
Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

The End or The Coincident of ...... Your/Our Waves of 'Opinions'

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

During the meeting between King Faisal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and former Sec. of State, Mr Henry Kessinger, the king did mentioned about the conspiracy of zionist or CIA knew of the classified CIA 'Rusia' intelligent reports about the Karl Marx, Trosky, Rothschilds, Jewish atheistic movement from Ali ra, the fourth california (The smartests), the meetings of World Jewish Congress (Swissland), the known 1897AD for the target of 50 years world wide 'conspiracy' for creation of Isra'hell'.. The king did ignore the fact he's actually .. Qahilla/ Kahila... AIPAC ..Pacman keep going and going one.
The nationalization of the kingdom oil industries, the king actions for the establishment of the caliphate etc, the king got his paid/due. He died from 'from Florida connection' then, King Fahd had the agreement to somehow to bow down to Mr George Bush Senior CIA plans and "Kessinger Plans' to let Iranian sell the oil and 'build the nuclear reactors for the 'green energy purposes'. Did the plans're set to be fulfill? How about the 'leap of time' of British Petroleum, the Sir Winston Curchill cooperation/conspiracy or the links to topple the people government of Iran and 'the installation of Shah Iran/Farah Diba - Lost In Space - Lost In Los Angeles -Persian connection plans'.
Common... men and women! "They can fool a lot of ...body, but they can't fool ...everybody at all the time". You judge yourself then. TQ....
Some coincident of opinions here: from the western sources...

And why the US fleet kept hunting to the 'southern pole' then. Penang, the island of Jerjak, the ex-prisoner's palace was a location for German submarines (WWII)and German tourist /man challenged a man of Malaya(Federation) to travel around the world. Who's that German tourist then/ the spy of ... to settle down around the jungle of South East Asia? The 'Baling UFO' incidence? What is the year is that? Some news/rumours did mention that Hitler(did some/any plastic surgery for himself)(Rothschild's son fron his slave from certain source/news) became muslim and he died by old age in 1960s somewhere around the planET Earth.

What kind of ... is this? Have fun from ''...

Thanks for your precious time of 'spending pleasure, together'.
patent . ....... ........ .

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