
Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Another 'La Tahzan' For Phalestine esp. Ghazzah, Gazan, Gaza

In The Name of ..... The Beneficent The Merciful

Once upon a time, Moses, Aaron, the long bearded with a stripe of white color (by Moses powerful grip) because Moses got angry with Aaron ,his cousin, for not asking the 'Bani Isra'el', "No to 'Baal or Cow' whorshipping" under another Moses and the 12tribes ran away from the great Pharoah of Egypt. Then, they stopped near the REd Sea (Read Sea-the signs around that area), and later, Archangle, Gabri'el asked Moses to use his stick to make the highway (....of safety, Great escape from ...) with 12 ... for those of 12 tribes.
The so-called Pharoah (who's who was actually from certain source - a son of the husband and wife, the old man and woman, one of the most obedient man of that time, who's told by 'a baal/cow' and, the cow and its ... disappeared after its news) that his future son would be one of the 'Hell' citizen), dark skin man (different from his white skin parents - and ... high probability of them were DNA of'Bani Isma'el or suprisingly, DNA of Bani Isra'el. He! He! He, Ho! Ho! Ho! So you can eat 'your own heart' if .... It's just like Hiliar, Hitliar,Hitler the Neo-Nazi, the super 'ultra' nationalist within Germany 'Worker's Party', just like of Lenin, Stalin of Soviet Union (who met with probably Theodore H...l - Haganah, Jud.. State (book) writer, a journalist, who gave the choice of becoming 'the christians of Europe', or if not, choose a land for the 'Judae, Isra'el and Samaria/Suriani' or currently, Isra'hell' (2010AD),.. Phalestine (by European Jews, Kenya by African Jews, and Madagascar for the Nazi's choice, the true supporter of ... you can name it, who's who Rock..felle..., the International Bankers, Rothchilds DNAs.
Fastforwardly, how The West leaded by the USA and her allies, later Soviet Union included, vs Germany, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and their supporters changed the world map after especially for a a just few years after the Olympic Games of the host nation of Germany, and Tokyo (what happen ..ancient times..the time... the curse(s) of The 12 Roman Olympians), ...Japan too (How about the cursor of ... you want to name it, yo! The coincidence of ..the jewels and the germs... .How about the Jewels of Nile? The treasures for 'the greedy' involving the eastern missions by the Western Europeans to find the natural resources, spice and gold, especially the ancient .. Nile river ... Ganges river of ...India, the Moghul - the khans - the southern khan, the Wrath of Khan.
Back To The Future, the neo-Nazi lost the mission of 'Berlin' as the world capital, but, under the so-called Kahila/Qahilla - the lobbyists inside USA before the creation of former 'baal or cow farm' area for the sake of ... symbol of ... Illuminati..UN, United Nation, the One World Government. Then, Haganah - Theodore H..l, Stern Gang, Irgun (the group of David's hotel bombers @ BaitulMuqaddis/ Juruselam), the stolen British uniforms, the undercover operation(the armies, the weapon of the ... no more British Mandates), the UN voting system showed the signs. Yes by USA, No by the British Empire, Yes by Belgium, ......etc. The majority of UN Councils did make a great mistakes, and you named the results... The creation of IDF, Shin-Bet, etc., and Mossad, By deception, Thou we shall go to war - the closer meaning in Hebrew.
And hey, hey, hey, how about 'Lord of The Ring', S. Ahmad Yassin, and Star Wars characters, the world actor, the great one, the sermon of the masked man, the chosen one. And who's who are the chosen one. Who's he behind his masked face. This 'Darul Qarar', the challenge of the century, or you name it, men and women etc.
The new world disorder's just began since. And you or we can write or continue .....
in 2006AD, the '' video showed a girl was crying, and shouting after the tragedy of family picnic, Gazza beach, and the conformity, she became the surviving orphan. She kept screaming loudly, 'Ya Abuya! A lot of times, her tears dropped uncontrolledly, emotionally, sadly, you name it ... and so on. Later, a few years then, from the same channels showed, ' a girl (whether she's the chosen one to appear in ..the news) kept asking the Isra'elis young soldiers, "Why you shoot at them (the demonstrators)? And she's the one looked like a little girl who cried the words of 'Ya Abuya! repetitively. And the history continues ... and today or tomorrow.... You write it then. If this blogger die, please remember me as a .... whatever you want to...... Bye-bye, TQ
patent ... ........ .

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