One upon a time, prophet Isa as/ Yeshus/ Jesus /Christ ... along with his mother, the only woman's name in Al Qur'an, Maryam / Mary did spend some 11 years of life on the land of pyramids, idols. idolaters, Nile River - Egypt / Mesir. The cat's sacred and whoever anihilated cat(s), could be punished by 'death penalty'. One of the favorites's crufixation/ Crusader symbol of ....... death by torture. It's believed at some other point of journey did Isa as / Jesus appeared at Nazareth, after the completion of Injil/ Injail/ Bible(so many version of ....lost in translation, revenge against the Romans as Shaul Immanuiel or Saint Paul created a new version of 'Crusaders of Christianity' or else - (the words of Mohammaden/ Mohammedan/ Muhammad saw's hidden or intentionally hide to avoid the arising race of Bani Isma'el. Just for research here below, no hard feeling please!
The energy crisis's quite alarming, and the users're advised to save more and recycle more. The misindentified flying objects're obsessed around the world of 'the closing clone/not clowns or puppets of ???????? chapter of the doomday
Happiness's just a temporary feeling or else. We/you can see the different when the secret societies unleashed his 'spree' - 'spear of ...' spare sometime words're encouraged to rapture the real truth behind 911, 711 and Xesxes of Persians.

Gaza of ....., muslimat/female muslim from local British of Anglo-Saxon, be careful to help in order to reduce the suffering of the ........ one.

For the sake of love .....
From Canada, Dubai and ...... the same circle of light from .......
The phenomen.....lovely rainbow around Borneo Island.....
patent ... ........ .
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