Who want to be the believer(s)? Emergency! Calling the number 911!
TQ for ......
Please remember! How can behind the scene of the success(ful-fool) of the creation of United Nation, One World Government,on the 'Bal-farm' the so-called almost 1,776 - 2000 groups of Kahila/Qahilla....... ???? Eat your ....... again and again. The killing machine unleashed after the great 'human made' starvation, nuclear waste weapons, 'oil for food program', the 'no fly zone' or else, for the 'Iraqists', for not kissing the ass of Saddam Hussein (Who failed to invade Iran then). Please remember ........ Please have a heart of human, rather than a heart of werewolf. A werewolf did ask human to meet the last prophet, Ahmed, Ahmit, Mohammaden, Mohammad to be the believer(s) more than 1400 years ago. Back to the future, see this youtube video.

Who accept the exodus of European Yahoodi/Jews/Khazarians from the fail attempt of Madagascar's Nazi plan? Nazi did accept the defeat without 'drop of ....bombs'. Some old veterans (muslims of Caucus) of did say that they didn't destroy Berlin as the young Russians with WMD destroyed Chechnya since 'the fall of Soviet Union'.
How many muslims got killed in WWII? The memorial for them? Nothing, no appreciation or what so ever, 2/3 of former Soviet Armies from the intentional make them poor muslims. You got the facts of life. Have a nice life then. Please use 'youtube.com' for 'Chechnya' videos. TQ.
patent . ........ ........ .
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