We/you can the strangest of the other side of the hidden power of jewelry. The world is set by the curses, the carbon (6 electrons, 2,4 using Bohr formula, 2nxn)from billion/ million years of process. The Archangels especially Jibra'il as/Gabriel has 600 span of wings, filled with jewelries and 'yaqut' - the green one from heaven as the legend, the symbol of the greatness. The special extra 2 span of wing will be (already) exposed during the 17th of the 9th month of Lunar, Hijrah Calendar for more than 1431 years following this year.

From wikipedia:
The Orlov (sometimes spelled Orloff) is a large diamond that is part of the collection of the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin. The origin of this resplendent relic – described as having the shape and proportions of half a hen's egg – can be traced back to a Hindu temple in 18th century Tamil Nadu, southern India.
This diamond should not be confused with the "Black Orlov diamond",[1] called the Eye of Brahma, which according to legend was stolen from a Temple near Pondicherry.
The particulars of the Orlov's story have been lost with time, but it is widely reported that the diamond once served as an eye of the statue of the presiding deity of the Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple of Srirangam in southern India. The man held responsible for its removal was a French deserter, a grenadier from the Carnatic wars who apparently converted to the Hindu faith and worshipped at the temple for many years. Whether the deserter did this sincerely or solely to gain access to the statue is not known. The temple, situated on an island in the Cauvery River, was surrounded by seven enclosures; no Christians were ever permitted farther than the fourth. Once having pilfered the stone from its sacred home around 1750, perhaps after untold years of patient planning, the deserter fled to Madras where he would find protection with the British Army, as well as a buyer.
The as yet unnamed stone passed from merchant to merchant in the everlasting quest for profit, eventually appearing for sale in Amsterdam. Salfras, an Armenian (some say Persian) merchant who then owned the diamond, found an eager buyer in Count Grigory Grigorievich Orlov. The Count paid a purported 400,000 Dutch florins, but would likely have agreed to any amount demanded.
Sketch of the Orlov Diamond from the book Precious Stones by Max Bauer, published in 1904.
Years before the purchase Grigory Orlov had been romantically involved with a young Catherine the Great of Russia, an affair beginning while she was still merely Empress Consort of Russia, married to the Emperor Peter III of Russia. Their affair continued as Grigory Orlov led the way in the deposement of her husband in a coup d'etat and the elevation of Catherine to power. Their relationship carried on for many years and produced an illegitimate child, but Catherine eventually forsook Count Orlov for Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin. Count Orlov sought to rekindle their forlorn romance by offering her the diamond, as it is said he knew she had wished for it. While he failed to regain her affections, Catherine did bestow many gifts upon Count Orlov; these gifts included a marble palace in St. Petersburg. Catherine named the diamond after the Count, and had her jeweller, C. N. Troitinski, design a sceptre incorporating the Orlov.
Now known as the Imperial Sceptre, it was completed in 1784. A description is given by Burton (1986):
The sceptre is a burnished shaft in three sections set with eight rings of brilliant-cut diamonds, including some of about 30 carats (6 g) each and fifteen weighing about 14 carats (2.8 g) each. The Orlov is set at the top, with its domed top facing forward. Above it is a double-headed eagle with the Arms of Russia enameled on its breast.
The Orlov is a rarity among historic diamonds, for it retains its original Indian rose-style cut (see diamond cut). Its colour is widely stated as white with a faint bluish-green tinge. Data released by the Kremlin give the Orlov's measurements as 32 millimetres x 35 millimetres x 31 millimetres, its weight being 189.62 carats (37.924 g). The weight is just an estimate – it hasn't formally been weighed in many years. Lord Twining's book "A History of the Crown Jewels of Europe" mentions how once during a circa-1913 inspection of the crown jewels by the then-curator, the stone accidentally fell out of its sceptre. He weighed the stone but didn't write down its exact weight. He later said that it was about 190 carats (38 g), which corresponds to the measurement-based estimate.
[edit] References
1. ^ http://www.internetstones.com/black-orlov-diamond-famous-jewelry.html
• Burton, E. (1986). Legendary Gems or Gems That Made History, pp. 45–47. Chilton Book Company, Radnor, PA
• Shipley, Robert (1939). Famous Diamonds of the World, pp. 15–18. Gemological Institute of America, USA
• Twining, Lord Edward Francis (1960). A History of the Crown Jewels of Europe, B.T. Batsford Ltd., London, England
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