factors of 'geographical order' and others, did something as que sera sera or else. WWI with so many death, Lenin with the beard of Pharoahs, Fir'aun, did himself for a new the 13th Olympian of his own.
Obama, Osama, the same one, or else. You/we can judge by ...destiny of ....... Just like the letter to the crying Heraclius while riding away to Rome, leaving city of Holms- Syrians- Lebanon- from Palestinian lands too, "If he is the ...prophet, (the one), he will get this land (Palestine)...", He didn't expect the last one was actually from Arabia, the worst people, whom the Romans refused to conquer, but he did ask 'Abu Suffian', the uncle of the prophet about ..., and he mentioned if he(Muhammad saw) was a son of the king, he's expected to claim the throne of the king (but not), if he's a son of rich one (but not), if he didn't tell lies so he won't tell lies forever, as did the surprise of ' Abu Suffian mentality', how come his Quraish's DNA did have some influences in the mind of the Great Emperor, Roman Caesar, with the great armies, great places, palaces around Middle easternian lands, after the citizens of great city of Rome, Italy, as a priest told Hreaclius, the last prophet's already born after Heraclius did receive the letter from Ahmad/Ahmed /Ahmit/ Mohammedan / Muhammad saw, the last prophet of DNAs (Adam), when Heraclius received a letter from that of ......messenger, the Romans're just more than a century or so did they used to becoming the so-called 'nazarenic ones'/'christians of Rome'/ Roman / Rome man. But the city of 'Constantinople''s still (at that time)used the 12 Olympians, the symbol of ? Games? Olympic? Olympus? We need further studies and investigations of the human rules on the planEt Earth. So, when's the Ottomans became mottomans, ....putting m before the word, MOTTO, the Motto, the Slogans, etc... Can you/we see the signs? The miracles of words / spellings etc.
patent .. ..... ........ .
Once upon a time, Jibra'il as/Gabraile/ Gabriel/ Namuz/ 'Go braile' codes, did spend some times on the planET Earth. He sent the messages of The Creator of All the universes, multiple one, or more than one, space of 300 biliion x 300 billion of fruits of starsor more than so-called 1% humans, 9 % jinns and 90% angels.
Can we/you make the comparisons? The claims that Al Qur'an is the mainframes of all the books, as did Namuz claimed that all of the sentences are covered/ included in Al Qur'an. So, it's better to learn the history of this blog, who's the writer, and hopefully, we/you can meet all together, all ,,,,,,, Allah knows everything, nobody can fool him at all. All of the 'Allah' words did show the signs,so The Miracle of Al Qur'an.
The 666, (999 - the unlucky one, # for chinese one) Osirus, the eye, the privacy reports, the sign below the google one, the eye of what????????
Friday 13th, the unlucky one for whom it may concern. The so-called Bolsheviks (revolution)-Trosky - Karl Marx - Lenin did have the great time to destroy the masjids, thousands of masjids etc around the the so-called sphere of USSR. But the symbol of the throne, Ramanov, even though he did engage the WWI with Ottomans, but he/his administrations did involve in the official opening of 'masjids', before the speech of Lenin did have the great impacts, using the mass media, The international bankers, and CI_s knew everthing but probably, because of the factors of 'geographical order' and others, did something as que sera sera or else. WWI with so many death, Lenin with the beard of Pharoahs, Fir'aun, did himself for a new the 13th Olympian of his own.
Obama, Osama, the same one, or else. You/we can judge by ...destiny of ....... Just like the letter to the crying Heraclius while riding away to Rome, leaving city of Holms- Syrians- Lebanon- from Palestinian lands too, "If he is the ...prophet, (the one), he will get this land (Palestine)...", He didn't expect the last one was actually from Arabia, the worst people, whom the Romans refused to conquer, but he did ask 'Abu Suffian', the uncle of the prophet about ..., and he mentioned if he(Muhammad saw) was a son of the king, he's expected to claim the throne of the king (but not), if he's a son of rich one (but not), if he didn't tell lies so he won't tell lies forever, as did the surprise of ' Abu Suffian mentality', how come his Quraish's DNA did have some influences in the mind of the Great Emperor, Roman Caesar, with the great armies, great places, palaces around Middle easternian lands, after the citizens of great city of Rome, Italy, as a priest told Hreaclius, the last prophet's already born after Heraclius did receive the letter from Ahmad/Ahmed /Ahmit/ Mohammedan / Muhammad saw, the last prophet of DNAs (Adam), when Heraclius received a letter from that of ......messenger, the Romans're just more than a century or so did they used to becoming the so-called 'nazarenic ones'/'christians of Rome'/ Roman / Rome man. But the city of 'Constantinople''s still (at that time)used the 12 Olympians, the symbol of ? Games? Olympic? Olympus? We need further studies and investigations of the human rules on the planEt Earth. So, when's the Ottomans became mottomans, ....putting m before the word, MOTTO, the Motto, the Slogans, etc... Can you/we see the signs? The miracles of words / spellings etc.
patent .. ..... ........ .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
The Actual World of Animals - The Kingdom of Heavens
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, the planET Earth, did show the screens of the radars, from the webs of information, a lot more than before, ranging from the miracle of the technology - human brains, the capabilities of the 'engineering mind', etc.
The so-called animals, have their own codes, the skillful hidden languages among them, so when they have the meeting, the signal or the prayers of 'codes' worshipping the Creator,and they show the signs. The great one. This writer got one more secret, the best one, the secret marriages of the animals, the kingdom of their own heavens, especially the cats, the fur.. one, fill the loves of human beings, live among the human beings, ablutions, licking with the front legs, strecthing from the sleeping times,
The calls... prayer at times, certain one....
Can you/we see the signs? The end of ......? Doom!
For my sentences, TQ
patent .. ..... ........ .
Once upon a time, the planET Earth, did show the screens of the radars, from the webs of information, a lot more than before, ranging from the miracle of the technology - human brains, the capabilities of the 'engineering mind', etc.
The so-called animals, have their own codes, the skillful hidden languages among them, so when they have the meeting, the signal or the prayers of 'codes' worshipping the Creator,and they show the signs. The great one. This writer got one more secret, the best one, the secret marriages of the animals, the kingdom of their own heavens, especially the cats, the fur.. one, fill the loves of human beings, live among the human beings, ablutions, licking with the front legs, strecthing from the sleeping times,
The calls... prayer at times, certain one....
Can you/we see the signs? The end of ......? Doom!
For my sentences, TQ
patent .. ..... ........ .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Love, Love, Love, Fill The Heart, Flowers, Revolutions of Love
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, Rahil got married with Jacob/ Yaakub as, only after a few years married to her elder one, got a lot of sons, by that time, the laws're given the right to sisters that they could be married to a same man/ sharing a husband by sisters then. The main issue was love. The jealous one, because of feeling, the hurt one, did give the great mischief among the DNAs.
The head of 'blue one's, the heat of 'alcohol' kept burning with the chemical reactions, the breaking chains of DNAs, which can causes the great misjugdements, imbalances, accidents, total lost of living DNAs, sadness, madness, injustice decisions etc negatively.
Here, we/you can see the proof, not the spoof one. Don't worry! Be happy!!!
The great sentences, Andromeda, AndRamadhan,And Rama-dan, the miracles of words, pronounciations, the spellings, the end results of the negative impactsone, etc.
patent .. ..... ........ .
Once upon a time, Rahil got married with Jacob/ Yaakub as, only after a few years married to her elder one, got a lot of sons, by that time, the laws're given the right to sisters that they could be married to a same man/ sharing a husband by sisters then. The main issue was love. The jealous one, because of feeling, the hurt one, did give the great mischief among the DNAs.
The head of 'blue one's, the heat of 'alcohol' kept burning with the chemical reactions, the breaking chains of DNAs, which can causes the great misjugdements, imbalances, accidents, total lost of living DNAs, sadness, madness, injustice decisions etc negatively.
Here, we/you can see the proof, not the spoof one. Don't worry! Be happy!!!
The great sentences, Andromeda, AndRamadhan,And Rama-dan, the miracles of words, pronounciations, the spellings, the end results of the negative impactsone, etc.
patent .. ..... ........ .
Senin, 23 Agustus 2010
'Don't Be Sad' Ghazzan, Patience, Love, Moment of Glory, Andromeda
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Once upon a time, a man from Bukhara, Middle Asian, did come to a certain place. The people did make some tricky tactics to dissemble the chains of the 'witnesses' for the saying of the last prophet. He managed to memorized perfectly eventhough the people did think he would make some mistakes. What kind of 'food' did he eat? 'La Tahzan', he ate a lot of dried 'grass'. It's some kind of 'chloro...', the filling of his stomach from what certain mammals' food. Hopefully, the genius of the 'Ghazzanian' can show more and more 'creativities'.
The creation of 'Isra'hell'' with the destruction of 'railway links' between Istanbul and Madinatul Munawwarah, did have the 'hik'mah' for the so-called 'loose chains of Californian rules', the caliphates of 'the world' for 'musulman'.
TQ.. from sources of
From the moment of 'the break up of Islamic Bloc', by creating the instability of Ottomans, the stable (unstable one actually) Arabian lands with the jealous principl... .
The special license to kill was accomplished in the region of Middle East, from the former Alexander, The Great-Macedonianic lands, the moment of certain empires're being reduced to the smaller one, by divide and rule policies. Please look at the Tatarian lands of Asia and the Eastern Europe. The moment of 'Khan-ates''re finished by the attacks of the 'King of Pushka' followers and the massive numbers of the standing armies of the Russian Arab Orthodoxians. Who's Jamal Chez....nadze? The father of Anna Ch...nadze, the world top tennis player from Moscow, has the Arab's name. How many 'Khan-ates' did dissapear from the map of Tartar lands of the 15th century, settled down by becoming muslims and by stopping the policy of 'conquest'? Did their rests were punished by the 15th century ... invasionists from 'Mech... Moscow', the muscovites? And keep going and going .....
patent .. .... ........ .
Once upon a time, a man from Bukhara, Middle Asian, did come to a certain place. The people did make some tricky tactics to dissemble the chains of the 'witnesses' for the saying of the last prophet. He managed to memorized perfectly eventhough the people did think he would make some mistakes. What kind of 'food' did he eat? 'La Tahzan', he ate a lot of dried 'grass'. It's some kind of 'chloro...', the filling of his stomach from what certain mammals' food. Hopefully, the genius of the 'Ghazzanian' can show more and more 'creativities'.
The creation of 'Isra'hell'' with the destruction of 'railway links' between Istanbul and Madinatul Munawwarah, did have the 'hik'mah' for the so-called 'loose chains of Californian rules', the caliphates of 'the world' for 'musulman'.
TQ.. from sources of
From the moment of 'the break up of Islamic Bloc', by creating the instability of Ottomans, the stable (unstable one actually) Arabian lands with the jealous principl... .
The special license to kill was accomplished in the region of Middle East, from the former Alexander, The Great-Macedonianic lands, the moment of certain empires're being reduced to the smaller one, by divide and rule policies. Please look at the Tatarian lands of Asia and the Eastern Europe. The moment of 'Khan-ates''re finished by the attacks of the 'King of Pushka' followers and the massive numbers of the standing armies of the Russian Arab Orthodoxians. Who's Jamal Chez....nadze? The father of Anna Ch...nadze, the world top tennis player from Moscow, has the Arab's name. How many 'Khan-ates' did dissapear from the map of Tartar lands of the 15th century, settled down by becoming muslims and by stopping the policy of 'conquest'? Did their rests were punished by the 15th century ... invasionists from 'Mech... Moscow', the muscovites? And keep going and going .....
patent .. .... ........ .
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
From USA source,TQ, The Mysterious, To set the coincidences by advanc...the impact for 20 or years ahead
In The Name of ..... The beneficent the Merciful
From certain news coverage/ or plans /planes. Why???
Here, one of the favorite one.
From Hassan Al Banna and his son by shooting by the still free 'group', Syed Qutub-he knew the secrets of USA hospitals -the links of Corporat.. money,money,money for treatments and it can cause poorness among the unstable 'breadwinners', by hanging, JFK by shooting- his speech about the secret society- how the secret society covered the mistakes of the century, mass media interventions, take charge of the world news and focuses, (Kennedy..families? al Kindi.? Who?),then changed policies, lost the focus, Vietnam war, King Malik Faisal by shooting, Abdullah Azzam and his sons by high tech car bomb using the 'video out of contexts in term of the American exports, foreign policies (attention to Dr. Lani Kass and the suporrters) and test of WMDs , killing machine to Isra'hell'), Pres. Zia ul Haq (from Punjab India- moved to Pakistan as an eight years old boy, the devouted Muhajjir DNA, did abolish Parliament, set up syura, promoting the Islamic Shariah Laws, and ....the uses of dizzy-smog-smoke high-tech one, 'sleeping one just like 911' as mentioned by shooting and by the stewardness (recorded conversation/phone call from the plane), Sheikh Ahmad Yassin by 'smart missile', Dr... Rantisi by Apache 'hellfire', Rafiq Hariri by bombing etc, The agents of supporters..... Who's who???? The unveiling of worldwide conspiracy then, since/circa. Please see, hear, feel the end results of changes. The End, The Ajjal, d'ajjal, Dajjal one. One World Conspiracy. Count the dropping blood, dripping one, or Count Dracula. Dragging USA down, all together down, just like Titanic with the 'kurita' masonic one.Please read this blogger ..... all of the sentences. Bye-bye, TQ
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From certain news coverage/ or plans /planes. Why???
Here, one of the favorite one.
From Hassan Al Banna and his son by shooting by the still free 'group', Syed Qutub-he knew the secrets of USA hospitals -the links of Corporat.. money,money,money for treatments and it can cause poorness among the unstable 'breadwinners', by hanging, JFK by shooting- his speech about the secret society- how the secret society covered the mistakes of the century, mass media interventions, take charge of the world news and focuses, (Kennedy..families? al Kindi.? Who?),then changed policies, lost the focus, Vietnam war, King Malik Faisal by shooting, Abdullah Azzam and his sons by high tech car bomb using the 'video out of contexts in term of the American exports, foreign policies (attention to Dr. Lani Kass and the suporrters) and test of WMDs , killing machine to Isra'hell'), Pres. Zia ul Haq (from Punjab India- moved to Pakistan as an eight years old boy, the devouted Muhajjir DNA, did abolish Parliament, set up syura, promoting the Islamic Shariah Laws, and ....the uses of dizzy-smog-smoke high-tech one, 'sleeping one just like 911' as mentioned by shooting and by the stewardness (recorded conversation/phone call from the plane), Sheikh Ahmad Yassin by 'smart missile', Dr... Rantisi by Apache 'hellfire', Rafiq Hariri by bombing etc, The agents of supporters..... Who's who???? The unveiling of worldwide conspiracy then, since/circa. Please see, hear, feel the end results of changes. The End, The Ajjal, d'ajjal, Dajjal one. One World Conspiracy. Count the dropping blood, dripping one, or Count Dracula. Dragging USA down, all together down, just like Titanic with the 'kurita' masonic one.Please read this blogger ..... all of the sentences. Bye-bye, TQ
patent . ......... ........ .
Another Anniversary of 911, The First Syawal 1431AH
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The year is 2010AD. For a month of fasting, the 9th one, the 10th one for celebration/festival. The so-called the accusations or plans to frame (frame by frame)was a clear and present danger. The super richests, the fuhrers, the ss code of propaganda. Can we/you see the writer of 'the book' is right? Or wrong? Please see the total calm reaction of the choices, whether it's 'greed', 'who want to take pride of 'que sera sera', or 'the super plans/ planes were controlled by the towers/ control towers of reverse ingineering - the avionic one, or at last, 'the aliens did it'. Mr/mrs who's who rule from Mirror On The Wall, Who's the fairest of them all. It's all about the desires, the human weaknesses were being studied by the great researches of Lucifer/Nephilim or else.
The investigators should see the japanese cartoon of 'Captain Future', who rules a planet for a few years with the image of Statue of Liberty. Did R....f...l.. sold the R..f ...l.. Tower/Building and 'They bought back a few years later from the Japanese'? The Malaysians did see those cartoons (the Japanese one) with the translation. It's circa 20 years before 911 NY Emergency Call. Find the man/ the invisible, powerful machine@ technology, to run, to plat with the great game of ruling 'the earthlings'. The scripts of confession by the Cabal, the third one, the conservative one from USA, has shown the great signs of the unveiling of super secret society among the younger generations from the elders.
Now, the ICBMs of '''re more powerful than '911 missile'. Please take note, the tomahawk missile is just a small version of being/boeing, the technology of the bigger one was used to 'remote controlledly' hit WTC, plus the plantings of bombs/explosions and the insurances were already bought for those events. Just ready, get set and go, push the button. Here! Hear! See! You must get the truth and the trust or the trustees of 'richests and fuhrers'. Can you handle 'the eat your heart' truth? You can get the sentence of the heart, we/you can see the miracle of 'history' in the making and making. Keep going and going.. Bunny one for muslim populations...and counting ..... breed...... TQ
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The year is 2010AD. For a month of fasting, the 9th one, the 10th one for celebration/festival. The so-called the accusations or plans to frame (frame by frame)was a clear and present danger. The super richests, the fuhrers, the ss code of propaganda. Can we/you see the writer of 'the book' is right? Or wrong? Please see the total calm reaction of the choices, whether it's 'greed', 'who want to take pride of 'que sera sera', or 'the super plans/ planes were controlled by the towers/ control towers of reverse ingineering - the avionic one, or at last, 'the aliens did it'. Mr/mrs who's who rule from Mirror On The Wall, Who's the fairest of them all. It's all about the desires, the human weaknesses were being studied by the great researches of Lucifer/Nephilim or else.
The investigators should see the japanese cartoon of 'Captain Future', who rules a planet for a few years with the image of Statue of Liberty. Did R....f...l.. sold the R..f ...l.. Tower/Building and 'They bought back a few years later from the Japanese'? The Malaysians did see those cartoons (the Japanese one) with the translation. It's circa 20 years before 911 NY Emergency Call. Find the man/ the invisible, powerful machine@ technology, to run, to plat with the great game of ruling 'the earthlings'. The scripts of confession by the Cabal, the third one, the conservative one from USA, has shown the great signs of the unveiling of super secret society among the younger generations from the elders.
Now, the ICBMs of '''re more powerful than '911 missile'. Please take note, the tomahawk missile is just a small version of being/boeing, the technology of the bigger one was used to 'remote controlledly' hit WTC, plus the plantings of bombs/explosions and the insurances were already bought for those events. Just ready, get set and go, push the button. Here! Hear! See! You must get the truth and the trust or the trustees of 'richests and fuhrers'. Can you handle 'the eat your heart' truth? You can get the sentence of the heart, we/you can see the miracle of 'history' in the making and making. Keep going and going.. Bunny one for muslim populations...and counting ..... breed...... TQ
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The Other Coincident events
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
Who want to be the believer(s)? Emergency! Calling the number 911!
TQ for ......
Please remember! How can behind the scene of the success(ful-fool) of the creation of United Nation, One World Government,on the 'Bal-farm' the so-called almost 1,776 - 2000 groups of Kahila/Qahilla....... ???? Eat your ....... again and again. The killing machine unleashed after the great 'human made' starvation, nuclear waste weapons, 'oil for food program', the 'no fly zone' or else, for the 'Iraqists', for not kissing the ass of Saddam Hussein (Who failed to invade Iran then). Please remember ........ Please have a heart of human, rather than a heart of werewolf. A werewolf did ask human to meet the last prophet, Ahmed, Ahmit, Mohammaden, Mohammad to be the believer(s) more than 1400 years ago. Back to the future, see this youtube video.

Who accept the exodus of European Yahoodi/Jews/Khazarians from the fail attempt of Madagascar's Nazi plan? Nazi did accept the defeat without 'drop of ....bombs'. Some old veterans (muslims of Caucus) of did say that they didn't destroy Berlin as the young Russians with WMD destroyed Chechnya since 'the fall of Soviet Union'.
How many muslims got killed in WWII? The memorial for them? Nothing, no appreciation or what so ever, 2/3 of former Soviet Armies from the intentional make them poor muslims. You got the facts of life. Have a nice life then. Please use '' for 'Chechnya' videos. TQ.
patent . ........ ........ .
Who want to be the believer(s)? Emergency! Calling the number 911!
TQ for ......
Please remember! How can behind the scene of the success(ful-fool) of the creation of United Nation, One World Government,on the 'Bal-farm' the so-called almost 1,776 - 2000 groups of Kahila/Qahilla....... ???? Eat your ....... again and again. The killing machine unleashed after the great 'human made' starvation, nuclear waste weapons, 'oil for food program', the 'no fly zone' or else, for the 'Iraqists', for not kissing the ass of Saddam Hussein (Who failed to invade Iran then). Please remember ........ Please have a heart of human, rather than a heart of werewolf. A werewolf did ask human to meet the last prophet, Ahmed, Ahmit, Mohammaden, Mohammad to be the believer(s) more than 1400 years ago. Back to the future, see this youtube video.

Who accept the exodus of European Yahoodi/Jews/Khazarians from the fail attempt of Madagascar's Nazi plan? Nazi did accept the defeat without 'drop of ....bombs'. Some old veterans (muslims of Caucus) of did say that they didn't destroy Berlin as the young Russians with WMD destroyed Chechnya since 'the fall of Soviet Union'.
How many muslims got killed in WWII? The memorial for them? Nothing, no appreciation or what so ever, 2/3 of former Soviet Armies from the intentional make them poor muslims. You got the facts of life. Have a nice life then. Please use '' for 'Chechnya' videos. TQ.
patent . ........ ........ .
Senin, 16 Agustus 2010
The Secret Societies, Who's who??? ??? ? ??
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
This is no. 69, blogger of the hipothesis/ research in English. But, we can pray for our ...... To be or not to be.
The promises of the 'Nephilim', predator/satan/lucifer set to enter the human blood vessels and to control the human heart and mind, spiritually or by the whisperers behind the curtain or walls. Just like the pen-drive, the human pen-_s can be changed by the viruses of the T-types. The human beings are made by the planET Earth structures, the spirit of ...., from heavens, but who will return to heavens is a long, risky, full of fires, tales or stories.
Just like the 'chip' of silicon, germanium or other materials using the Periodic Table, the masters of Weapon Of Mass Destructions use them, by finishing them in the negative ways. The uses of the ancient germs for certain bias of 'prisme', or spiral power of 'thinking' are very useful for the positive ways. The ways of 'sperms' and ovum, as compare to the meteor/ asteroids, the earth and the sky, about 2 million races, just a sperm/ a journey to 'duplications', and the babies go out later with the code of RA ABC in certain lingua franca languages.
The clones or the klones, just like the symbol of an eye below 'google' privacy NCIS, Hollywood styles of surveying world opinions, the beastmaster of the secret 6 6 6 etc are just the great coincidences/plans again and again.
Formerly, Cat Steven, he himself launched the 'police' song, the beast number, the secret of 'song', Michael Jackson, became musulman/muslim by 'Bahrain connection' before his death by mysterious 'drug/dark' one, just like Norma Jeans (Marilyn Monroe),, , glorious 'Beat It', 'Billie Jean' or Princess Diana, they were all become musulman/muslim or they had the intentions and whose conspiracy of coincidences....??? By way of deception or the mysterious links of 'cat eyes' or you can make further investigation then.
patent . ....... ........ .
This is no. 69, blogger of the hipothesis/ research in English. But, we can pray for our ...... To be or not to be.
The promises of the 'Nephilim', predator/satan/lucifer set to enter the human blood vessels and to control the human heart and mind, spiritually or by the whisperers behind the curtain or walls. Just like the pen-drive, the human pen-_s can be changed by the viruses of the T-types. The human beings are made by the planET Earth structures, the spirit of ...., from heavens, but who will return to heavens is a long, risky, full of fires, tales or stories.
Just like the 'chip' of silicon, germanium or other materials using the Periodic Table, the masters of Weapon Of Mass Destructions use them, by finishing them in the negative ways. The uses of the ancient germs for certain bias of 'prisme', or spiral power of 'thinking' are very useful for the positive ways. The ways of 'sperms' and ovum, as compare to the meteor/ asteroids, the earth and the sky, about 2 million races, just a sperm/ a journey to 'duplications', and the babies go out later with the code of RA ABC in certain lingua franca languages.
The clones or the klones, just like the symbol of an eye below 'google' privacy NCIS, Hollywood styles of surveying world opinions, the beastmaster of the secret 6 6 6 etc are just the great coincidences/plans again and again.
Formerly, Cat Steven, he himself launched the 'police' song, the beast number, the secret of 'song', Michael Jackson, became musulman/muslim by 'Bahrain connection' before his death by mysterious 'drug/dark' one, just like Norma Jeans (Marilyn Monroe),, , glorious 'Beat It', 'Billie Jean' or Princess Diana, they were all become musulman/muslim or they had the intentions and whose conspiracy of coincidences....??? By way of deception or the mysterious links of 'cat eyes' or you can make further investigation then.
patent . ....... ........ .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
The End or The Coincident of ...... Your/Our Waves of 'Opinions'
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
During the meeting between King Faisal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and former Sec. of State, Mr Henry Kessinger, the king did mentioned about the conspiracy of zionist or CIA knew of the classified CIA 'Rusia' intelligent reports about the Karl Marx, Trosky, Rothschilds, Jewish atheistic movement from Ali ra, the fourth california (The smartests), the meetings of World Jewish Congress (Swissland), the known 1897AD for the target of 50 years world wide 'conspiracy' for creation of Isra'hell'.. The king did ignore the fact he's actually .. Qahilla/ Kahila... AIPAC ..Pacman keep going and going one.
The nationalization of the kingdom oil industries, the king actions for the establishment of the caliphate etc, the king got his paid/due. He died from 'from Florida connection' then, King Fahd had the agreement to somehow to bow down to Mr George Bush Senior CIA plans and "Kessinger Plans' to let Iranian sell the oil and 'build the nuclear reactors for the 'green energy purposes'. Did the plans're set to be fulfill? How about the 'leap of time' of British Petroleum, the Sir Winston Curchill cooperation/conspiracy or the links to topple the people government of Iran and 'the installation of Shah Iran/Farah Diba - Lost In Space - Lost In Los Angeles -Persian connection plans'.
Common... men and women! "They can fool a lot of ...body, but they can't fool ...everybody at all the time". You judge yourself then. TQ....
Some coincident of opinions here: from the western sources...
And why the US fleet kept hunting to the 'southern pole' then. Penang, the island of Jerjak, the ex-prisoner's palace was a location for German submarines (WWII)and German tourist /man challenged a man of Malaya(Federation) to travel around the world. Who's that German tourist then/ the spy of ... to settle down around the jungle of South East Asia? The 'Baling UFO' incidence? What is the year is that? Some news/rumours did mention that Hitler(did some/any plastic surgery for himself)(Rothschild's son fron his slave from certain source/news) became muslim and he died by old age in 1960s somewhere around the planET Earth.
What kind of ... is this? Have fun from ''...
Thanks for your precious time of 'spending pleasure, together'.
patent . ....... ........ .
During the meeting between King Faisal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and former Sec. of State, Mr Henry Kessinger, the king did mentioned about the conspiracy of zionist or CIA knew of the classified CIA 'Rusia' intelligent reports about the Karl Marx, Trosky, Rothschilds, Jewish atheistic movement from Ali ra, the fourth california (The smartests), the meetings of World Jewish Congress (Swissland), the known 1897AD for the target of 50 years world wide 'conspiracy' for creation of Isra'hell'.. The king did ignore the fact he's actually .. Qahilla/ Kahila... AIPAC ..Pacman keep going and going one.
The nationalization of the kingdom oil industries, the king actions for the establishment of the caliphate etc, the king got his paid/due. He died from 'from Florida connection' then, King Fahd had the agreement to somehow to bow down to Mr George Bush Senior CIA plans and "Kessinger Plans' to let Iranian sell the oil and 'build the nuclear reactors for the 'green energy purposes'. Did the plans're set to be fulfill? How about the 'leap of time' of British Petroleum, the Sir Winston Curchill cooperation/conspiracy or the links to topple the people government of Iran and 'the installation of Shah Iran/Farah Diba - Lost In Space - Lost In Los Angeles -Persian connection plans'.
Common... men and women! "They can fool a lot of ...body, but they can't fool ...everybody at all the time". You judge yourself then. TQ....
Some coincident of opinions here: from the western sources...
And why the US fleet kept hunting to the 'southern pole' then. Penang, the island of Jerjak, the ex-prisoner's palace was a location for German submarines (WWII)and German tourist /man challenged a man of Malaya(Federation) to travel around the world. Who's that German tourist then/ the spy of ... to settle down around the jungle of South East Asia? The 'Baling UFO' incidence? What is the year is that? Some news/rumours did mention that Hitler(did some/any plastic surgery for himself)(Rothschild's son fron his slave from certain source/news) became muslim and he died by old age in 1960s somewhere around the planET Earth.
What kind of ... is this? Have fun from ''...
Thanks for your precious time of 'spending pleasure, together'.
patent . ....... ........ .
Cabal, Qabilah Arabia, Kaballah, Kebal, Kembali
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
By the way of deception, Thou we shall go to war! The new one, the middle of SS, the one, the mask one of who'who around Iraq (the British agent/armies or agent of or else), to start the rifts among the population of the ancient Mesopotamia to kill each other.
The end results of these events, surely, the element/ core of {IDF,shin-bet,Mo()ad}zionists will free to rest and applaud without any money or blood or tears to flow for a while. Put money in the bank for and, and, Isra'hell' or 'mysterious Swiss bank of world congress'.
TQ for reading, please read all of the written 'blog' here to understand, the understanding of ......
Read Injail, Injil, Barnabas, etc too. Thorah, Talmudic texts, Palsm text, but all the sentences are mastered or controlled by ....... Al Qur'an.
"Yahoodi/Jews and Nazarens said,"We are sons of Allah and His Lovers". Please say! "Why He torture because of your sins. Nevertheless, al of you are just regular human beings among the other human beings -whom He create.... He forgive to whom He wants, though nevertheless He torture whoever He want to. And for Allah, the Power of Ruling the sky(heavens) and earth, including whatever in between, and to Allah at last, the place to return", translation from verse of al Maidah, sentence no.18. (The feast).
patent . ...... ........ .
By the way of deception, Thou we shall go to war! The new one, the middle of SS, the one, the mask one of who'who around Iraq (the British agent/armies or agent of or else), to start the rifts among the population of the ancient Mesopotamia to kill each other.
The end results of these events, surely, the element/ core of {IDF,shin-bet,Mo()ad}zionists will free to rest and applaud without any money or blood or tears to flow for a while. Put money in the bank for and, and, Isra'hell' or 'mysterious Swiss bank of world congress'.
TQ for reading, please read all of the written 'blog' here to understand, the understanding of ......
Read Injail, Injil, Barnabas, etc too. Thorah, Talmudic texts, Palsm text, but all the sentences are mastered or controlled by ....... Al Qur'an.
"Yahoodi/Jews and Nazarens said,"We are sons of Allah and His Lovers". Please say! "Why He torture because of your sins. Nevertheless, al of you are just regular human beings among the other human beings -whom He create.... He forgive to whom He wants, though nevertheless He torture whoever He want to. And for Allah, the Power of Ruling the sky(heavens) and earth, including whatever in between, and to Allah at last, the place to return", translation from verse of al Maidah, sentence no.18. (The feast).
patent . ...... ........ .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
The Feeling of Pain, The Gain of ...."By the way of Deception, Thou we shall go to War" Slogan of
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The ashes of the twin tower looked like the mysterious agenda of the super rich and sometimes, the so-called international bankers. They financed the WWI and WWII, the DNAs of Rothschild, Ro...fellar,,... velt, ....Meyer (Metro Golden Meyer - international mafia links - from Cuba to Nevada to California and to Florida and of course, Isra'hell'). The uses of Neo-Nazi, Winston Curchill (Iranian Oil link) George Medal Connection, the ancient swastika plus the rising sun, and the sign of 'death will find you soon' @ Gaza by the brutal attack/ excessive force / war criminals of zionist regime show no mercy, no regard of 'life of the sufferers', no feeling of 'humanity' except 'the wolgang of Hitler-Hiliar@Madagascar one'. The Uganda/Kenya's just for tourism. But the palestinians suffered the worst of their history when the mass exodus of 'the exiled wolfgang' kept coming inti the homeland of the so-called 'poor people', comments by 'Th... H...l - haganah 1897-1947AD target in 50 years for a creation of Isra.. state/ Ju..e stat especially the famously, not allowing Bani Isra'el to enter Palestine during the prophet Moses, DNAs of Aishu. That'why the Arab Palestine're just like 'European faces'.
The policies of Dr Lani Kaas and his DNA-links, the mantle defender of Isra'hell', seem working and working. The target of 'the mistakes of Al Qaeda' for training them to fight the mighty armies of Soviet Union and her fallen domino effects, had to be rewarded by labelling them as the 'terrorists', who don't serve the way of ... Isra'hell' was to blow them away, out of planET Earth. By way of deception, the propagandas of 'Armageddon', by trying to make or to force Iranian into conflicts of super 'refugees', helter skelter, brutalities, and so on.
This is recorded is history of 21st century AD, as the ... is doomed to repeat itself, during the last day of 'time'. How about The resetting circa 2012 AD??? Better .. Part 1 to Part 4.
The so-called 'hijackers', trained by the 'Florida connection', and the pilot, the stewardness - Stock-holms synd-rome, the planET of the apes. Please use to find her,TQ. /The Arrivals - the
patent . ...... ........ .
The ashes of the twin tower looked like the mysterious agenda of the super rich and sometimes, the so-called international bankers. They financed the WWI and WWII, the DNAs of Rothschild, Ro...fellar,,... velt, ....Meyer (Metro Golden Meyer - international mafia links - from Cuba to Nevada to California and to Florida and of course, Isra'hell'). The uses of Neo-Nazi, Winston Curchill (Iranian Oil link) George Medal Connection, the ancient swastika plus the rising sun, and the sign of 'death will find you soon' @ Gaza by the brutal attack/ excessive force / war criminals of zionist regime show no mercy, no regard of 'life of the sufferers', no feeling of 'humanity' except 'the wolgang of Hitler-Hiliar@Madagascar one'. The Uganda/Kenya's just for tourism. But the palestinians suffered the worst of their history when the mass exodus of 'the exiled wolfgang' kept coming inti the homeland of the so-called 'poor people', comments by 'Th... H...l - haganah 1897-1947AD target in 50 years for a creation of Isra.. state/ Ju..e stat especially the famously, not allowing Bani Isra'el to enter Palestine during the prophet Moses, DNAs of Aishu. That'why the Arab Palestine're just like 'European faces'.
The policies of Dr Lani Kaas and his DNA-links, the mantle defender of Isra'hell', seem working and working. The target of 'the mistakes of Al Qaeda' for training them to fight the mighty armies of Soviet Union and her fallen domino effects, had to be rewarded by labelling them as the 'terrorists', who don't serve the way of ... Isra'hell' was to blow them away, out of planET Earth. By way of deception, the propagandas of 'Armageddon', by trying to make or to force Iranian into conflicts of super 'refugees', helter skelter, brutalities, and so on.
This is recorded is history of 21st century AD, as the ... is doomed to repeat itself, during the last day of 'time'. How about The resetting circa 2012 AD??? Better .. Part 1 to Part 4.
The so-called 'hijackers', trained by the 'Florida connection', and the pilot, the stewardness - Stock-holms synd-rome, the planET of the apes. Please use to find her,TQ. /The Arrivals - the
patent . ...... ........ .
Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
The Mask of 'Wolfgang', The Conspiracy ...
In THe Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The people of .... near the river of Tigris and Euraprates- (pronouncing can be twisted to, to greet and you are practise, tiger and you are pirates etc), the ancient of Cain and Abel(Qabil and Habil), has shown the great timeline for the so-called the great attack from the sky. "We bomb them until..... stone age", the ancient style of the great war.
By the way of 'which side you want to support', we/you can see the hidden of the promises by the 'negative one' to welcome DNAs to hellfire. The hidden messages behind the history, the betrayal of the certain people when the truth of the prophecies are coming right to your/our own stable 'mind'. No hard felling please. Just see how the desires of 'living rulers' around the planET Earth react accordingly since. Since Adam and Eve....? Who's Eve? The evening, the snakes, the hidden temptations, the exposer, the sexual, xual,shaul... and a woman from Adam's rib. The space inside a body, or you/we can fulfill the body with air, water, and food. But the excessive one can be hazardous for 'healthy'?
Unexpectedly, or as expected, we/you can see the 'why' or 'Y' or coincident of an apphabet's shape or sign. Our/Your signs???Is this the western hidden message for their 'own generations'?
The search of ....
No hard feeling please.....
So on, the line of fire, the frontlines of 'great war', the WWI of the millenium, 911 or else, we/you can see/hear the conspiracy of 'secret society', the killing of JFK etc.
patent . ..... ........ .
The people of .... near the river of Tigris and Euraprates- (pronouncing can be twisted to, to greet and you are practise, tiger and you are pirates etc), the ancient of Cain and Abel(Qabil and Habil), has shown the great timeline for the so-called the great attack from the sky. "We bomb them until..... stone age", the ancient style of the great war.
By the way of 'which side you want to support', we/you can see the hidden of the promises by the 'negative one' to welcome DNAs to hellfire. The hidden messages behind the history, the betrayal of the certain people when the truth of the prophecies are coming right to your/our own stable 'mind'. No hard felling please. Just see how the desires of 'living rulers' around the planET Earth react accordingly since. Since Adam and Eve....? Who's Eve? The evening, the snakes, the hidden temptations, the exposer, the sexual, xual,shaul... and a woman from Adam's rib. The space inside a body, or you/we can fulfill the body with air, water, and food. But the excessive one can be hazardous for 'healthy'?
Unexpectedly, or as expected, we/you can see the 'why' or 'Y' or coincident of an apphabet's shape or sign. Our/Your signs???Is this the western hidden message for their 'own generations'?
The search of ....
No hard feeling please.....
So on, the line of fire, the frontlines of 'great war', the WWI of the millenium, 911 or else, we/you can see/hear the conspiracy of 'secret society', the killing of JFK etc.
patent . ..... ........ .
Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010
The Unbelievers and The Believers, How about you?
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
".....During 70 years of the atheistic ......., we eliminated most of the believers,.....this is not .......but, it's just .........independence..... ". And, Mr Boris Yeltsin fired him for his statement appeared in US News and Report/ Newsweek/ or etc. Comments about Chechnya, Republic of Ishkeria, or Mr Johari Daud, (Dhzokar Dudayez), who leaded the independent movement of a Caucassian land, and he got killed later while phoning using the mobile set, discussion with who'who rules Moorish land, Casablanca, city of 'the lost Roman Empire'. And, the song of 'Casablanca'.
The sign of the impact was shown above the 'look like broom of' the helmet of Roman Empire. Please freeze the moment of the impact '' videos, we/you can see the frozen time of a great disaster for a tsunami of ...if a big meteor/asteroid hit the surface of the sea or ocean, or planET Earth.
patent . .... ........ .
".....During 70 years of the atheistic ......., we eliminated most of the believers,.....this is not .......but, it's just .........independence..... ". And, Mr Boris Yeltsin fired him for his statement appeared in US News and Report/ Newsweek/ or etc. Comments about Chechnya, Republic of Ishkeria, or Mr Johari Daud, (Dhzokar Dudayez), who leaded the independent movement of a Caucassian land, and he got killed later while phoning using the mobile set, discussion with who'who rules Moorish land, Casablanca, city of 'the lost Roman Empire'. And, the song of 'Casablanca'.
The sign of the impact was shown above the 'look like broom of' the helmet of Roman Empire. Please freeze the moment of the impact '' videos, we/you can see the frozen time of a great disaster for a tsunami of ...if a big meteor/asteroid hit the surface of the sea or ocean, or planET Earth.
patent . .... ........ .
Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010
Sleeper, The code of zzzzzz, The Counter Strike, Prayer, Selawat
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
The tripple threat from alphabet e inside the sleeper 'code', the spirit of 'just like sleeping pill effects'. Sleeper, has three e, the symbol of 666, the curse number of the beast, our klone eye below near the internet symbol for 'google'. Without Sl p r, e e e incirculated or reversely flip to the position of 6 6 6. The secret of May Queen, Marry Queen, who forced the Anglo-Saxons into Christian Roma, Catolics. Her picture showed her with a flower, but it's actually covered a snake of blue-green colored poisonous one. References for educational purposes with cautions only. Be careful!
Now, we can adjust to the song by Angelati, LED Zeppellin, 'Highway to Heaven'. The reverse play of this song, Highway to Hell, did mention about May Queen, beasts, and of course, the number of 666. So, this blogger made a discovery of DNA-links about the royal families of Europe. This world's just an old woman with a lot of accessories, and we/you can see through 'how' women love germs, jewelries, accessories etc. But, be careful, she's the power of 'seeking men' to follow since, it's proven, Bal'am son of Ba'uro, did follow his beautiful wife advices, and they accepted the gifts of golds, jewelries etc, as he needed to pray using his "Ismul Azzam" to Allah to stop prophet Moses, Aaron and their followers to enter Palestine, but whose DNA rejected them. The other reports, he and his wife's changed into 'the physical pair of pig', and mysteriuosly, their son took care of them, sometime, bath them, the caretakers of ..... Nonformly, their son did a son supposed to do, treat his parent well, even though, they were cursed 'into the beings of 'special pig', the heart of pig was somehow by the researches of Japanese, can be used to replacing the 'human heart'. For sure, the DNAs of Aishu, father of Rome and uncle of Tarikh, the twin elder brother of Jacob, Yaakub as, did refuse to allow the chosen people of Bani Isra'el to enter the so -called 'Sumeria', 'Suriani', 'Judae' or Isra'el. Bani Isra'el were the chosen people before, but the refusals to obey 'Yahweh' YHWH caused them to suffer the mass exodus, and according to Thorah as some of the folowers read in the front White House, they must be loyaled to the nation of which they settled down since without taking any position of political or else. Surely, we/you can see the differences then if they disobey the sentences. We/you need the declaration of the 'doom', tiamat is doomed to repeat itself. It's called by 'Qiamat' by Al Qur'an.
The super curses did work here and they can't live and form a nation together, or as they, the followers of Talmud or Thorah did just like the 20th century events, the great mischief or the world will suffer a lot. The regime promoted wars around the world, the balkan-conflicts, Indian-Jammmu-Khasmir Pakistan, UN, USA, Soviet Union and the Protocols of THe Elders (zionist), the followers, did have the World Jewry Congress on the top of the Alps nation, cool-snowy mountainous area of Switchland, by flipping of m, smitch or smith or smithsonian or thesallonians 2 2:3:4 links, Kemal, the internal figure/ symbol to 'christinize' muslim of Anatolia/Asia Minor, the salonica town of Turkish land. Kemal showed his proudness of great power when one of his soldier said,' Kemal is God', or he is Gog, actually.
The links showed redhandedly the hidden, secret societies of 'Novus Ordo Schlorum' from the back side of a dollar (USA) and even though, at one time, he said he buried 'freemasons', but the other 'cult' raised, but the of Magog, DNAs of Ham (Al Ham -the sad in Arabic) and Yafith, the three kings of DNA, the ship of Ararat from the waves of disasters, Nibiru signs, and you can see the right link, 'eat your heart, coincidently, including the set of the frames or timelines'. This blogger proved it now by blogging. ... Or 2012AD, for the time resetting. Be careful!!! Of the full stomach... fooling yourself.
Food and drinks after fasting, the breakfast after fasting from sunrise to sunset, evening,..... the color of the Evening. The pictures, or the frames, by Global Positioning System,GPS and the accurate timesetting, we/you can contribute to Google Map of planET Earth.
Refer here, the links.
Please see or hear my references, the attachment of ''. TQ
patent . ... ........ .
The tripple threat from alphabet e inside the sleeper 'code', the spirit of 'just like sleeping pill effects'. Sleeper, has three e, the symbol of 666, the curse number of the beast, our klone eye below near the internet symbol for 'google'. Without Sl p r, e e e incirculated or reversely flip to the position of 6 6 6. The secret of May Queen, Marry Queen, who forced the Anglo-Saxons into Christian Roma, Catolics. Her picture showed her with a flower, but it's actually covered a snake of blue-green colored poisonous one. References for educational purposes with cautions only. Be careful!
Now, we can adjust to the song by Angelati, LED Zeppellin, 'Highway to Heaven'. The reverse play of this song, Highway to Hell, did mention about May Queen, beasts, and of course, the number of 666. So, this blogger made a discovery of DNA-links about the royal families of Europe. This world's just an old woman with a lot of accessories, and we/you can see through 'how' women love germs, jewelries, accessories etc. But, be careful, she's the power of 'seeking men' to follow since, it's proven, Bal'am son of Ba'uro, did follow his beautiful wife advices, and they accepted the gifts of golds, jewelries etc, as he needed to pray using his "Ismul Azzam" to Allah to stop prophet Moses, Aaron and their followers to enter Palestine, but whose DNA rejected them. The other reports, he and his wife's changed into 'the physical pair of pig', and mysteriuosly, their son took care of them, sometime, bath them, the caretakers of ..... Nonformly, their son did a son supposed to do, treat his parent well, even though, they were cursed 'into the beings of 'special pig', the heart of pig was somehow by the researches of Japanese, can be used to replacing the 'human heart'. For sure, the DNAs of Aishu, father of Rome and uncle of Tarikh, the twin elder brother of Jacob, Yaakub as, did refuse to allow the chosen people of Bani Isra'el to enter the so -called 'Sumeria', 'Suriani', 'Judae' or Isra'el. Bani Isra'el were the chosen people before, but the refusals to obey 'Yahweh' YHWH caused them to suffer the mass exodus, and according to Thorah as some of the folowers read in the front White House, they must be loyaled to the nation of which they settled down since without taking any position of political or else. Surely, we/you can see the differences then if they disobey the sentences. We/you need the declaration of the 'doom', tiamat is doomed to repeat itself. It's called by 'Qiamat' by Al Qur'an.
The super curses did work here and they can't live and form a nation together, or as they, the followers of Talmud or Thorah did just like the 20th century events, the great mischief or the world will suffer a lot. The regime promoted wars around the world, the balkan-conflicts, Indian-Jammmu-Khasmir Pakistan, UN, USA, Soviet Union and the Protocols of THe Elders (zionist), the followers, did have the World Jewry Congress on the top of the Alps nation, cool-snowy mountainous area of Switchland, by flipping of m, smitch or smith or smithsonian or thesallonians 2 2:3:4 links, Kemal, the internal figure/ symbol to 'christinize' muslim of Anatolia/Asia Minor, the salonica town of Turkish land. Kemal showed his proudness of great power when one of his soldier said,' Kemal is God', or he is Gog, actually.
The links showed redhandedly the hidden, secret societies of 'Novus Ordo Schlorum' from the back side of a dollar (USA) and even though, at one time, he said he buried 'freemasons', but the other 'cult' raised, but the of Magog, DNAs of Ham (Al Ham -the sad in Arabic) and Yafith, the three kings of DNA, the ship of Ararat from the waves of disasters, Nibiru signs, and you can see the right link, 'eat your heart, coincidently, including the set of the frames or timelines'. This blogger proved it now by blogging. ... Or 2012AD, for the time resetting. Be careful!!! Of the full stomach... fooling yourself.
Food and drinks after fasting, the breakfast after fasting from sunrise to sunset, evening,..... the color of the Evening. The pictures, or the frames, by Global Positioning System,GPS and the accurate timesetting, we/you can contribute to Google Map of planET Earth.
Refer here, the links.
Please see or hear my references, the attachment of ''. TQ
patent . ... ........ .
The Miracle of Al Qur'an,
Naturei Carta, Anti zionist Jewish Movement/Organization
In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful
From internet source....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
To the Distinguished People of Lebanon
as-Salaamun ‘Alaykum
May the Almighty’s blessings be on all of you, your families, and all our esteemed brethren in Lebanon.
We speak to you as the voice and messengers of true Jewry - the Jewish people, true to the Almighty’s Torah, from around the world.
Less than a month has passed since we have addressed an open letter to Dr. az-Zahar, and the people of Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
In this letter, with the help of the Almighty, we expressed our hurt, sorrow and frustration in regard to the atrocities perpetrated by the wholly illegitimate (according to the laws of the Torah, the Jewish Law) state of “Israel.”
We stated that we have addressed Dr. az-Zahar personally to offer our condolences and commiserate with his loss. We further stated that in truth we should be offering our condolences to every family that has incurred a loss through this evil entity, the Zionist state of “Israel,” but tragically the list of victims is daunting. What we should have stated is that we should personally write and personally visit each and every inhabitant of Gaza and the entire Palestine to express the feelings of our hearts and our entire being, our sorrow, felt at the suffering of this innocent nation at the hands of an entity that is declared, ruled, and sealed by the Holy Torah and our Rabbinical authorities, as totally forbidden.
Furthermore, all the Palestinian people, their relatives and offspring, spread out around the globe, must hear and feel our empathy, our support, our constant and intense prayers offered up to the Almighty, for them. For after all, we know that every one of these people has been deeply affected by the Zionist State.
Your Excellency, Sayyed Nasrollah, our feelings in regard to the people of Lebanon, are exactly the same.
We have heard you speak just recently at the funeral of the assassinated Mr. Imad Moghniyah and many times previously. Hence, we know that you and your organization are deeply aware that there is a distinct difference between Zionism and Judaism and that there is a large segment of Jewish people, whether in occupied Palestine or throughout the world, who are entirely opposed to Zionism and the state of “Israel.”
Further, a delegation of our Rabbis was guest in your magnificent country of Lebanon, and was hosted by your organization, the Hezbollah. We were there to attend the Conference of the International Union of Parliamentarians for the Defence of the Palestinian Cause.
The respect and graciousness that was extended to our group was beyond exemplary. At that time, thanks to the Almighty, we had the opportunity to see and experience at first hand, the fact that the Arab and Muslim people despite their long-suffering at the hands of Zionism have not fallen prey to the influences of evil.
We were confronted with love and friendship wherever we turned. Concern for our comfort was the first priority of every individual, wherever we traveled throughout Lebanon. Only then, after these good people were assured of our well-being, were we shown the suffering that they have incurred through the Zionist occupation. To our surprise and to their praise, this was all shown to us, without any accusations directed at our Rabbis or the Jewish nation.
The Muslim and Arab people obviously still remember that we don’t have a religious conflict and that we have co-existed in harmony for hundreds of years. Many obviously understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
May we just mention three very moving experiences that we had in Lebanon that has left an indelible impression on our hearts.
We went to the former Khiyam detention center and saw the shocking tortures that the Lebanese have suffered so many years, and that the world ignores. (We have heard that the Zionists destroyed this detention center entirely in the recent incursion in Lebanon to obliterate any memory of these tortures.)
We visited the sad confines of the Sabra and Shatillah refugee camps; we spoke to the Palestinian people there and lit candles at the Martyrs Square, where the infamous massacre was perpetrated. At these two places our tears flowed at these needless and tragic sufferings that are ongoing and are contrary to any logic or human rights (which we refer to as Godly rights).
Then we had the opportunity and the privilege of holding a demonstration against Zionism and the state of “Israel,” right across the Zionist occupation, at Fatemah’s Gate, the connecting point of Lebanon and the Zionist occupation. Of course, many of our brethren who reside in the Zionist occupation constantly demonstrate against the state from within at great personal cost. They are brutally beaten or arrested, etc.
Also, we want to make you and our brethren, the people of Lebanon, aware that after the recent Zionist attack on Lebanon, Jewish people throughout the world joined in demonstrations in support of the Lebanese people. In Canada, U.K. and the U.S. we of the religious Jewish community had our Rabbis speaking at almost all the main rallies to express our vehement condemnations and opposition to the cruel and murderous attack on Lebanon. This was beside the demonstrations that were orchestrated solely by our Jewish religious communities globally (1).
We now turn to Your Excellency, Sayyed Nasrollah ever so humbly, and ask you to accept our words and to convey these words with the following message to the citizens of Lebanon and to the Palestinian people in refugee camps in your country.
May we reiterate that we speak to you as the voice and messengers of true Jewry - the Jewish people, true to the Almighty’s Torah, from around the world.
Although we are limited in the means of expressing our deepest and true feelings, by the barriers of words, nevertheless, the Jewish people humbly offer to you and all of Lebanon, Gaza and the entire Palestine, a few words, to attempt to convey our support, deepest sorrow and heartfelt sympathy that we all feel for you, in this present tragic and traumatic time.
Once again may we state it would be only proper and fitting, that we personally write to and address each and everyone who has fallen victim of the Zionist state of “Israel.” Unfortunately and how tragic, the list of victims is daunting.
May our few and humble words be a message of consolation, friendship, loyalty and support to you, the people of Lebanon, and to the people of Gaza and the entire Palestine.
True Jews around the world, of course including in the entire Palestine, never have and with the help of the Almighty, never will accept the ideology of Zionism and never will recognize the realization of its heretical plan, the state of “Israel.”
Our sole bond is with the Almighty and His Torah. Our sage’s state that we are required to emulate the Almighty, “just as the Almighty is compassionate, so are we to be compassionate.”
We always have and always will, with the help of the Almighty, remain unaffiliated and estranged from this aberration and the will of Satan, “Zionism and the state of Israel.”
May we remind you, that the Almighty has clearly and explicitly commanded us, the Jewish people, since the destruction of the temple, around two thousand years ago, to be humble and loyal citizens in every country in which we reside. Furthermore, we are not to rebel against nations, we are not to attempt to end our exile. We are forbidden to create our own state or own entity.
We are to pray for, yearn for, and wait patiently for, the day when the Almighty will reveal his glory throughout the world.
At that time, all humanity together, will go up to the Holy Land, in harmony and brotherhood, to serve the Almighty in joy and peace.
Around one hundred years ago, the Zionists began arriving in Palestine in order to bring to fruition the realization of their dream, the transformation of Judaism from a religion into nationalism. And so began the sorrowful and bitter history of the rebellion, the mutiny against the Almighty, which eventually evolved into the illegitimate state of “Israel.”
Since the creation of the state of “Israel,” the Palestinian people and at a later date, the Lebanese people have continuously suffered indescribably. They have been oppressed, beaten, murdered, humiliated, displaced and expelled.
Although, this letter and the present moment, is not the proper place and time to delve into the issue of our personal suffering at the Zionist regime’s hands, still we feel it is necessary to bring these facts to the Arab people’s attention. Our sages state that to know that many people share ones suffering, alleviates the suffering somewhat. Also, it is to demonstrate to all, the sincerity in our opposition to this tumorous growth on the Jewish nation - the so-called state of “Israel.”
Therefore, let us state that since these sinners and atheists, Theodore Herzl and his cohorts, raised their repugnant voices in promulgating their ideology of the devil, the heresy of Zionism, Jewish people too, have suffered indescribably both physically and spiritually at their hands.
Our God fearing brethren throughout the entire Palestine, have been and are continually beaten, murdered, imprisoned and oppressed, since the beginning of Zionism up until today (2). They are and have always been the victims of these same perpetrators of evil, who are oppressing the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
Let it be known that our true leaders, the Rabbis and Sages in Palestine, the Middle-East, Europe, and throughout the world, have vociferously and most fervently expressed their total opposition to Zionism and the state of “Israel,” since its inception. They have decried and condemned all the evils that it has wrought, the oppression of the Palestinian people, and more recently the Lebanese people. They have decried the oppression of the religious Jews and the state of “Israel’s” constant attempts, at eradicating and destroying anything that is Godly and religious. They have tirelessly and fearlessly publicly demonstrated, at great self sacrifice, their opposition to this rebellion against the Almighty.
Countless edicts have been issued from our saintly leaders requiring the Jewish people, true to the Almighty and His Torah, to distance and estrange themselves from this sinful and illegitimate state of “Israel” and all the evils that emanate from it.
Thank the Almighty their message has been heard around the world by many God-fearing Jews and they have obeyed. What’s more, untold thousands have stood by their Rabbis and many thousands continuously demonstrate fearlessly, till today, throughout occupied Palestine and throughout the world, against the state of “Israel.”
All of the above is well documented, but stifled by the powers of the Zionist media control and by the intimidation of all who dare to confront or reveal the truth (3).
One more issue is important to mention, beside the many commandments in the Torah of doing good and the requirement of emulating the Almighty “just as He is compassionate, so must we be,” and besides the clear prohibitions against Zionism. We are exceptionally sensitive to the Palestinian and Lebanese people’s plight, for we the Jewish people, have just recently experienced extreme discrimination and all the tragic sufferings in the concentration camps in Europe. Our close relatives have suffered indescribably and died there. Also we know and have experienced what it means to be displaced as we have all been uprooted from our original homes and dwellings throughout Europe. This of course compounds our understanding and feelings for the Palestinian and Lebanese suffering.
To date, it seems to our human and limited comprehension, that this evil entity, the state of “Israel,” will, God forbid, never cease to exist and it will continue to exude its evils, on the innocent and God fearing people under its control.
However, remember and comfort yourselves, our brethren in Palestine and Lebanon, there is a great and exalted, benevolent, Master of the Universe, who truly controls the world. He can and will end this suffering!!
In the Torah it states, that transgressing against the Almighty, will not be successful. This state of “Israel,” according to the Almighty’s Torah, must and will eventually end.
Let us all pray and beseech Him, to bring about the total, peaceful and speedy dismantlement of this illegitimate state soon in our days. With the Almighty’s benevolence, may He make this happen, without any further pain or suffering. Amen.
Please convey this message to each and every one of your brethren suffering under this oppression of “Zionism - Israel.” Especially important, please convey this message to the bereaved relatives of the fallen victims, the wounded and maimed, and most certainly to the ones languishing in Israeli prisons and to the ones lying in pain in hospitals.
Convey to them our solidarity and words of comfort and support. We are humiliated by the actions of those who use our name, and our hearts are rent by what is happening to them.
We implore you to convey the message to the people in Lebanon and Palestine, that there are untold thousands of Jews worldwide and in Palestine who stand with you and who entirely oppose Zionism and the state of “Israel” and bear no responsibility for the actions of the Zionists. Educate your people that when you meet Jewish people, do not consider them your enemy. We all serve the one God.
Once again, we constantly pray - worry and hope for you all.
May we merit seeing soon in our days, the total, speedy and peaceful dismantlement of the state of “Israel.”
May the Almighty bring upon us the words of His prophecies when all men will serve Him in harmony, peace and joy. Amen.
as-Salaamun ‘Alaykum
Very truly yours,
January 28, 2008
Rabbi Moshe Dov Beck
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
USA, Canada
Rabbi Meir Hirsh
Rabbi Ahron Cohen
United Kingdom
No patent here......
From internet source....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
To the Distinguished People of Lebanon
as-Salaamun ‘Alaykum
May the Almighty’s blessings be on all of you, your families, and all our esteemed brethren in Lebanon.
We speak to you as the voice and messengers of true Jewry - the Jewish people, true to the Almighty’s Torah, from around the world.
Less than a month has passed since we have addressed an open letter to Dr. az-Zahar, and the people of Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
In this letter, with the help of the Almighty, we expressed our hurt, sorrow and frustration in regard to the atrocities perpetrated by the wholly illegitimate (according to the laws of the Torah, the Jewish Law) state of “Israel.”
We stated that we have addressed Dr. az-Zahar personally to offer our condolences and commiserate with his loss. We further stated that in truth we should be offering our condolences to every family that has incurred a loss through this evil entity, the Zionist state of “Israel,” but tragically the list of victims is daunting. What we should have stated is that we should personally write and personally visit each and every inhabitant of Gaza and the entire Palestine to express the feelings of our hearts and our entire being, our sorrow, felt at the suffering of this innocent nation at the hands of an entity that is declared, ruled, and sealed by the Holy Torah and our Rabbinical authorities, as totally forbidden.
Furthermore, all the Palestinian people, their relatives and offspring, spread out around the globe, must hear and feel our empathy, our support, our constant and intense prayers offered up to the Almighty, for them. For after all, we know that every one of these people has been deeply affected by the Zionist State.
Your Excellency, Sayyed Nasrollah, our feelings in regard to the people of Lebanon, are exactly the same.
We have heard you speak just recently at the funeral of the assassinated Mr. Imad Moghniyah and many times previously. Hence, we know that you and your organization are deeply aware that there is a distinct difference between Zionism and Judaism and that there is a large segment of Jewish people, whether in occupied Palestine or throughout the world, who are entirely opposed to Zionism and the state of “Israel.”
Further, a delegation of our Rabbis was guest in your magnificent country of Lebanon, and was hosted by your organization, the Hezbollah. We were there to attend the Conference of the International Union of Parliamentarians for the Defence of the Palestinian Cause.
The respect and graciousness that was extended to our group was beyond exemplary. At that time, thanks to the Almighty, we had the opportunity to see and experience at first hand, the fact that the Arab and Muslim people despite their long-suffering at the hands of Zionism have not fallen prey to the influences of evil.
We were confronted with love and friendship wherever we turned. Concern for our comfort was the first priority of every individual, wherever we traveled throughout Lebanon. Only then, after these good people were assured of our well-being, were we shown the suffering that they have incurred through the Zionist occupation. To our surprise and to their praise, this was all shown to us, without any accusations directed at our Rabbis or the Jewish nation.
The Muslim and Arab people obviously still remember that we don’t have a religious conflict and that we have co-existed in harmony for hundreds of years. Many obviously understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
May we just mention three very moving experiences that we had in Lebanon that has left an indelible impression on our hearts.
We went to the former Khiyam detention center and saw the shocking tortures that the Lebanese have suffered so many years, and that the world ignores. (We have heard that the Zionists destroyed this detention center entirely in the recent incursion in Lebanon to obliterate any memory of these tortures.)
We visited the sad confines of the Sabra and Shatillah refugee camps; we spoke to the Palestinian people there and lit candles at the Martyrs Square, where the infamous massacre was perpetrated. At these two places our tears flowed at these needless and tragic sufferings that are ongoing and are contrary to any logic or human rights (which we refer to as Godly rights).
Then we had the opportunity and the privilege of holding a demonstration against Zionism and the state of “Israel,” right across the Zionist occupation, at Fatemah’s Gate, the connecting point of Lebanon and the Zionist occupation. Of course, many of our brethren who reside in the Zionist occupation constantly demonstrate against the state from within at great personal cost. They are brutally beaten or arrested, etc.
Also, we want to make you and our brethren, the people of Lebanon, aware that after the recent Zionist attack on Lebanon, Jewish people throughout the world joined in demonstrations in support of the Lebanese people. In Canada, U.K. and the U.S. we of the religious Jewish community had our Rabbis speaking at almost all the main rallies to express our vehement condemnations and opposition to the cruel and murderous attack on Lebanon. This was beside the demonstrations that were orchestrated solely by our Jewish religious communities globally (1).
We now turn to Your Excellency, Sayyed Nasrollah ever so humbly, and ask you to accept our words and to convey these words with the following message to the citizens of Lebanon and to the Palestinian people in refugee camps in your country.
May we reiterate that we speak to you as the voice and messengers of true Jewry - the Jewish people, true to the Almighty’s Torah, from around the world.
Although we are limited in the means of expressing our deepest and true feelings, by the barriers of words, nevertheless, the Jewish people humbly offer to you and all of Lebanon, Gaza and the entire Palestine, a few words, to attempt to convey our support, deepest sorrow and heartfelt sympathy that we all feel for you, in this present tragic and traumatic time.
Once again may we state it would be only proper and fitting, that we personally write to and address each and everyone who has fallen victim of the Zionist state of “Israel.” Unfortunately and how tragic, the list of victims is daunting.
May our few and humble words be a message of consolation, friendship, loyalty and support to you, the people of Lebanon, and to the people of Gaza and the entire Palestine.
True Jews around the world, of course including in the entire Palestine, never have and with the help of the Almighty, never will accept the ideology of Zionism and never will recognize the realization of its heretical plan, the state of “Israel.”
Our sole bond is with the Almighty and His Torah. Our sage’s state that we are required to emulate the Almighty, “just as the Almighty is compassionate, so are we to be compassionate.”
We always have and always will, with the help of the Almighty, remain unaffiliated and estranged from this aberration and the will of Satan, “Zionism and the state of Israel.”
May we remind you, that the Almighty has clearly and explicitly commanded us, the Jewish people, since the destruction of the temple, around two thousand years ago, to be humble and loyal citizens in every country in which we reside. Furthermore, we are not to rebel against nations, we are not to attempt to end our exile. We are forbidden to create our own state or own entity.
We are to pray for, yearn for, and wait patiently for, the day when the Almighty will reveal his glory throughout the world.
At that time, all humanity together, will go up to the Holy Land, in harmony and brotherhood, to serve the Almighty in joy and peace.
Around one hundred years ago, the Zionists began arriving in Palestine in order to bring to fruition the realization of their dream, the transformation of Judaism from a religion into nationalism. And so began the sorrowful and bitter history of the rebellion, the mutiny against the Almighty, which eventually evolved into the illegitimate state of “Israel.”
Since the creation of the state of “Israel,” the Palestinian people and at a later date, the Lebanese people have continuously suffered indescribably. They have been oppressed, beaten, murdered, humiliated, displaced and expelled.
Although, this letter and the present moment, is not the proper place and time to delve into the issue of our personal suffering at the Zionist regime’s hands, still we feel it is necessary to bring these facts to the Arab people’s attention. Our sages state that to know that many people share ones suffering, alleviates the suffering somewhat. Also, it is to demonstrate to all, the sincerity in our opposition to this tumorous growth on the Jewish nation - the so-called state of “Israel.”
Therefore, let us state that since these sinners and atheists, Theodore Herzl and his cohorts, raised their repugnant voices in promulgating their ideology of the devil, the heresy of Zionism, Jewish people too, have suffered indescribably both physically and spiritually at their hands.
Our God fearing brethren throughout the entire Palestine, have been and are continually beaten, murdered, imprisoned and oppressed, since the beginning of Zionism up until today (2). They are and have always been the victims of these same perpetrators of evil, who are oppressing the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
Let it be known that our true leaders, the Rabbis and Sages in Palestine, the Middle-East, Europe, and throughout the world, have vociferously and most fervently expressed their total opposition to Zionism and the state of “Israel,” since its inception. They have decried and condemned all the evils that it has wrought, the oppression of the Palestinian people, and more recently the Lebanese people. They have decried the oppression of the religious Jews and the state of “Israel’s” constant attempts, at eradicating and destroying anything that is Godly and religious. They have tirelessly and fearlessly publicly demonstrated, at great self sacrifice, their opposition to this rebellion against the Almighty.
Countless edicts have been issued from our saintly leaders requiring the Jewish people, true to the Almighty and His Torah, to distance and estrange themselves from this sinful and illegitimate state of “Israel” and all the evils that emanate from it.
Thank the Almighty their message has been heard around the world by many God-fearing Jews and they have obeyed. What’s more, untold thousands have stood by their Rabbis and many thousands continuously demonstrate fearlessly, till today, throughout occupied Palestine and throughout the world, against the state of “Israel.”
All of the above is well documented, but stifled by the powers of the Zionist media control and by the intimidation of all who dare to confront or reveal the truth (3).
One more issue is important to mention, beside the many commandments in the Torah of doing good and the requirement of emulating the Almighty “just as He is compassionate, so must we be,” and besides the clear prohibitions against Zionism. We are exceptionally sensitive to the Palestinian and Lebanese people’s plight, for we the Jewish people, have just recently experienced extreme discrimination and all the tragic sufferings in the concentration camps in Europe. Our close relatives have suffered indescribably and died there. Also we know and have experienced what it means to be displaced as we have all been uprooted from our original homes and dwellings throughout Europe. This of course compounds our understanding and feelings for the Palestinian and Lebanese suffering.
To date, it seems to our human and limited comprehension, that this evil entity, the state of “Israel,” will, God forbid, never cease to exist and it will continue to exude its evils, on the innocent and God fearing people under its control.
However, remember and comfort yourselves, our brethren in Palestine and Lebanon, there is a great and exalted, benevolent, Master of the Universe, who truly controls the world. He can and will end this suffering!!
In the Torah it states, that transgressing against the Almighty, will not be successful. This state of “Israel,” according to the Almighty’s Torah, must and will eventually end.
Let us all pray and beseech Him, to bring about the total, peaceful and speedy dismantlement of this illegitimate state soon in our days. With the Almighty’s benevolence, may He make this happen, without any further pain or suffering. Amen.
Please convey this message to each and every one of your brethren suffering under this oppression of “Zionism - Israel.” Especially important, please convey this message to the bereaved relatives of the fallen victims, the wounded and maimed, and most certainly to the ones languishing in Israeli prisons and to the ones lying in pain in hospitals.
Convey to them our solidarity and words of comfort and support. We are humiliated by the actions of those who use our name, and our hearts are rent by what is happening to them.
We implore you to convey the message to the people in Lebanon and Palestine, that there are untold thousands of Jews worldwide and in Palestine who stand with you and who entirely oppose Zionism and the state of “Israel” and bear no responsibility for the actions of the Zionists. Educate your people that when you meet Jewish people, do not consider them your enemy. We all serve the one God.
Once again, we constantly pray - worry and hope for you all.
May we merit seeing soon in our days, the total, speedy and peaceful dismantlement of the state of “Israel.”
May the Almighty bring upon us the words of His prophecies when all men will serve Him in harmony, peace and joy. Amen.
as-Salaamun ‘Alaykum
Very truly yours,
January 28, 2008
Rabbi Moshe Dov Beck
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
USA, Canada
Rabbi Meir Hirsh
Rabbi Ahron Cohen
United Kingdom
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