In The Name of ..... The beneficent The Merciful
Can we see/hear the links, from which sources, the sorcerers of codes and symbols? And humans love it very much. The humans weaknesses of seeking the invisible secret can cause them the great misdeeds, and it's just a game of humans who conspire(s) to conquer as stated in written history since the era of Terranian/ Terra/ planET Earth/ earthlings , Qabil (Cain) and Habil (Abel), Harut and Marut, the root of DNAs of positive impacts and the negative one too. Some of the written sources did take the map of old Prussia, but after Islam of 7th,8th,and 9th century AD, from 900-1000AD transition century, the millenium of AD, Gregorian, Western and Julian, Eastern background of the Roman Empire, the links of Crusaders of Western Europe, gave the bloodbath wars for Palestine before the creator of modern tankers, Sultan Salahuddin Al Ayyubi(famous quote by him"Whoever control Palestine, ...control the world", took charge of Plaestinian/Palestine/ Pleades connection of the '7 sisters'.
Please see the anger of Tom Cruise, Hollywood actor.
Who control Hollywood? Some of the sentences from actors/actresses, pretending or what, or sincerely or really.....
Please refer to, the frist paragraph.....below
The Illuminati, some say, is the ultimate secret society. It is more powerful and secretive than even the Freemasons. Formed on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria by Professor Adam Weishaupt, the Order of the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society. Weishaupt was a German Freemason and his group of Illuminati would meet secretly inside the Masonic lodges in Germany. The Illuminati ended up going deep underground when it was deemed illegal to be a member of the group because they were allegedly plotting to overthrow the Pope and the ruling Kings of Europe. andread it....
Before the emergence of the 13th Olympian, Lenin, with Emmanueil Kan/ philosophy of Kant, famously defeated by words- Roman Jews philo... named Dari, and later, the 20th century success of the former or some 'confused' of written texts with pictures,please see atheist/jewish links inside web, Orthodox Jews/Yahoodi ..links of Karl Marx, Trosky,....Engel,... World Congress,Theodore H..l.. Haganah,Lenin with the chaoic mess of WWI,1914-1918AD, German, Ottomans, Japanese Kingdom and Russian Ramanov empires got to be choked,along with some stravations, killing zones and WWII, Hitler, Stalin, Rothschilds, Rock...r, world controller of oil and banking congro.../system, syaten, syaitan, later, Irgun, Stern - gang links, did succeed behind the scenes of 'in the making of Isra'hell'. Surely, the most who died in great nuhmbers were the muslims of former Soviet armies, the intentional make poor 'family' desperado to work as a nation builder of the spherical influences .... name it.
'Don't let the wealth be controlled by a few of you', the sentences of Al Qur'an did give the clues of the great mischief/misdeeds around the planET Earth. The same tactics're used to conquering Iraq, from northern part to the southern part one, by making the richest nation on the earth dropped chinningly to the ground of gravesyards, poorness, starvations, sanctions, bloodbath of continuous warfares or anything else you can name her last resort /desperate effort to survive. Iran, the 4th (2010AD)round of UN (One World Government) sanctions, has gotten the rob of a lifetime by Shah Iran,along with the brutal Savaks regime since 1953AD-under the toppling of democratic elected government -BP,British quantum of oil web/richness-CI_ links-coop..., but the flower throwers did change the power of her will to a new Republic Islamic (western style one-American one with Syariah laws), surpassed the Royal Kingdom Of Saud DNAs/family members including Kuwaitis one.
Saddam Hussein did give back Shat Al Arab to Iran, Iraqis jets to Iran, as tokens of cooperation of oil selling and food/drinks during the hardcore years of economic sanctions, isolations, the dropping values of Iraqi dinar from 1 Iraqi dinar = 3.3USD to the struggling 1 cent/ 1 penny of USD to hundreds of Iraqi Dinar etc. But, the pilot of USA bombers did ask for forgiveness to Iraqis if he did misfire the WMDs to civilian targets. But, who's who Isra'hell' armies did refuse to apologize or pay any cents besides the astronomical numbers of comparison for graph of destructions, mass murders, genocides, apartheid styles - decades of discrimination or else you/we can name it.
Can we/you read some of .... the sources
the first paragraph....
Today, as you are reading this, most of the Bible's many prophecies have already been fulfilled. these foretold all of the various dispersions and early regatherings of Israel back into their promised land, the 333 details of the Messiah's first appearance as the Lamb of God, the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, the more than 1,900-year scattering of the Jews to all parts of the world, and finally their regathering in the 19th and 20th century climaxed by the nation's resurrection as modern Israel in 1948--these are all uncontestable facts of the historical record. ..... so on ,'death will find you soon', the scripture left by the Isra'hell' armies @ Gaza -Operation Cast Lead - Mr. Ilov - reddish skin of high rank, did enter as one of war criminals by the zionist lovers, Mr Richard Goldstone under UN international guidelines/laws.
The untouchable nation of any misdeeds, Isra'hell' did show a lot of 'anger', no mercy policies which including the conspiracy/sniping of JFK head/death, someone did blow his middle bron...tis area to ensure his death later, the secret just like the killing of Archduke as one of the WWI sparkles of fire. And for sure 911, the total loose change which N Yorkers will remember 911 until the end of ...... Life after people.
From wikipedia:
Gog and Magog appear in Qur'an sura Al-Kahf (The Cave chapter), 18:83–98, as Yajuj and Majuj (Ya'jūj and Ma'jūj or يَأْجُوج وَ مَأْجُوج, in Arabic).
“ But there is a ban on a town which We have destroyed: that they (the people of the town) shall not return. Until the Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they spread out from every direction.(Qur'an 21:96–97) „
According to Islamic tradition, Gog and Magog are "Sons of Adam" (Sahih al-Bukhari), i.e. human beings, who would be released when a people return to a town which was destroyed and from which they were banned. Some scholars have argued this town is Jerusalem.[5] They would possess great power and, when released, would cause corruption in society (Al-Kahf) to such an extent that 999 out of 1000 would be led to the hellfire (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Some Muslim scholars[who?] contend the Gog in Ezekiel verse 38:2 should be read Yajuj (there is a maqaph (מקף) or hyphen immediately before Gog in the Hebrew version, which in some printings looks like the Hebrew letter "yod" or "Y".[6] According to some interpreters of these Quranic verses, Dhul-Qarnayn (the one with two horns[7] or Two Ages (one who impacts on two ages)) travelled the world in three directions, until he found a tribe threatened by Gog and Magog, who were of an "evil and destructive nature" and "caused great corruption on earth."[8] The people offered tribute in exchange for protection. Dhul-Qarnayn agreed to help them, but refused the tribute; he constructed a great wall that the hostile nations were unable to penetrate. They will be trapped there until doomsday, and their escape will be a sign of the end. The Qur'anic account of Dhul-Qarnayn follows very closely the "Gates of Alexander" story from the Alexander romance, a thoroughly embellished compilation of Alexander the Great's wars and adventures (see Alexander the Great in the Qur'an). Since the construction of a great iron gate to hold back a hostile northern people was attributed to Alexander many centuries before the time of the islamic prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an, most historians[citation needed] consider Dhul-Qarnayn a reference to Alexander. However, some Muslim scholars reject this attribution[citation needed], associating Dhul-Qarnayn with some other early ruler, usually Cyrus the Great, but also Darius the Great.[9] Gog and Magog are also mentioned in some of the hadith, or sayings of Muhammad, specifically the Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, revered by Sunni Muslims.
Fourteenth century Muslim sojourner Ibn Battuta traveled to China on order of the Sultan of Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughluq, and encountered a large community of Muslim merchants in the city of Zaitun. He comments in his travel log that "Between it [the city] and the rampart of Yajuj and Majuj is sixty days' travel."[10] The translator of the travel log notes that Ibn Battuta confused the Great Wall of China with that supposedly built by Dhul-Qarnayn.[11]
Imran N. Hosein, a scholar who claims 'dynamic interpretation of the signs of the last day'[12], identified Gog as the American-Euro-Israeli alliance, while Magog is identified as Russia [13]...ok let us set the investigation here/below:
So on, sons of Adam and Eve, DNAs Middle East..the first colonies of beings after the break up/ black out of/ the spaceship (snake symbols/sumerian/mesopotamia Nunthaku space travel) of Adam did land around Isfahan (iran) in mud of Bam or else..... Adam did land around the fantasy island of ... Ceylon, Sri Lanka, Seri Langkah land, Langkawi links of big size ancient people, Lemuria or ancient Leo time of great change of the 10,000th Adam as. Hawa (Eve) did land around Sheba/Juddah/Jodoh-then and they met at Arafah (pilgrimage / field of ...)the stone chair's big enough for their sizes, today's hill. It's circa 800 years/half day by studying the DNA link of Adam landing, from (high probability)- Nibiru one, the first skygate/stargate around this solar disk before orbitting the galatica one which sometimes, 25,800 years of leap of time to set a new time of old banana style of sinusoidal wave of circular orbital motion around a big galatic sun.The moon also did the banana style as proven by the researchers/ astronomers. Iblis, the leader of syaitan/satan/ lucifer/nephilim did land around Baisan/Bysun/Buyson/Baison land (Virginia-probably 'God won't help you this time'- the voice of 'bophomet-goat- O Mc Donald style, O have a farm, sing a song',of America today.
TQ for reading....please read words by words, and set your time to see/hear videos by videos, see pictures by pictures before your own investigation.
patent ... . ........ .
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